AP Psychology Exam: Review Packet

My Study Check list:

Commit information from notes to memory, don’t just look at them

Read ALL of my note cards

Relearn, or learn (if you didn’t the first time), the following names and terms

Take practice exams provided by Mrs. Bost and/or Mrs. Hunnicutt

Ask for clarification of anything & everything I don’t understand

Realize good scores take effort, they don’t just appear

Put in the necessary effort!!!!!


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Vocabulary Flash Cards:

Psychology Glossary:

Who’s Who Among Psychology

Names & Studies You MUST Know

Researchers & Theorists / Text Unit / Area of Study / Basics of Study / Key Concepts
  1. Adler, Alfred
/ Personality / Psychodynamic
(Neo-Freudian) / Social creatures governed by social urges; struggle to overcomeimperfections, drive for competence,completion and mastery of shortcomings /
  • Birth order
  • Inferiority complex
  • Striving for superiority
  • compensation
  • Style of life
  • Fictional finalism

  1. Ainsworth, Mary
/ Development / Attachment / Studied Bowlby’s idea of attachment in “Strange Situation” - to see how babies act when their mother returns after a brief separation /
  • Stranger Situation
  • Separation Anxiety
Attachment Types
  • secure
  • Anxious/insecure-ambivalent
  • Anxious/insecure – avoidant
  • Insecure-disorganized

  1. Allport, Gordon
/ Personality / Trait Theory / Study traits specific to most members of a culture; a person's unique qualities; traits so basic to personality all activity traced back to it; building blocks to personality; superficial --study the root of different types of prejudice /
  • Common traits
  • Cardinal traits
  • Individual traits
  • Central traits
  • Secondary traits
  • Personal prejudice
  • Group prejudice

  1. Asch, Solomon
/ Social Behavior / Conformity / Group of students at a table, all but one are actors who give the wrong answer about a third of the time when matching sizes of lines /
  • Social influences
  • conformity
  • Group pressure

  1. Atkinson, John.
/ Cognition / Memory storage / “Box Theory of Memory”
L TM contains everything you knowabout the world; nearly limitless;more you know the easier to add new info /
  • Long term memory
  • Short term memory
  • Sensory register

  1. Bacon, Sir Francis
/ Introduction / History /Origins of Psychology / “Father of Empiricism”, his demand for studying everything methodically led to today’s scientific methods /
  • Empiricism
  • Scientific method

  1. Bandura, Albert
/ Conditioning
and learning / Observational
learning / - Angry boys severely punished at home so they suppressed misbehavior at home and were aggressive elsewhere --children watched an adult attack a blow up doll, others watched movie of this, a third watched a cartoon version; then good toys were taken from them and they were given the blow up doll, most imitated adult behavior even the cartoon /
  • Bobo Doll Study
  • Aggression
  • Modeling
  • Social learningtheory
  • Social cognitive theory (update)
  • Reciprocal determinism
  • Self-efficacy

  1. Baumrind, Diana
/ Development / Parenting Styles / Stated that parents fall into one of three parenting styles, later added neglectful; recommended style is authoritative, it produces kids with higher self-esteem and confidence /
  • Authoritarian
  • Authoritative
  • Indulgent/permissive
  • Neglectful

  1. Beck, Aaron
/ Therapies / Cognitive
Theory of
Depression / -distortions in thinking that are negative and self-defeating /
  • “Cognitive Triad”
  • Selective perception
  • Overgeneralization
  • Al or-nothing thinking

  1. Bem, Sandra
/ Gender and Sexuality / Androgyny / Bern Sex Role Inventory which combined 20 masculine traits, 20 feminine and 20 neutral then asked people which traits applied to them /
  • Androgyny
  • Adaptability

  1. Binet, Alfred
/ Intelligence / Standard Tests / With Theodore Simon, created the first intelligence test, test was originally intended to identify deficient students /
  • Binet-Simon test (1905)
  • Mental Age
  • Ratio IQ
  • Norm

  1. Bowlby, John
/ Child Development / Attachment Theory / Attachment theory – emotional connectedness between parent & child,
4 characteristics of attachment = secure, proximity maintenance, safe haven, secure base, & separation distress /
  • His theory led to Ainsworth’s research
  • Secure attachments
  • Estrangement

  1. Broca, Paul
/ Biological Basis / Brain & Language / French physician, discovered speech production center is in left frontal lobe, autopsy on “Tan” revealed damage in left frontal lobe /
  • Broca’s area
  • Expressive aphasia
  • Famous patient= “Tan”

  1. Buss, David
/ Perspectives / Evolutionary / Perspective that states we develop patterns of behaving that have adaptive qualities geared toward survival
Wrote: The Murdered Next Door /
  • Mating practices,
  • Jealousy as a survival practice
*A professor at UT – maybe he can help you “survive” college
  1. Calkins, Mary
/ History of Psychology / Self- Psychology / Was the first female PhD psy candidate, a student of Williams James at Harvard, but was denied her degree based on her gender /
  • “Guest” student at Harvard 1892 (though she outscored her male counterparts)
  • First female APA president

  1. Cartwright, Rosalind
/ States of Consciousness / Dreams / Dreams are "feeling statements" and the emotional tone is a major clue to meaning; try to change dreams /
  • Dreams = problem solving
  • Lucid dreaming

  1. Cattell, Raymond
/ Personality / Trait Theory / Identified 16 source traits (groups of surface traits) and graphs a picture of personalities to compare. Universal traits: /
  • 16 PF test
  • Surface traits
  • Source traits
  • Factor analysis
  • Influenced five-factor model

  1. Chomsky, Noam
/ Development / Language / Biological readiness to develop language; language patterns inborn /
  • Language Acquisition Device
  • Critical periods
  • Universal grammar
  • Nativist theory

  1. Darley, JohnLatane, Bibb
/ Social Psychology / Prosocial Behavior / The more potential helpers present the less likely people are to help /
  • Bystander Effect/apathy
  • Diffusion of Responsibility

  1. Darwin, Charles
/ Motivation and Emotion / Expressing Emotions / Emotional expressions are carryover from human evolution to communicate feelings that aid survival /
  • Influenced evolutionary perspective
  • Cousin =Sir Francis Galton

  1. Descartes, Renee
/ Introduction / History/Origins of Psychology / Believed the mind and body are separate entities, the mind controls the body, but the body can influence the otherwise rational mind, such as when people act out of passion /
  • Dualism

  1. Dement, William
/ States of Consciousness / Dreams / Wake up volunteers every time they entered REM sleep which made "dream sleep" more urgent; when allowed to dream dreamt more after /
  • REM rebound
  • REM sleep

  1. Ebbinghaus, Herman
/ Memory / Memory Retention / Memorized nonsense syllables and then waited various lengths before testing his memory, increased rehearsal leads to increased retention /
  • Forgetting curve
  • Retention Curve
  • Nonsense syllables
  • Spacing Effect

  1. Ekman, Paul & Friesen, Wallace
/ Motivation & Emotion / Emotion / Studied remote tribe to discover if facial expressions are universal /
  • Universal facial expressions

  1. Ellis, Albert
/ Therapies / Cognitive Therapy / People become unhappy and develop self defeating habits because they have unrealistic of faulty beliefs /
  • REBT
(Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy)
  1. Erikson, Erik
/ Development / Psychosocial Stages / Life Span/Psychodynamic - Elaborated on Freud’s theory, believed we face psychosocial crisis at each stage of life /
  • Identity Crisis
  • Psychosocial Stages
  • Crises & Basic Strengths

  1. Eysenck, Hans &Sybil
/ Personality / Trait Theorist / Three-Factor Theory
Personality is measured on Neuroticism, Extroversion & Psychoticism demenions, plus stable and unstable aspects of those three traits /
  • Personality types used Galen’s original terms
  • Influenced McCrae & Costa

  1. Festinger, Leon Smith, Carl
/ Social Psychology / Attitude
Changes / College students perform boring task for a long time then lured others. Those paid more kept original view and those paid less changed attitude /
  • Cognitive dissonance theory

  1. Festinger, Leon
/ Social Behavior / Social
Theory / Group members fill need for comparing own actions, feelings, opinions or abilities to others /
  • Social comparison
  • Downward comparison
  • Upward comparison

  1. Freud, Anna
/ Health, Stress, & Coping , Development / Psychoanalysis
Disorders / Established importance of ego functions and defense mechanisms =Researched children in developmental stages and saw symptoms alike to adult disorders /
  • Expanded defense mechanisms

  1. Freud, Sigmund
/ Personality / -Dreams
=psychoanalysis / Dreams are based on internal conflicts and unconscious forces =personality dynamic system directed by three mental structures; core of personality formed in stages before age six =neurosis and hysteria caused by repressed memory, motives, conflict /
  • Iceberg (levels of consciousness)
  • wish fulfillment
  • psychodynamic theory
  • dream symbols
  • id, ego, superego
  • Psychosexual stages

  1. Friedman, Meyer & Rosenman, Ray
/ Health, Stress & Coping / Cardiac
Personality / Study of heart problems, classified personalities and effects /
  • Type A personalities
  • Type B personalities
  • Jenkins Activity Survey (measures Type-A personality)

  1. Galton, Sir Francis
/ Intelligence / Differential Psychology / Believed intelligence runs in families & that breeding should be selective, cousin of Charles Darwin
Applied statistical measures to the study of human differences /
  • Coined term “Nurture vs. Nature”
  • Invented correlation method
  • Introduced the use of questionnaires/surveys
  • Eugenics

  1. Garcia, John
/ Motivation & Emotion / Taste Aversion / Coyotes given lamb tainted with lithium chloride to become nauseated making them develop longtime distaste for tainted food /
  • Conditioning taste aversion
  • Bait shyness

  1. Gardner, Howard
/ Intelligence / Multiple
Intelligence Theory / Theorizes that there are eight different kinds of intelligence; mental languages used for thinking /
  • Language
  • Logic and math
  • Visual/ spatial
  • Music
  • Bodily-kinesthetic
  • Intrapersonal
  • Interpersonal
  • Naturalistic

  1. Gazzaniga, Michael
/ Biological Basis / Brain / Brain efficiency has as much to do with intelligence as size; split brain /
  • Split brain research

  1. Gibson, Eleanor & Walk, R.D.
/ Sensation & Perception / Depth
Perception / Place 6-14 month infants in middle of visual cliff with choice of shallow and deep sides; most chose shallow /
  • Depth perception
  • Visual cliff (babies on edge)

  1. Gilligan, Carol
/ Development / Moral
Dilemmas / The ethic of caring about others; presents story to 11-15 children;boys chose justice, girls best for all /
  • Critic of Kohlberg
  • Moral development
  • Relationships vs. justice

  1. Goleman, Daniel
/ Intelligence / Emotional Intelligence / Argued that non-cognitive skills can matter as much as I.Q. for workplace success /
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • EQ, instead of IQ

  1. Hall, G. Stanley
/ Intelligence/ Development / Adolescence / Examine childhood to view importance of inherited behavior; studiedadolescents and effect on education /
  • First American psych lab
  • Started APA
  • President of APA
  • Educational psychology

  1. Harlow, Harry
/ Development / Attachments / Separate baby monkeys and replace surrogates some cold wire other soft fabric; infants chose soft /
  • Cloth surrogate mother
  • Contact comfort

  1. Heider, Fritz
/ Social Behavior / Perception / People attribute the behavior of others to their own perceptions; and that those perceptions could be determined either by specific situations or by long-held beliefs /
  • Self serving bias
  • Attribution Theory
  • Stable vs. Unstable
  • Global vs. Specific
  • Internal vs. Situational factors

  1. Hilgard, Ernest
/ States of Consciousness / Hypnosis / Asked hypnotized subjects to plunge one hand in painful ice bath; those told to feel no pain said they didn't; when asked if any part hurt other hand wrote yes /
  • Dissociation
  • Split awareness
  • Hidden observer

  1. Hobson, John McCarley, Robert
/ States of Consciousness / Dream Theories / Several parts of brain activated during REM sleep triggering sensations, motor commands, and memories along with visuals /
  • Activation-synthesis model

  1. Holmes, Thomas Rahe, Richard
/ Health, Stress & Coping / Life Events and stress / The first rating scale to estimate health hazards faced when stress builds /
  • Social readjustment rating
  • Life change units

  1. Horney, Karen
/ Personality / Psychodynamic Theories / individuals struggle with forbidden id drives that they fear they can'tcontrol in a hostile world; childhood /
  • Basic anxiety
  • Need for security
  • Security mechanisms
  • Womb envy

  1. Hull, Clark L.
/ Conditioning Learning / Conditioning / Deprivation causes needs, needs cause drive, drives activate behaviorwhich is survival /
  • Hull’s Drive Reduction model
  • Need, desire = drive

  1. Hubel , David & Wiesel, Torsten
/ Sensation & Perception / Visual Processing / Inserted electrodes into visual cortex of a cat, discovered feature detectors- specialized nerve cells in the brainthat respond to stimuli, such as lines, edges, angle, or movement. /
  • Feature detectors

  1. James, William
/ Motivation Emotion / Emotion Theories / Emotional feelings follow bodily arousal; criticized by Cannon-Bard /
  • James-Lange theory

  1. Jones, Mary Cover
/ Conditioning Learning / Behaviorist Theories / Unconditioned fear of rabbits in a three year old by conditioning; pleasant stimulus with rabbit /
  • Used classical conditioning
  • First “ behavioral therapist”
  • Basis of Wolpe’s work

  1. Jung, Carl
/ Personality / Psychodynamic
theories / -People either shy and focused inward or outgoing focused outward --mask exists between ego and outside world; unconscious divided into personal, collective, universal /
  • Analytic Theory
  • Introvert extrovert
  • Persona
  • Personal unconscious
  • Collective unconscious
  • Archetype

  1. Kagan, Jerome
/ Development / Temperament / Physical core of personality: sensitivity, irritability, distractibility ; modified by learning /
  • Temperament
  • Nurture

  1. Kohlberg, Lawrence
/ Development / Moral Dilemmas / Learn moral values through thinking/reasoning; posed dilemmas to children of different ages and asked them what action should be taken with their reasoning /
  • Moral development
  • Preconventional; level
  • Conventional level
  • Postconventional level

  1. Kohler, Wolfgang
/ Conditioning Learning / Gestalt Psychology / Observed chimpanzees and their methods of problem solving /
  • Insight learning

  1. Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth
/ Development / Death / Spent hours at bedside of terminally ill to observe five basic emotional reactions to impending death , currently stages are recognized as appearing in any order / Stages of Death & Dying
  • denial/isolation
  • anger
  • bargaining
  • depression
  • Acceptance

  1. Lewin, Kurt
/ Social Psychology / Gestalt Psychology / Behavior determined by persons situation; greatly impacted theories on group dynamics /
  • Interdependent of fate
  • Task interdependence

  1. Locke, John
/ Introduction / History/Origins of psychology / Borrowed Aristotle’s idea that we are a “blank slate” (tabula rasa) at birth /
  • Blank slate argument

  1. Loftus, Elizabeth
/ Memory / Fallibility of Human Memory / Expert on human memory. Conducted extensive research on false memories such as “remembering being lost in the mall” /
  • Misinformation effect
  • Fallibility of eye witness testimony
  • False memories

  1. Lorenz, Konrad
/ Development / Social Development / Mother- goose following acquired during sensitive period when baby goose exposed to whatever is around /
  • Imprinting
  • Ethologist
  • Fixed Action Patterns (FAP)

  1. Marcia, James
/ Development / Adolescent Psychosocial development / Explored stage of identity crisis which includes exploration and commitment to variety of life domains / Types of Identity Achievement
  • Identity Achievement
  • Identity Moratorium
  • Identity Foreclosure
  • Alienated Identity
  • Identity Diffusion

  1. Maslow, Abraham
/ Motivation Emotion
Personality / Humanistic
theories / -Some needs are more basic/powerful than others; higher needs expressed after satisfy biological needs --studied the lives of great people and other creative people to see how to live rich, creative satisfying life /
  • Hierarchy of needs-5 levels
  • Basic/deficiency needs
  • Growth/meta needs
  • Self actualization
  • Peak experiences

  1. Masters & Johnson
/ Gender Sexuality / Sexual Responses / Studied sexual intercourse and masturbation in 700 people; noticed phases / Sexual Response Cycle
  • Excitement phase
  • Plateau phase
  • Orgasm
  • Resolution

  1. McClelland, David
/ Motivation Emotion / Need for Achievement / Predict the behavior of high and low achievers; compared occupations with scores on achievement test taken in college; scored high more risk jobs /
  • Need for achievement
  • Need for power

  1. McCrae, Robert Costa, Paul
/ Personality / Trait Theory / The Big 5 Personality Theory
NEO Personality Inventory /
  • Openness
  • Conscientiousness
  • Extroversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Neuroticism

  1. Mead, Margaret
/ Gender Sexuality / Gender Roles and Culture / Anthropologist who observed Tchambuli people of New Guinea where gender roles are completely reversed from stereotypes /
  • Gender roles

  1. Mesmer, Franz
/ States of Consciousness / Hypnosis / Believed he could cure disease with magnets but actually relied on power of suggestion /
  • Hypnosis
  • “Animal Magnetism”

  1. Milgram, Stanley
/ Social Behavior / Obedience / Learning experiment at Yale; every time learner gets something wrong the teacher must shock them and up the voltage; 65% of people went up to full voltage /
  • Obedience to authority

  1. Miller, George
/ Memory / Short Term Memory / Earliest quantification of STM capacity, "magical number seven", He noticed memory span of young adults was around seven elements, called chunks /
  • Miller’s Magic number
  • 7 +/- 2

  1. Mischel, Walter
/ Personality / Traits / Traits interact with situations to determine how people act /
  • Marshmallow Study
  • “situationalism” - trait-situationinteraction

  1. Murray, Henry
/ Personality / Projective Tests / Created the TAT.
Laid the groundwork for McClelland’s research on Need for Achievement /
  • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

  1. Olds, James & Milner, Peter
/ Biological Basis / Brain Stimulation / Brain stimulation reward (BSR) – direct electrical or chemical stimulation of brain regions is rewarding and can serve as an operant reinforcer. The stimulation activates the reward system and establishes response habits similar to those established by natural rewards such as food and water[ /
  • Electrical Brain Stimulation

  1. Pavlov, Ivan
/ Conditioning Learning / Classical Conditioning / Rang a bell then immediately placed meat powder on dogs tongue causing reflex salivation, soon dogs began to salivate when they heard bell /
  • Contiguity model
  • Neutral stimulus
  • Conditioned stimulus
  • Unconditioned stimulus
  • Unconditioned response
  • Conditioned response

  1. Penfield, Wilder
/ Biological Basis / Brain Mapping / stimulated the brain with electrical probes, create maps of the sensory and motorcortices of the brain /
  • Brain Mapping
  • Motor homunculus
  • Sensory homunculus

  1. Piaget, Jean
/ Development / Cognitive Development / -Children's cognitive skills progress through series of stages; observing own children solve thought problems =ideal way to guide intellectual development is to provideexperiences slightly new and challenging; one step strategy /
  • Assimilation
  • Accommodation
  • Egocentrism
  • sensorimotor stage
  • Preoperational stage
  • Concrete operational stage
  • Formal operations stage

  1. Pinel, Philippe & Dix, Dorthea
/ Disorders & Therapy / Biomedical Revolution / Pinel, 1790s - transformed asylum practice in Paris, believed in humane treatment of patients