1.Creative Work: Prepare well for Inter House Speech Ahoy! (Semi Finals : 27 July 2017,Finals : 02 August2017
Time Duration : 2.00 -2:30 Minutes)
TOPICS: (a) Extravaganza in Indian Weddings (b)The Reality Show Phenomena (c) Be Eco- friendly Rather than Chemical Friendly
(d) Social Networking Kills Face to Face Communication
(e) Erosion of Reading Culture 2.Periodic Test Syllabus: Reading- Unseen Passage, Unseen Poem, Writing-Notice, Formal Letter, Literature-Ch.1,2 Poem – The Secret of Machines, Grammar- Ch.1-4
ifj;kstuk dk;Z % , 4 lkbt “khV ij orZeku le; dh fdlh ,d lkekftd leL;k dks fp= o ys[ku n~okjk rS;kj dhft,A
Syllabus For Periodic Test
IkkB~;iqLrd % ikB & 1] 2] 3 O;kdj.k % ikB & 1] 2] 3] 4
“kCn&Hk.Mkj % foykse ¼1&68½ ] okD;ka”k ¼1&38½ ] i;kZ;okph ¼1&32½ ] eqgkojs ¼1&32½
ys[ku o iBu % vukSipkfjd i=] vifBr xn~;ka”k] vifBr dkO;ka”k
mi;qZDr laiw.kZ ikB~;Øe dks nksgjk,¡A
- The following projects need to be done according to the roll numbers allotted :
(a)Roll no 1 to 13 : Make a mathematical clock creating mathematical expressions for numbers 1 to 12 using various mathematical concepts. Students can take an idea from chapter :Rational numbers, Squares and square roots ,cubes and cube roots , powers and exponents..
(b) Roll no 14 to 26 :Make any 5 Magic Squares using Rational Numbers on A4 size sheet.
(c)Roll no 27 and above : Our Mathematical Gurus have given us so many patterns , formulae to make our calculations faster and even in no time . In Chapter3 we have studied about so many patterns .Make a collection of them in the form of booklet with label –Patterns in Mathematics.
2.Periodic Test Syllabus- Chapters 1 to 3
3.Learn tables 2 to19.
Social Science
1.Syllabus for periodic assessment-1 to be held in the month of July. History-Ch.1and 2, Geography- Ch-1 and 2, Social and Political Life- Ch.1 and 2
2.On the political map of India, mark all the states and union territories and paste in Social Science notebook.
3.On an A4 size ruled sheet, write about one secular and non
secular country from Asia and compare their attitude towards on
religion and the freedom enjoyed by people.
PHYSICS: Explain six different types of forces with photograph or picture showing the application of the particular force on A4 size with spiral binding.
CHEMISTRY: 1) On A3 size sheet show the action of flame and water on the fibers :cotton ,jute, nylon and wool.
2) On A3 size sheet paste any 5 fibers and write three properties and uses of each.
BIOLOGY: Paste the pictures of the following on A4 size sheets.
`1) Rabi and kharif crops
2) Agricultural implements
* Periodic Test Syllabus -Chapters-1,3.9,10
Project on Les “MONUMENTS A PARIS”.(Hard-copy & Soft copy) (A4 sheets)
Periodic Test Syllabus -lessons-0,1,2
Computer Science
Practise digital card making in MS Word for the competition during the session and bring one sample card(Printout)
Periodic Test Syllabus-Chapters- 2 & 3
ifj;kstuk dk;Z % , 4 lkbt “khV ijlaLd`r esa ,d f”k{kkizn dgkuh fyf[k,A
Syllabus For Periodic Test
IkkB~;iqLrd % ikB & 1 ls 4 O;kdj.k %vO;;] “kCn :i &ekr`
o /kkrq :i& u`r~ o u”k~ ¼lHkh ydkj½
mi;qZDr laiw.kZ ikB~;Øe dks nksgjk,¡A
Art & Craft
Practice Pgs. 46,62 & 65
Music & Dance
Watch singing & dancing shows on T.V : Rising Sun, Little Champs Nach Baliye & Indian Idol.
Collect folk music, classical composition, dance themes and save them in a pen-drive.
Students must ensure to follow the‘Early to Bed’ and ‘Early to Rise’ for ahealthy and fruitful day.
Continue Yoga practice that has been instructed to you in the school.
To keep yourself energetic do walking, swimming, cycling or skipping. Avoid junk food and adopt healthy food habits.
NOTE: 1) Notebooks of all the subjects should be completed and
maintained properly for notebook assessment.
2) The holidays’ homework of subjects English, Hindi,
Maths, Science, S.Scienc, C.Science & French/Sanskrit will
be assessed out of 20 marks and the marks will be added in
the Ist Periodic assessment/Test of Term I examination.
3) Date of Submission : 10 July 2017
For late submission 2 marks will be deducted .
10 J
SESSION 2017-18