Description: This course is a survey of British literature. The student will study poetry, the short story, drama, novels, and essays, and will sharpen skills in effective writing, critical thinking, reading, and vocabulary.

General Requirements: Students will be required to keep up with the reading and work assigned in this class. In most cases, students will be aware of assignments at least one week in advance of the due date.

Grading Policy: Semester grades will be determined as follows: Semester classwork = 80%, Semester Final = 20%. Grades for each quarter will be weighted as listed below.



3.Daily Grades10%

Materials Needed: Students will need the following materials for this class.

  1. One notebook used exclusively for English;
  2. Pens (blue or black ink only);
  3. Pencils (#2);
  4. Texts: Norton’sThe Norton Anthology: English Literature, Ninth Editionand Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: A Study of Word Families V, and additional works to be announced;
  5. iPads: Students are to bring their iPads to class each day and await teacher instruction as to how the devices will be used.

Procedures and Guidelines:

  1. You must be in your seat when the tardy bells rings to prevent being counted absent or tardy. Once seated you are to prepare yourself for class.
  1. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner during class. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  1. following directions when they are given;
  2. respecting the rights and property of others; and,
  3. being responsible for and adhering to procedures outlined in Strake Jesuit Community Life.

  1. Students can expect an average of 30 minutes of homework each evening.
  1. Homework, essays, and projects are due on the date named in the assignment. Homework must be complete and ready to turn in at the beginning of class. Essays must be submitted electronically to to be considered on time. Students will receive one late pass per semester that will allow the assignment to be turned in without penalty three class days after the due date. LATE PENALTY: Grade is reduced one letter grade for each class day the essay is late. Students who submit essays more than five days after the due date may receive half credit on the essay. The penalty for a late submission to is five points.
  1. Under normal circumstances, if you miss a class day for any reason you are still responsible for any reading or homework assigned for the day you return. If you have a scheduled absence that prevents you from attending class, the homework for the day is due before you leave.

7.You must make arrangements to complete missed work or to seek needed assistance from the teacher outside of class.

8.Students may email the teacher with questions or other concerns. Every email message should contain a salutation and closing, should clearly indicate who sent the email, and should clearly state its purpose. If your message is serious, your email should reflect that intent; slangy, informal, or nonessential email messages may be disregarded.

9.Mary Tarpey’s office is located downstairs in Zinnamon Hall in the office suite next to the elevator. Phone: 713-490-8158. Email: Web Page:

This document should be kept in your notebook for reference.