

Chapter 12 section 1 (Notes + Activities)

Oregon Country (Pages 356-360)

(8 points possible) You may load Chapter 12 into your ipad.

Key People

Directions: For each of the people mentioned below write down why they important to the section and then google search them for more information.

1) John Quincy Adams (357) ---

Google search findings ---

2) John Jacob Astor (357) ---

Google search findings ---

3)Jim Beckwourth (358) ---

Google search findings ---

4)Robert Stuart + Jediah Smith (358) ----

Google search findings ----

5) Joe Meek (358) ---

Google Search findings ---

6)Jim Bridger and Kit Carson(358) ---

Google Search findings ---

7) Marcus and Narcissa Whitman (358) ---

Google Search findings ----

8) James K. Polk (360) ----

Google Search findings ----

9) Henry Clay (360)----

Google Search findings ---

Key Events/Concepts

Directions: For each of the events mentioned below write down why they important to the section and then google search them for more information.

1) Adams-Onis Treaty – (357)

Google Search findings ---

2) The Whitman Mission/Massacre (358)---

Google Search findings ---

3) The Oregon Trail (358) -----

Google Search findings ---

4) Fifty-Four Forty or Fight (360) ----

Summary Activities (Select 1 idea)

1) Using one of the Applications on your Ipads produce two promotional posters that demonstrate the following ideas.

A) Create a poster that would be used as an advertisement to convince people to move out to the Oregon Territories.

B) Create a poster that would be used to describe or promote the concept of “Manifest Destiny” (359+360)

2) Create a map of the Oregon Trail using one of the applications on your ipad that shows the route(s) and locations you would have passed through in order to reach the Oregon Country.