ContactSeminar: „Inclusionwithin KA2”
7-10.Nov.17, Warsaw
Projectshavealways a purpose: projectshaveclearly-definedaims and set out to produceclearly- definedresults. Theirpurposeis to solve a “problem”, and thisinvolvesanalysingneedsbeforehand. Suggesting one ormoresolutions, itaimsatlastingsocialchange.
First step: Needsanalysis - Why?
ContactSeminar: „Inclusionwithin KA2”
7-10.Nov.17, Warsaw
- Whyis the projectnecessary and important? Whyisitrelevant?
- Whatare the problemsfaced by the community? How, and by whom, weretheyidentified?
ContactSeminar: „Inclusionwithin KA2”
7-10.Nov.17, Warsaw
Second step: Defining the aims - What for?Whatisyourproject for?
- Whatchangesdoes the projectpursue inthe social/political environment (country,region, community, target group, organisation)concerned by the project?
- Whatis the projectgoing to aim to change? Whatisrealistic and achievable? Has itbeendonebefore? Isitbeingdone by someoneelse? Whatisinnovative in it?
- How doesitintend to respond to theobjectives and prioryties of the programmeororganisationthatitis part of?
- Whatwoulditseek to achieveifitwere100% successful?
Pleaseexplain the context and the objectives of yourproject as well as the needs and target groups to be addressed? Whyshouldthisproject be carried out transnationally?
- Whois the target group of yourproject?
- Whyhaveyou and yourpartnerschoosenthisgroup? Whyshouldthey be interested in it?
- How youcanreach and ensurethe inclusion of participants with feweropportunities?
- Whyyourprojectisinnovative and/orcomplementary to otherinitiativesalreadycarried out?
ContactSeminar: „Inclusionwithin KA2”
7-10.Nov.17, Warsaw
Pleasebrieflydescribehowyouwillselect and involveparticipants in the differentactivities of yourproject?
Participants with feweropportunities: doesyourprojectinvolveparticipantsfacingsituationsthatmaketheirparticipationmoredifficult?
- Strategy and methodology : WHAT ? HOW? When? Where? Through what?
- Whichprojectactivitiesyouwillcarry out? (Transnationalprojectmeetings, IntellectualOutputs, Learning/Teaching/Training Activities….)
Resultsareachievements of the Europeanactivityorprojectthatreceived EU funding. The type of resultwillvarydepending on the type of project. Resultscan be classified as:
- Output: a tangibleproductwhichisproduced by a givenproject and whichmay be quantified; outputscan be accessible products like curricula, studies, reports, materials, events, orwebsites;
- Outcome: anintangibleaddedvalueachievedthrough the achievement of the projectobjectives and targets. Ordinarily, suchaddedvaluedefiesquantification, whetheritcoversconcreteevents and actionssuch as training, trainingplatforms, contentormethodology, ormoreabstractconsequencessuch as increasedawareness, increasedskillsorimprovedabilities. knowledge and experiencegained by participants, partnersorotherstakeholdersinvolved in the project.
Whatresultsareexpectedduring the project and on itscompletion?
Impactis the effectthat the activitycarried out and itsresultshave on people, practices, organisations and systems.Benefits to otherstakeholdersshouldalso be considered in order to make a biggerdifference and get the most from the project.
- Helpfulquestions:
- Whatare learning outcomes of yourproject?
- How youcandescribepotentialimpact of the project:on participants and participatingorganisations, duringand after the projectlifetime? outside the organisations and individualsdirectly (orindirectly) participating in the project?
Whatis the expectedimpact on the participants, participatingorganisations, target groups and otherrelevantstakeholders?
Whatis the desiredimpact of the projectat the local, regional, national, European and/orinternationallevels?
Dissemination and Exploitation ofResults
- One importantgoal of dissemination and exploitationis to spreadprojects' results. Dissemination and exploitation of resultsplanscanhelp to maximize the effect of the activitiesbeingdevelopedsothattheywillimpact on the immediate participants and partners for years to come.
- The dissemination part of the Programmeisalsosupposed to raise the quality of the Programme by stimulatinginnovativeprojects and sharinggoodpractices.
- Agoodqualitydissemination and exploitation plan shouldincludemeasurable and realisticobjectives, a detailedtimetable and provide a resourceplanning for the activities to be undertaken.
Whichactivitieswillyoucarry out in order to share the results of yourproject?
Whatwill be the target group of yourdisseminationactivtities? How youwillensurethatprojectresultswill be used by others? How youcanassesssuccess of your plan?