UMBC/CITI Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have collaborators from outside UMBC working with me. Are they required to take the training?

If the collaborators have recently completed another human research protectionsor animal care and use training program and you believe it is comparable to CITI, documentation of the training can be submitted with the protocol application to HARPO. HARPO will review with the chair of the respective compliance committee (IRB or IACUC) to determine if it can be substituted for CITI.

If the collaborators have not taken any human research protection training, they would be required to complete the CITI for UMBC.

What is the time commitment for this training?

Undertaking the training offered via UMBC Blackboard for human subjects use generally lasted 30-45 minutes; training via American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Learning Library (ALL) for animal care and use about the same time period.

In the CITI program, a researcher’s commitment would be:

Social/Behavioral Research Course : at least 2 - 2 ½ hours

Research with data or laboratory specimens- at least 1 – 1 ½ hours

Researchers conducting no more than minimal risk research – at least 1 hour

Working with the IACUC Course and species specific modules - at least 1 ½ to 2 hours

Once you register at CITI, you may proceed at your own pace. When you log off, CITI remembers where you left off. You can check your Grade Book for your status. CITI is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Remember, however, you must complete the training course before you can receive approval for your study.

What is the Grade Book?

CITI keeps track of your progress in what is called a Grade Book. You can click on the Grade Book to see how many modules you have completed, your score, and the date you completed each one. Also, the Grade Book shows you which required modules you have yet to complete, and provides a list of elective modules you may complete after you have successfully finished the required modules.The Grade Book is available for you to view or print out.

What am I being graded on?

In order to receive a CITI certificate, you must pass a quiz at the end of each module. An overall score of 75% or better is needed to receive your certificate. The completion certificate does not show your grade; only the Grade Book shows it. You can re-take any of the quizzes as many times as you like, and CITI will always record your highest score. At the end of each quiz, CITI will provide an explanation of any item you responded to incorrectly.

I completed CITI at another institution. Do I have to take it again?

Paper copies of CITI certificates will be accepted from UMBC researchers and staff who have completed CITI at another institution. The certificate will be considered valid for five years after the date of completion, regardless of how long the other institution considers it valid. When the certificate expires, UMBC researchers will be expected to complete the UMBC's version of CITI.

I completed theResearcher’s conducting no more than minimal risk research module as a student and now I am a PI. What do I do?

Log on to CITI. Click on View/Update your Learner Group and click on Update Groups . From here, you may change your Learner Group to the new group (Social and Behavioral). The required modules will be displayed in your Course Completion History (formerly Grade Book) and you will see the additional modules you must complete.

Can I take additional modules beyond the above courses?

Absolutely. Once you complete the basic course, you can choose to take additional optional modules, including the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Courses.

I completed the training in the old training system. Is there was a way

to view who had taken their training and what date they had taken it.

Yes.Contact HARPO at for a copy of your training
