12th Economics Test Paper 1st
Topic: Introduction to Micro Economics
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A Fill in the blanks 5
- Economics is a ______Science.
(Natural, Social, Political, Anthropological)
- Micro Economics is a _____ equilibrium analysis.
(General, Partial, Semi-partial, aggregate)
- Micro economics adopts _____ approach.
(Individualistic, Aggregative, Comprehensive, Superlative)
- The credit for the development of Micro economics approach goes to ____ .
(Marshall, Keynes, Pigou, Mathus)
- _____ Used the term Micro – Economics for the first time.
(Ranger Frisch, Ricardo, Marshall, Adam Smith)
Q.1. B. State Whether the given Statements are True or False. 5
- Dr. Marshall is Known as the “Father of Modern Economics “
- Micro Economics studies theory of Firms.
- Micro Economics deals with allocation of resources.
- Micro Economics theory assumes full employment.
- Micro Economicstheory suggests policies to solve problem of inflation.
Q. 1. C. Match the Pairs. 5
Group A / Group B- Micro Economics
- Independent
- Ceteris Paribus
- No government intervention
- Laissez Faire Policy
- Individualistic
- Partial Equilibrium
- Other things remaining equal
- Market Mechanism
- Price determination.
Q. 2. Define or Explain the Concepts 5
- Micro Economics
- Micro economics theories are based on certain assumptions.
Q. 3. Answer the following in details. (any One) 5
- Explain the features of Micro Economics.
- Explain the scope and subject matter of Micro Economics.
12th Economics Test Paper 2nd
Topic:Consumer’s Behavior
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A. Fill in the Blanks. 5
- _____ refers to want satisfying power of a commodity.
(Usefulness, utility, Satisfaction, Becomes Zero)
- Marginal Utility diminishes as consumption of commodity ____.
(Increases, Decreases, Remains constant, Becomes Zero)
- _____ Utility is utility derived from last unit of commodity consumed.
(Average, Marginal, Total Zero)
- When MU is ____ TU decreases.
(Negative, Positive, Zero, High)
- Blood donation has ____ utility.
(Time, place, service, form)
Q.1. B. Match the Following:5
Group A / Group B- Marginal Utility
- Maximum TU
- Point of Satiety
- Assumptions of the law of DMU
- Time Utility
- Utility of last unit
- Cardinal Measurement
- Exception of Law of DMU
- Service Utility
- Furniture from wood
- Knowledge by teacher
- Use of Umbrella
Q.1. C. State with reasons the following statements are true or False. (any 2) 5
- Utility is same as satisfaction.
- Utility depends upon intensity of wants.
- The Law of DMU is important to monopolist.
Q.2. Define or explain the following concepts. (Anytwo)5
- Place Utility
- Time Utility
- Form Utility
Q.3. Answer the following Questions. (Any One) 5
- Explain the relationship between TU and MU.
- What are the characteristics of utility? Or explain the features of utility. Or explain the nature of utility.
12th Economics Test Paper 3rd
Topic :Demand Analysis A
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A. Match the Following 5
Group A / Group B- Demand and Price
- Substitute goods
- Tea and Coffee
- Inverse relation
- Inferior Goods
- Joint demand
- Factors of Production
- Distribution of income
- Pen and Ink
- Composite demand
- Giffen’s goods
- Indirect demand
Q. 1 B. State whether the following statements are true or false. 5
- Demand curve slopes upwards from left to right.
- Desire means demand.
- When demand increases, the demand curve shifts to the left.
- Quantity demanded varies directly with prices.
- Law of Demand is explained by Prof. Robbins.
Q.2. Write Short Notes. (any Two) 8
- Giffen’sParadox
- Types of Demand
- Concept of Demand
Q. 3. Answer the following questions. (Any 2) 12
- What do you mean by demand?
- What are the assumptions of the law of demand?
- What are the exceptions to the law of demand?
12th Economics Test Paper 4rd
Topic: Elasticity of Demand b
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q.1. A. Fill in the blanks 5
- The demand for salt is ___
(Elastic, Inelastic, Infinite elastic, unitary elastic)
- Income elasticity of demand for inferior goods is ____
(Positive, Negative, Zero, Greater than one)
- Cross Elasticity of demand is applicable to ___ goods.
(Correlated, substitute, inferior, natural)
- Perfectly elastic demand curve is ____.
(Horizontal to OX axis, Horizontal to OY axis, flatter, steeper)
- The slop of demand curve is ____ is case of inelastic demand.
(Flatter, Steeper, Horizontal, Vertical)
Q.1. B. Define or explain the following Concepts. (Any Two) 5
- Cross Elasticity of demand.
- Unitary Elastic Demand.
- Income Elasticity of Demand.
Q.1. C. Distinguish Between (any 4) 8
- Infinite Elastic Demand & Perfectly Inelastic Demand.
- More Elastic Demand & Less inelastic Demand
- Negative Income Elasticity &Positive Income Elasticity.
- Perfect Inelastic & Relatively Inelastic.
- Perfectly Elastic & Relatively Elastic.
- Ratio Method & Expenditure Method.
Q. 2. Write Short Notes on. (Any Two) 4
- Geometric Method or Point Method.
- Ratio Method/ Percentage Method.
- Total Outlay / Expenditure Method.
- Types of Elasticity of Demand.
Q.3. Answer the following Questions. (Any One) 8
- Explain the concept of Elasticity of Demand.
- Explain the importance of the concept of elasticity of demand for international trade.
12th Economics Test Paper 5th
Topic: Producer’s Behavior
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A. Match the following 5
Group A / Group B- Stock
- Supply
- Transport facility
- Fruits
- Rare goods
- Backward sloping
- Labour supply curve
- Exceeds supply
- Perishable goods
- Upward sloping
- Furniture
- Exception to the law of supply
Q. 1. B. State whether the following Statements are True or False. 5
- If price falls, the supply curve will shift to left.
- Stock is the source of supply.
- Supply is indirectly related to price.
- Geometric method is also known as Point Method.
- Total cost is the total expenditure incurred by a firm.
Q. 1. C. Define or explain the following concepts. (any Two) 4
- Total cost 3. Marginal
- Stock 4. Output
Q.2. A. Distinguish between. (Any two) 4
- Stock & Supply
- Individual Supply & Market Supply
- Extension and Contraction of Supply
- Relatively Elastic Supply & Relatively Inelastic Supply.
Q.2. B Write Short Notes on. (Anyone)4
- Elasticity of Supply
- Change in supply
Q. 3. Answer the following questions. 8
- What are the assumptions of the Law of Supply?
- What are the determinants of supply?
- What are the exceptions to the Law of Supply?
12th Economics Test Paper 6th
Topic : Forms of Market & Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
Time : 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A. Fill in the blanks 5
- Under perfect competition commodities are ___ in nature.
(Homogeneous, classified, heterogeneous, supplementary)
- _____ Appears in a monopoly market.
(Product differentiation, Price discrimination, Individual differentiation, packing differentiation)
- The price at which demand and Supply equate to each other is called___ price.
(General, equilibrium, short run, reserve)
- In ____ market, seller creates Product differentiation.
(Competition, perfect, pure, monopolistic)
- Monopolist means a ____.
(Single seller, Several Sellers, Single buyers, Several Buyers)
Q. 1. B. Match the following 5
Group A / Group B- Single Price
- Cartel
- Entry barriers
- Homogenous Products
- Joint Monopoly
- Perfect competition.
- Monopolistic Competition
- Heterogeneous product.
- Perfect Competition.
- Monopoly
- Selling cost
- Demand equals supply
Q. 1. C. Define or explain the following concepts. (any 5) 5
- Market 5. Equilibrium Price
- Price discrimination 6. Monopoly
- Monopolistic Competitions 7. Pure Competition
- Selling cost 8. Product differentiation
Q. 2. A. Give Reasons or Explain. (any two) 5
- Single price prevails in perfect competition.
- Price discrimination is possible under monopoly.
- Selling cost is incurred by a firm in monopolistic Competition.
- A monopolist can control the supply of goods.
Q.2. B. Distinguish Between. (any Two ) 4
- Perfect competition and pure Competition
- Perfect competition and Monopoly.
- Natural Monopoly and Social Monopoly.
- Natural and Legal Monopoly.
Q.3. Write Short Notes on. 6
- Types of Monopoly.
- Features of Pure Competition.
12th Economics Test Paper 7th
Topic : Factors of Production
Time : 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A. Match the following 5
Group A / Group B- Production
- Profit
- Land
- Capital of Industry
- Labour
- Creating utility
- Reward of capital
- Rent
- Reward of entrepreneur
- Interest
- Wages
Q. 1. B. State whether the following statements are true or false. 5
- Demand for labour is direct demand.
- Labour and labourer are inseparable.
- Labour cannot be stored.
- Land is a free gift of nature.
- Capital is a natural factor of production.
Q. 1. C. Distinguish Between. (any Two) 4
- Fixed Capital & Variable Capital.
- Sunk Capital & Floating Capital.
- Real Capital & Money Capital
- Man-made Factors & Natural Factors
Q. 2. Write Short Notes on. (Any Two) 6
- Qualities of an entrepreneur.
- Types of capital
- Peculiarities of land.
- Peculiarities of labor.
Q. 3. Answer the following Questions (any Two) 10
- What are the peculiarities of land? Or what are the Characteristics / features of Land?
- What are the Features/ Characteristics / Nature or Peculiarities of Labor?
- What are the features of capital
12th Economics Test Paper 8th
Topic: Introduction To Macro Economics
Time : 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1.A. Match the following 5
Group A / Group B- Inflation and recession
- Father of Modern Economics
- Resource allocation
- Micro Economics
- Ranger Frisch
- Oslo University
- J.M. Keynes
- Macro economics
- Alfred Marshall
- Wealth economics
- Factor – pricing
Q. 1. B. State whether the following statements are true or False. 5
- Macro – Economics is known as income analysis.
- Increase in national income is a micro Economic goal.
- Macroeconomics adopts lumping method.
- Study of price determination is a subject matter of Macro Economics.
- Micro Economics deals with the study of aggregates.
Q. 1. C. Define / explain the following Concepts. 4
- Macro Economics.
- General equilibrium.
Q. 2. Give Reasons or explain the following Statements. (Any two) 6
- Macro Economics is the study of aggregates.
- Macro Economics is also known as income and employment theory.
- The scope of Macro Economics is wide.
- Macro Economics deals with whole economy.
Q. 3. Answer in detail. (any One) 10
- State the features of Macro- Economics
- Explain the scope and subject matter of Macro Economics
12th Economics Test Paper 9th
Topic: National Income
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q.1. A. State whether the following statements are true or false. 5
- National Income is computed every year.
- Inclusion of value of intermediate goods leads to double counting.
- GDP includes net income from abroad.
- Financial year in India is leap year.
- Services of housewives are included in N. I.
Q. 1. B. Give reasons or explain the following statements. (Any Three) 6
- Income from second hand sale of goods is excluded from N.I.
- National Income at factor cost included subsidy.
- National income estimates are accurate in India.
- Old age pension is transfer income.
- Paid services are included in N.I.
- N. I. Is an important tool to measure the overall performance of the Economy.
Q. 1. C. Distinguish Between. (Any Two) 4
- Gross National Product (GNP) and Gross Domestic Product.
- Net National Product (NNP) and Net Domestic Product (NDP)
- Output Method and Income Method of Measuring N.I.
- Gross National Product (GNP) and Net National Product (NNP)
Q.2. Write Short Notes on. (Any Two) 5
- Value added approach.
- Expenditure method of measuring N. I.
- Circular Flow of National Income.
- Personal disposable Income.
Q. 3. Answer in detail. (Any One) 10
- Explain the practical or statistical difficulties involved in the estimation of N. I.
- Explain the Output Method of measuring N.I.
12th Economics Test Paper 10th
Topic: Determinants of Aggregate
Time: 1 HoursMarks: 30
Q. 1. A. Fill in the blanks 5
- The general Theory of Employment Interest and Money was written by ___ .
(David Ricardo, Adam Smith, J.M. Keynes, Alfred Marshall)
- The part of income which is not spent on consumption is called ____.
(Expenditure, Saving, Investment, Public debt)
- Intersection between aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves determines the point of _____ demand.
(Composite, Complementary, effective, joint)
- ______Consumption cannot be zero.
(Induced, Government, Private, Autonomous)
- Investmentsmade by the government is ____ investment.
(Induced, autonomous, gross unplanned.)
Q. 1. B. Match the following 5
Group A / Group B- Aggregate Supply
- Expected receipt
- Autonomous investment
- Lord J.M. Keynes.
- Consumption
- Government Investment
- Average Propensity to Consume
- C / Y
- Investment
- ^ C /^ Y
- Addition to stock of capital
- Distribution of utility
Q. 1. C. State whether the following statements are true or false. 5
- Consumption expenditure is the only component of aggregate demand.
- The difference between country’s exports and imports is termed as net earnings from foreign transactions.
- Autonomous consumption is income elastic.
- The equality between aggregate demand and aggregate supply determines the equilibrium level of employment.
- At breakeven point, consumption (C) is equal to Income (y) .
Q. 2. Write Short Notes. (Any Two) 5
- Effective Demand
- Saving Function
- Break Even point
- Average Propensity to Consume.
Q. 3. Answer in detail. (Anyone)10
- Explain the determinants of aggregate demand.
- Explain the equilibrium between aggregate demand and aggregate Supply.
- What is aggregate Supply? Explain the determination of Aggregate Supply.
12th Economics Test Paper 11th
Topic: Money
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A. Match the following 5
Group A / Group B- Metallic Money
- Latest development in credit money.
- Commodity Money
- Cheques
- Paper Money
- Currency Notes
- Bank Money
- Problem of divisibility
- Debit Card
- Gold coins
- Credit card
Q. 1. B. State whether the following statements are true or false.5
- Metallic coins are easily portable than paper notes.
- Token coins are coins whose face value is greater than their intrinsic value.
- Money facilitates estimation of national income.
- A cheque is a fiat money.
- Money increases productivity of capital.
Q. 1. C. Distinguish between (any 2) 4
- Convertible Paper Money & Inconvertible Paper Money.
- Legal Tender Money and Credit Money or Bank Money.
- Metallic Money and Paper Money.
- Full-bodied money and Token coins
Q. 2. Answer the following questions (any two) 6
- What are the contingent functions of money?
- What are the different types of money?
- What are the primary functions of money?
- What are the difficulties faced by people under Barter System?
Q. 3. Answer in detail. 10
- Explain the Primary, Secondary and Contingent Functions of Money.
12th Economics Test Paper 12th
Topic: commercial Banking
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A. Match the following 5
Group A / Group B- Demat Account
- Current account
- Overdraft facility
- Agency function
- ATM facility
- Share brokers
- Commercial bank
- General function
- Credit creation
- Recurring account
- Profit making
- Central bank
- Commercial Bank.
Q. 1. B. State whether the following statements are true or False. 5
- Commercial banks are the backbone of modern economy.
- The saving bank deposits can be opened with a small amount.
- Credit money is created by the central bank of a country.
- There is no difference between primary deposit and secondary deposit of a commercial Bank.
- Saving bank account is suitable for salaried people.
Q. 1. C. Define or explain the following concepts. (Any Two) 4
- Fixed Deposits
- Cash Credit
- Safe Deposit Vault
- Discounting of Bills.
Q. 2. A. Give Reasons Or Explain the following Statements. (Any two) 6
- Commercial banks provide agency functions to earn profits.
- Overdraft facility is provided to current account holder.
- Saving account deposits are usually opened by salaried class.
- Rate of Interest on fixed deposits is high.
Q. 2. B. Distinguish Between. (AnyTwo)4
- Call Loans & Long Term Loans.
- Current Account & Saving Account
- Cash Credit & Overdraft Facility.
- Cheque& Overdraft
Q. 3. Answer the following Questions 6
- Explain various types of deposits.
- How are the different types of loans provided by commercial banks?
12th Economics Test Paper 13th
Topic: Central Banking
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A. Fill in the blanks 5
- Central Bank has the ____ of note Issue.
(Monopsony, monopoly, Duopoly, Oligopoly)
- The central Bank acts as a ___ of cash reserves of commercial banks in the country.
(Head, Leader, Custodian, Locker)
- Bank rate is also called as ____ rate.
(Rediscount, Market, General, Exchange)
- ____ is the apex body of the monetary and banking system of the nation’s economy.
(Commercial Bank, Central Bank, Government, Co- Operative Bank )
- Reserve bank of India was established in ____
(1937, 1939, 1935, 1934)
Q. 1. B. Match the following 5
Group A / Group B- Central bank
- Quantitative measure of credit
- Clearing House System
- Apex banking institution
- Credit Control
- Deliberate buying and selling of government securities
- Direct Action
- Selective method of credit control
- Open Market Operations
- Central Bank
- Government
- Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
Q. 1. C. State whether the followingstatements are True or False. 5
- Credit rating is quantitative credit control measure of Central Bank.
- Regulation of consumer credit is a quantitative credit control measure of central bank.
- Bank rate is the selective credit control measure used by the Central bank of the country.
- Central Bank also performs commercial banking business.
- The main objective of a central bank is to earn profit.
Q. 2. A. Define or explain the following concepts. (Any three) 6
- Prof. Samuelson’s defintion of Central bank.
- Open Market Operation
- Bank Rate
- Moral Suasion
- Cash reserve Ration
- Clearing House System
Q. 2. C. Distinguish Between. (any Two) 4
- Central Bank & Commercial bank
- Quantitative Credit Control Measures & Qualitative Credit Control Measures.
- Bank Rate (BR) & Open Market Operations (OMO)
- Cash Reserve Ratio (C.R.R.) & Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR).
Q. 3. Write Short Notes In(any two) 6
- Definition of a Central bank.
- Issuing Directives.
- Central bank’s measure of regulation of consumer credit.
- Regulation of Margin Requirements.
12th Economics Test Paper 14th
Topic: Public Economics
Time: 1 Hours Marks : 30
Q. 1. A. Fill in the blanks 5
- The term budget is derived from ____ word Bougette.
(Latin, French, German, Greek)
- _____ is an example of direct tax.
(Excise Duty, Wealth Tax, Sales tax, Gifts)
- When Government revenue exceeds, Government expenditure, it is known as ____ budget.
(Surplus, Balanced, Deficit Unbalanced)
- During depression ____ budget is preferable.
(Balanced, Surplus, deficit zero)
- The budget is presented by the ____ before the parliament.
(Prime Minister, Home Minister, Chief Minister, Finance Minister.)
Q. 1. B. Define or Explain (any Three)6
- Fines and Penalty
- Budget
- Plan expenditure
- Recovery of Debt.
- Deficit Budget.
Q. 1. Give reasons or explain the following Statements. (Any two) 4
- Income collected from tax is a main source of government revenue.
- Revenue receipts and revenue expenditure is known as Revenue Budget.
- Government revenue is more than government expenditure.
- The Deficit Budget creates inflationary pressure in the economy.
Q. 2. Write Short Notes on (Any Two) 5
- Capital Expenditure
- Revenue Receipts
- Types of budget.
- Components of a budget.
Q. 3. Answer the following Questions. (Any two) 10
- What are the main components of a budget?
- What are the sources of non-taxrevenue?
- Explain the government development and non-development expenditure.
- What are the different types of government budget?
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