Choose the correct Answer
1)You should (cope- go – crawl – share ) with hard titrations in your life .
2) Babies ( walk – jump – crawl – sleep ) at the age of one year .
3) Poor Orphans should be (adapted – adopted – beaten – punished ) by rich people
4) People (on board – in board – at board – for board ) the plane to china are 300 .
5) This kind of disease is very dangerous . Patients can't (endure – provoke – decent – volunteer ) it
6- Diving (species – peaks – equipment – passenger ) is very expensive .
7- The (Remains – volunteers – survivals – tools ) of the plane crash were rescued very hardly
8- This part of your novel is (silly – crucial - small – huge ) . you should study it very hard
9- My favorite (pastime – book – crayfish – leisure ) is scuba diving
10- (explorers – cavers – doctors – scientists ) travel the world and photograph caves .
11- I don't like pop music but I have just began to ( take to – take up – call for – find out ) it
12- My favorite hobby is (cookery – dishing – travelling – swimming ) I spend most of my time in the kitchen .
13- My captain advised me to participate in ( Marital force – Marital arts – diving – football ) to defend myself
14- My friend is fond of ( Arts – Music – Sculpture – formations ) . He always needs a lot of wood
15- The (contestants – carpenters – cavers – consultants ) in this championship are from China and Japan
16- I couldn't tolerate ( Fresh – damp – cold – silly ) air in the cave
17- I like football but I'm not (took to – keen on – cut out for - cut out in ) because I can't kick the bull strongly
18- The school is (surrounded – rounded lamped – turned ) by a big garden
19- Cavers always need (videos – mobiles – torches – pips ) because the caves are always dark
20- The road was (straight – twisting – round – ascending ) it was very risky and dangerous
21- All the doctors in the hospital couldn't deal with the patient . they were in need to ( expert - instructor – assistant – scientist )
22- The (belt – motto – line – sign ) of our school is written on the main door
23- The (killers – victims – criminals – officer ) of earthquake were 200 persons .
24- Teachers should be (voted – committed – detected – drown ) with the official courses
25- The young people was rescued by the ( lifeguard – officer – patient – security ) he was about drown
26- You should (promote – vote – pick up – pronounce ) in the public elections
27- In modern time people who don't know how to deal with computers are considered (literate – illiterate – educated – cultured )
28- Famous hyper markets always use (videos – closed circuit TV – policemen – sellers ) to observe clients and catch thieves
You should ( tall - insert - install – divert ) this program on my computer as anti virus
29- The laptop has two years (version – guarantee – volunteer – database
Put in the correct question tags.Example: Peter works in the shop, ______?
Answer: Peter works in the shop, doesn't he?
1) She is collecting stickers, ?
2) We often watch TV in the afternoon, ?
3) You have cleaned your bike, ?
4) John and Max don't like Maths, ?
5) Peter played handball yesterday, ?
6) They are going home from school, ?
7) Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ?
8) He could have bought a new car, ?
9) Kevin will come tonight, ?
10) They aren’t on their way already, ?.
11) We’re late again, ?.
Rewrite the following sentences
1-They entered the restaurant. They were served.
After they the restaurant, they .
2 - I did not use my credit card. I lost it.
I my credit card because I it.
2-They did not tell me. Easyjet cancelled the flight.
They me that Easyjet the flight.
3-I could not go out. I broke my leg.
I out because I my leg.
4-He took up a job. He left school.
He up a job as soon as he school.
5-She fell in love with him. They met in Cork.
She in love with him after they in Cork.
Rephrase the following sentences
1.When I saw him, Mukesh was driving his car. (he / drive / his car/ since morning)
2. We played cricket for an hour. Then it started raining. (We / play / cricket/ for an hour)
3. When I entered the house, I heard the sound of the T.V. (someone / watch / TV)
4. When I entered my office, I saw my friend writing a letter. (My friend / write / a / letter / since morning.)
5. When I reached their house, they were eating lunch. (They / eat / lunch)
6. The boys came into the classroom. They were all wet. (They/ walk / in rain)
7. When I entered his office, I found that he was sleeping. (he / sleep / in his office / all afternoon)
8. My friend looked very happy as he was reading ‘Shakespear. (My friend / read / shakes pear/since his vacation started)
9. He went to college in the morning and came home in the evening. He looked very tired. (He / teach / in college/ the whole day)
10. Harish started working in this company in 1990 He was still working in that company in 1996. (Harish / work / in this Company/ for 6 years)
Put the correct modal verb
  1. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You buy any.
  2. It's a hospital. You smoke.
  3. He had been working for more than 11 hours. He be tired after such hard work. He prefer to get some rest.
  4. I speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I just say a few things in the language.
  5. The teacher said we read this book for our own pleasure as it is optional. But we read it if we don't want to.
  6. you stand on your head for more than a minute? No, I .
  7. If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you to work hard.
  8. Take an umbrella. It rain later.
  9. You leave small objects lying around . Such objects be swallowed by children.
  10. People walk on grass.
  11. Drivers stop when the traffic lights are red.
  12. I ask a question? Yes, of course.
  13. You take your umbrella. It is not raining.
  14. you speak Italian? No, I .
Write passive sentences (use the indications between brackets.)
  1. the picture / draw (Simple Present)
  2. the door / close (Simple Past)
  3. the house / steal (Present Continuous)
  4. the bike / repair (Past Continuous)
  5. the room/ clean (Present Perfect)
  6. the homework / do (Past perfect)
  7. the window / break (Simple future)
  8. the essay / write (Should + Verb)
Rewrite the following sentences as suggested:
  1. The boy writes poems.
  2. The girl drove the blue car.
  3. They have collected enough money.
  4. They will open a new restaurant.
  5. The little boy can draw pictures.
  6. The guard watched the prisoner.
  7. They will not play soccer.
  8. They believe that he writes good poems.

Read the following passage and then answer the questions below:

Listening to music is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend your free time. There is a different type of music for every mood. If you're feeling sad, then it can be very comforting to listen to classical music. If you feel like dancing, then some loud disco or rock music could be just the thing. I've bought a new CD the other day; I was very impatient to get home and listen to it. I put it in the CD player and pressed "play", but something wrong happened. The CD wouldn't play. Imagine how upset I was! So I went back to the store in a hurry to tell them that the CD was damaged. On the way, I realized that I had forgotten the receipt at home, but I hoped that they would change the CD for me. They asked me when I had bought it, and then one of the shop assistants recognized me, so everything was fine. It would have been a lot worse if the assistant hadn't been there. I took another CD and went home impatiently to discover that the problem was in the CD player, not in the CD itself.

A) Answer these questions:

1- Why does the writer like music?

2- When do people usually listen to classical music?

3- Why did the writer forget the receipt at home?

B) Choose the correct answer:

4- The CD didn't play because ………………………

a) it was damaged b) the CD player was bad c) the writer forgot the receipt d) the writer was impatient

5- The underlined word "impatient" means that the writer ……………

a) didn't want to go home b) wanted to go home quickly

c) didn't like the CD d) wanted to dance

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Soha: I like the shoes you're wearing. They're ……………………..

Manar: Really? And they're so comfortable too.

Soha: How much …………………………?

Manar: ………………………………………………

Soha: That's a wonderful price! Only 50 pounds! ……………………….?

Manar: From a new shop in the mall next to our house.

Soha: …………………………………………………?

Manar: Yes, with pleasure. Let's meet this afternoon and I'll go with you.