Tender Request Specification
Date: 2014-05-27
Requested By: A van der walt
Name of Tender as it should appear on the website :
SCRAP AVEHICLES – RFP 793Format : Name of Tender – Advert Scrap Vehicle RFP 793 /05/2014
Date that Tender should be loaded on flysaa.com / 02/06/2014Date that Tender must be removed from flysaa.com / 13/06/2014
Heading of supporting document as you want it displayed on the website.
Note: this must be in Sentence Case and not UPPER CASE / Document name
Example : / Document type
Example :
Word / Excel etc / Size
You get this when you right click on the document and go to properties.
RFP 793 Tender for scrap vehicles
We have implemented a change to flysaa.com where we track the details of the user downloading the various tender documents. In order for this to be tracked successfully, we require the tender documents and the details sent to us in a specific format.
1) Name of Tender as it should appear on the website
Advert scrap vehicles -RFP 793
2) All tender documents to be named and saved as follows :
<TenderNumber<double underscore<File name>
· The '__' (double-underscore) separates the file name from the Tender number and it enables pre-population.
The below example shows how the tender number should be provided before the file name, separated by '__':
RFP 793 Scrap Vehicles _Advert_2014
If this format is not followed, the files would not download. No spaces allowed.
3) For the rest of the tender template, so that everyone is clear on the rest of the requirements. Please read below …
· Heading of supporting document as you want it displayed on the website. Note: this must be in Sentence Case and not UPPER CASE. We don’t want to show the full name of the document as it is saved, we want to have just the main heading.
So for RFP_TENDER_793_2014_05___-_Vehicle, it should actually be shown as SCRAP VEHICLES
· Document name to be attached. This is the name that you saved the document as
Advert__793 VEHICLES
· Document type
e.g. Word
· Size
Your get this when you right click on the document and go to properties
Please do take note of the following
· If any field is left out on the tender template, the tender will not be loaded on flysaa.com
· If the supporting documents are not named correctly, we will load the tender – but we are not responsible for correcting the name
· If a document cannot be downloaded due to a naming error, it will be corrected when a resource is available.
· We need a lead time of 5 working days to load a tender. If the lead time is not adhered to, the tender will be loaded as and when a resource is available.
· Only tender documents that are finalized must be e-mailed to us
· All tenders to be accompanied by a Tender Request Template
Your flysaa.com contacts are :
Waheeda Pahad
Lindi Motea
Christelle Ferris
Tshepo Gwangwa
Nazeem Badroodeen
Siddiqua Ebrahim