Primary1NewsLetter September2017
This term we are learning;
-to make new friends and learn about our school
-to recognise numbers, letters, sounds and words
-to form numbers and letters correctly
wewould like to takethisopportunity to inform youof someof theexciting activities that
Physical Education
Primary 1 P.E. days will be on a Monday and a Tuesday (1a), Thursday (1c), Friday (1b). Please
ensure your child is wearing a polo shirt on these days. Gym kits should remain in school and
all items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. If your child attends Total Soccer
or other Active Schools clubs after school, please send a separate football/sports kit on these
days to ensure gym kits are left in school for P.E. Please note that Total Soccer time is from 3.00 – 4.00 p.m. for this block only. The next block will change to 4.00 – 5.00 p.m. for P1.
Houston Primary School is a Health Promoting School and children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for playtime. Eachdayyourchildbringsa healthysnackfromhome,theywill receive asticker forchoosing the healthy option. A number of children in the school have a nut allergy and we would ask that you avoid nut based productswhen preparing your child’s snack and packed lunch. Children are not allowed to share/swap food for this reason.
All homeworkshouldbebroughttoschooleverydayinthebluehomeworkfolder. Please check the folder daily for any letters and clear it out, leaving only the weekly homework inside. Homework willbeissuedonMondayandshouldbecompletedfor aFriday. TheOrganiserwilllisthomeworktobecompletedeachweek and the class teacher will check the Organiser on a Friday. If there is anythingof urgency, please give a letter to your child to pass onto the class teacher.Pupilsshouldrevisethe soundsintheirpinkjotter, revisit previous wordwalls and prepare readingdaily. Pleaserefertothe Organiser foranyadditionalhomeworkactivitiesi.e. Mathstasks, spelling, challenges.
Please take time to visit the ‘Pupils’ section on the website which provides many useful webpage links for fun ways to help your child further their learning. There is also a blog of what the children have been learning in Primary 1 and they will be keen to share this with you at home.
EveryTuesdayatlunchtimeparentvolunteersopenourschoolbookshop.Pupilscanbuy stamps(50por£1)andsavetowardsthecostofaspeciallychosenbook.If you are able to volunteer your time to assist with this please inform your child’s teacher.
Thistermpupilswillenjoylearningall aboutOurSchoolincluding the rules and routines of the class andthepeoplewhohelpusthroughout the school. We will also be learning about Pirates and the Seaside, linked to our ‘Sea of Sounds’ in language.
Withthe focus being onactivelearning,wearekeentoinvolveparents. Ifyouareabletosupportour PurposefulPlayprogramme,pleaseindicate below. Wewill devise a rota running from October to December and notifywilling volunteers via the organiser. Your help should only be required on one or two occasions per term. If you are unable to offer to help on this occasion, we will be looking for volunteers again in the New Year.
Gazette Photographs
Primary 1 will be having a class photograph taken on 20thSeptember, which will be published in the Gazette. Please ensure children are wearing formal school uniform (shirt and tie) on this day. If you do not wish your child to be photographed for the newspaper, please inform your child’s teacher.
Dates for your Diary
20thSeptember: Gazette Photographs
13th October: In-service
16th – 20th October: Holiday
23rd October: Pupils return
Welookforwardtoabusy, fun-filledfirst term.
Primary 1 teachers
Child’sName Class IamabletosupportthePrimary1aPurposefulPlayprogrammeonaThursday 1.30 – 2.30 pm
IamabletosupportthePrimary1bPurposefulPlayprogrammeonaWednesday 1.30 – 2.30 pm
IamabletosupportthePrimary1cPurposefulPlayprogrammeonaTuesday1.30 – 2.30 pm