The Pocahontas County Board of Education met inregular session/public information forum on Monday, February 17, 2014 at Green Bank Elementary-Middle Schoolwith the following members present:
Emery G. Grimes, President
Cheryl M. Beverage)
Janet E. McNeel)Members
Hanna G. Sizemore)
Absent, Kenneth E. Vance
On motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Boardapproved the Agenda with a 4-0 vote.
Mr. Terrence Beam, Director of Federal Programs, addressed the Board and members of the public regarding the changes to the school calendar for the 2014-2015 school year.
Mr. Beam explained that key requirements for the school calendar have changed; such as each county must be in session 180 instructional days and school can be in session for 48 of 52 weeks per year.
Mr. Beam stated that all days missed, such as inclement weather day, must be recovered and each county is required to have a plan in place to recover those days.
Mr. Beam provided the attendees with a variety of school calendar samples. Each sample calendar differed slightly. Also included in the packet was an outline of the requirements from the West Virginia Department of Education.
Mr. Beam also explained that the students at each school attend class longer than required by the West Virginia Department of Education, approximately an average of ten to 15 minutes per day. This time is referred to as “banked time” and may be used to make-up two-hour delays and early dismissals; however, cannot be used to recover full days of instruction missed.
Mr. Beam reminded the public that students are allowed five unexcused absences per semester. The students could use these days during deer season, at Christmas or for an extended spring break. Mr. Beam also stated that 4-H Camp would be considered an excused absence as would the State Fair of West Virginia if the student was showing livestock or other goods.
Mr. Beam opened the floor to public comments and concerns. Those concerns heard most often were:
-The lack of air conditioning in the school buildings and the effects of extreme heat on the students.
-Summer activities such as vacation bible school, family vacations, and students and employees with summer jobs.
-The loss of valuable family time during the Thanksgiving holiday.
Mr. Beam thanked everyone for coming out to the public forum and encouraged them to send comments to him at the Board of Education Office or by email at .
The next Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, February 24, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the Pocahontas County Board of Education Conference Room.
On motion of Dr. Sizemore, seconded by Ms. McNeel the Board agreed to adjourn.