Student Money Advice & Rights Team (SMART)

Subject Knowledge Enhancement Courses2014/15

Who is eligible for SKETraining Bursary?

To be eligible for a bursary,SKE trainees must have accepteda firm offer of a place on a National College for Teaching & Leadership (NCTL)funded route to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) for September 2015 with the University of East London. This offer may be conditional on the need to improve subject knowledge.

How much is the Training Bursary and when will it be paid?

For eligible trainees studying Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Languages, Design & Technology and Computing the SKE training bursary will reflect the FTE duration of the SKE programme, not the overall actual duration of the SKE programme.

The Cass School of Education will discuss with trainees the programme length of training and the maximum bursary to be paid. Once the amount of bursary has been confirmed, the monthly payments will be made by equal monthly instalments, until the course is finished. The bursary payments as soon as they commence, will be paid by the nearest working day to the fifth of each month.

Payments will be made by the Bankers Automatic Credit System (BACS) directly into trainees UK bank accounts. Trainees bank accounts must be capable of receiving direct credits and must be in the name of the trainee undertaking the enhancementcourse. Payments will not be made to third parties.


Eligible trainees who withdraw from the SKE course are entitled to be paid instalments for each eligible payment month up to and including the month in which they withdrew. Trainees who withdrew early in the month will only be entitled to receive that month’s bursary if they were still on their course on the date that the payment was made. Any payments made after the date on which a trainee withdraws will be reclaimed.

All withdrawals should be notified as soon as possible to the Cass School Office Manager and .

Completed application forms should be returned to the Student Money Advice & Rights Team (SMART), Docklands Campus, 4-6 University Way, London E16 2RD.

Alternatively applications can be handed in at the Student Support Hub based at the Docklands and Stratford campuses. If you require any assistance completing the form please contact SMART on 02082234444 or email (accessed via UEL Direct).

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Student Money Advice & Rights Team(SMART)Subject Knowledge Enhancement Courses 2014/15

Please indicate which subject you will be studying.

Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics
Languages / D & T / Computing

Section One – Personal Details(Please print clearly throughout the form)

Student Number: / First Name: / Surname:
Home Telephone Number: / Mobile Telephone Number:
E-mail: / Date of Birth:
Marital Status: / Gender:
Do you have any dependent children? / Yes: / No:
If yes, please give their ages:
Do you have a disability? / Yes: / No:
If yes, would you like your disability disclosed to our Disability Unit? / Yes: / No:
Have you accepted an offer of a place on a PGCE ITTcourse commencing September 2015? / Yes: / No:

Section 2 – Bank Details

Name of Bank / Building Society: / Branch Name:
Sort Code: / Account Number:
If you are providing details of a Building Society Account please supply the Roll Number:

Your account must be a UK account capable of receiving direct credits. This should be the account that you will be using at the time of enrolment. Please pay particular attention to this section of the form as incorrect details will delay your bursary from being paid on time.

Section 3 - Data Protection 1998

The personal data provided in this bursary application form will be used to assess your eligibility for a National College for Teaching & Leadership Bursary. External organisations may be contacted if your eligibilityfor the bursary requires clarification. Please note that false or misleading information will result in your bursary being withdrawn and any further payments suspended, bursaries that have been paid will be reclaimed.Trainees who leave the Enhancement Course for any reason will not need to repay the SKE bursary received up to the point of withdrawal. Any payment made to trainees after they have left the course will be reclaimed. Trainees are expected to repay promptly any overpayment received.

The Student Money Advice & Rights Team provides monitoring information to the National College for Teaching & Leadership regarding the allocation of these bursaries. We are monitored and audited to ensure that we are following the guidelines laid out as to the allocation of these bursaries. Signing this form indicates your consent to the possible use of your personal information.

Section 4 - Declaration

I confirm that I have read and understood the guidance notes attached to the bursaryform and that the information I have provided is true and to the best of my knowledge. I accept the bursary conditions and acknowledge current guidance on bursary entitlements. I undertake to notify the Student Money Advice & Rights Team promptly of any changes to my bank details, address or student status. I accept that I will be invoiced for any overpayment of the SKE bursary should I withdraw from the course.

Please do not complete this bursary form if you are an overseas student.

Signature: / Date:

Section 5 – Office Use Only

SKE Bursary:
Monthly Payment:
First / Last Payment Date:
Withdrawal Date: