Review for Semester Exam: America up to the Roaring 20’s
Know the importance of the following people/groups:
- What book did Upton Sinclair write?The Jungle
What did this lead to?Pure Food & Drug Act / Meat Inspection Act
- What did Charles Guiteaudo?Assassinated President Garfield
What did this lead to?Pendleton Act
- What other authors wrote like William Dean Howells?Horatio Alger, Mark Twain,
Jack London, Henry James, Katie Chopin
The term that is used to describe the type of writing done by these authors?Realism
- What trial was Clarence Darrow a part of?Scopes Monkey Trial
What effect did this have on our country?Put Religion Against Science
- Who was Queen Liliuokalani?Rightful Queen of Hawaii, Tried to take back land owned by Americans living in Hawaii
What Country/ State was she Queen of?Hawaii
What happened to this Country/ State?It was overtaken by American Landowners, it was later annexed by the United States
Who was President of this state after her overthrow?Sandford Dole
What year was this State annexed?1898
- What did Muckrakers do?Rake up the Muck! Exposed injustices & Corruption
- What movement did Francis Willard lead?The Temperance Movement
What did this lead to?Prohibition / 18th Amendment
- What happened during Woodrow Wilson Presidency?We went to War (WWI)
What speech did he give?14 Point Speech
What did he want us to join after the Treaty of Versailles?The League of Nations
Did we join this?No
- Who is Jane Addams?Progressive Reformer. 1st social worker.
What was the name of the settlement house that she started?Hull House
What is a settlement house?an institution in an inner-city area providing educational, recreational, and other social services to the community
- Who is Theodore Roosevelt?Leader of Rough Riders, President
What were his views on big business?Trust Busters
What strike did he mediate over?Coal Strike of 1902
What did he lead during the Spanish-American War?Rough Riders
What did he have built after the Spanish-American War?Panama Canal
What third-party political party did he form?Bull-Moose Party
What effect does a 3rd party candidate have on the outcome of
an election?It will split the votes of one of the major parties.
- What act was passed after President James Garfield wasassassinated? Pendleton Act
What is the Civil Service Commission?It was created to make sure that the people that were working for the government were qualified to do the work. They now had to take a test and the job was based on Merit not a rewards system.
- What did W.E.B. Du Bois help found?NAACP
What was his approach to civil rights?Get an education and equality needs to happen NOW!
Who did he not agree with about civil rights advancement?
Booker T. Washington
- What did Mark Twain write?The Gilded Age / Tom Sawyer
Nothing more or less than the truthful treatment of material: Realism
- Mother Jones was a muckraker during the Progressive Era. Friends with
Upton Sinclair.
- Who is Ida B. Wells?Muckraker who exposed the lynching practices and number of people lynched in the South. Started Anti-Lynching Campaign
What did she push to stop?Lynching
- What did John J. Pershing do?Went to Mexico to try and catch Pancho Villa and was the Leader of the American Expeditionary Force
- Who is Booker T. Washington?Muckraker who wanted Civil Rights. Started the Tuskegee Institute. Thought blacks should acquire practical
- Who else wrote like Horatio Alger?Other Realism Writers of the Progressive Era. Mark Twain. William Dean Howells. Jack London. Henry James. Katie Chopin.
- What speech did William Jennings Bryan give?Cross of Gold
What trial was he a part of?Scopes “Monkey” Trial
Describe why the following events were important:
- Annexation of Hawaii – After the outbreak of the Spanish American War, Congress voted to annex Hawaii in 1898. We used it as a refueling station and military base. Sandford Dole served as Governor of Hawaii after it was annexed.
- Settlement of the frontier-Since the arrival of the first colonists, the American frontier had shifted steadily westwards. Availability of Cheap Land made the settlement of the frontier easier and had it happen quicker. The lure of precious metals also brought more settlers to the frontier.
- Census of 1890 – Confirmed the Closing of the Frontier had taken place.
- Sacco and Vanzetti Case –Two Italian Immigrants that were charged, convicted and found guilty of burglary and murder. Many felt the two were only convicted because of their radical anarchist views. Protests around the world took place calling for the release of the two men. They were eventually executed. In the 1960s a ballistics test was ran on the gun that Sacco had on him- the correct men were found guilty and executed.
- Federal Reserve Act –Put into place by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. Reformed the banking industry by establishing 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks to serve as “banker’s banks.” Allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate the money in circulation by controlling the amount of money that banks could lend. Created to regulate the amount of money in circulation.
- Panama Canal –During the Spanish-American War, warships in the Pacific fleet had to sail all the way around South America to reach the Caribbean. The Panama Canal cut the trip down to less than 20 days. It increased our Navy Power.
- Spanish-American War-Marked the end of Spain’s colonial empire and the emergence of the United States as a world power. The war had let the United States demonstrate its naval strength to the world. Many historians see the war as a turning point because the United States had awakened to its potential as a world power. 1898.
- Zimmerman telegram –Secret message from Germany to Mexico. It promised that Germany would help to return territories to Mexico if Mexico would help Germany fight the United States. American public opinion was enraged when the telegram was discovered.
- Sinking of the Lusitania –Was a British passenger ship. Showed that Germany had started unrestricted submarine warfare again. Enraged American opinion.
- Scopes Monkey Trial –Put Science against Religion.
- Palmer Raids – The rounding up of 4,000 “communist” suspects in several cities without warrants. His assistant, J. Edgar Hoover, directed the raids. Due to the “Red Scare”.
Define and tell the impact of the following:
- Volstead Act-Put into place to enforce the 18th Amendment
- Declaration of Independence –Written primarily by Thomas Jefferson. Essentially our break up letter with England. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…”
- Yellow Journalism- Over sensationalize of the news. One of the reasons we got involved in the Spanish-American War.
- Laissez-faire policy –Hands off approach to the economy by the government. One of the 5 values that Alexis de Tocqueville said made Democracy work in America.
- Federal Reserve Act –Put into place by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. Reformed the banking industry by establishing 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks to serve as “banker’s banks.” Allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate the money in circulation by controlling the amount of money that banks could lend. Created to regulate the amount of money in circulation.
- Treaty of Versailles –After WWI. Blamed Germany for EVERYTHING that happened during WWI. Would upset Germany so much that it would eventually lead to WWII.
- Articles of Confederation –The colonies originally set up a very weak national association under this agreement. An experiment in government that failed.
- Gilded Age –To appear golden in color. It appeared as though our country was very prosperous, but we were really struggling under the so called “golden color.”
- Child Labor –Children were used to perform special tasks. Machinery was rarely fenced off and exposed to moving/dangerous parts. Children used to move, clean or fix large machines since they were small enough to fit between the parts. These children missed sunshine, fresh air, play, and the chance to improve their lives by attending school.
- American Anti-Imperialist League –Opposed the acquisition of colonies. Many Americans felt uneasy about forcing colonial rule onto others. Opponents of colonialism, like Mark Twain and Andrew Carnegie, felt imperialism violated the basic democratic principles or self-government on which the United States was founded.
- U.S. Constitution –Written by the Constitutional Convention. Established the basic structure of our National Government. It established a government in which power rested with the people, who elect their own representatives. FLIPRoCS
- Impact of the “New Immigrants” –Came from Southern and Eastern Europe. Usually not Protestant and spoke little to no English. Made for cheap labor and increased Nativist attitudes against the immigrants.
- Platt Amendment - Gave the United States the Right to intervene in Cuban Affairs at any time.
- Transcontinental railroad-Connected the country. Developed a national market.
- Plessy v. Ferguson –“Separate But Equal” is ok
- Bull Moose Party –Third party started by Theodore Roosevelt.
- Temperance League –One of the leader was Frances Willard. Frances Willard would start the Prohibition Party. This would lead to Prohibition (the 18th Amendment).
- Red Scare –Created an atmosphere of panic. Communist scare in the United States. Would lead to the Palmer Raids. (Think Red-Dot game.)
- Roosevelt Corollary-An extension to the Monroe Doctrine. Europeans could not establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere. American government could do what they needed to in order to protect America’s economic interests. European countries could not even collect debts from anyone in the Western Hemisphere, they had to go through the United States.
- U.S.S. Maine- The U.S. Battleship that was stationed in Havana Harbor. It exploded and the Yellow Journalist made it seem like Spain made it explode. Brought the United States into the Spanish-American War.
- Portsmouth Conference- Japan had surprised the West by defeating Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. President Roosevelt brought the Russians and Japanese together and negotiated a peaceful settlement called the Treaty of Portsmouth. He won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.
- Fourteen Points –The speech that President Wilson gave to Congress. He had hoped more of his speech would be used in the Treaty of Versailles. He had pushed for the development of the League of Nations (which we did not join).
- Espionage Act – During the WWI, civil liberties were curtailed to meet wartime needs. This Act made it a crime to criticize the war effort.
- 10th Amendment –The Federal government has only those powers specifically given to it in the Constitution. All other powers are reserved to the states or the people.
- 15th Amendment – Prohibited denying individuals their voting rights on the basis of race.
- 17th Amendment –Direct Election of Senators.
- 18th Amendment –Outlawed the manufacturing and sale of alcohol
- 19th Amendment –Women’s Suffrage. Gave women the right to vote.
- Puerto Rico – Became an American possession after the Spanish-American War in 1898. The U.S. established a civil government. Territory of the U.S. still.
- Western Front –Where miles of trenches were dug between France and Germany. This is where Trench Warfare is formed.
- Homestead Act of 1862– This act stated that any citizen could occupy 160 acres of government land. If the settler improved the land by making a home and growing crops, after 5 years the homesteader would own the property. Many European immigrant were attracted by this offer of free land. Almost 1.4 Million homesteads were eventually granted under the Act. Assisted in the closing of the Frontier.
- Child Labor Act – President Wilson passed this law which prohibited the sale of goods created by child labor in interstate commerce.
- Progressive Movement –Like the populists. Sought reform. Mainly educated members of middle class. They sought to correct abuses of big business. They also sought to reform the corrupt practices and government.
- Pendleton Act –Created after the assassination of President Garfield. Prior to this government jobs were given on a “spoils system”… you scratch my back, I’ll scratch your back. This act created a Civil Service Commission. The commission gave competitive exams and selected appointees based on merit.
Define the following terms:
- Speakeasies-Underground club where illegal alcohol was served
- “big stick policy” –Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy. Speak softly and carry a big stick. Made us the World Police
- Isolationism –To not get involved in foreign affairs. To stick within our boarders.
- Trench Warfare –Troops “dug in” along the French and German Boarder.
- “open door policy”–Trade Relations with China were opened for all countries.
- Alliance system –The formation of military agreements amongst nations
- Spoils system –When government jobs were given to people who helped the elected official get elected. Not based on merit.
- Tenements- Small cramped dirty apartments. Had multiple immigrant families. Often no heating or cooling. No restrooms.
- Yellow Journalism –The over sensationalizing of the news. Led to Spanish-American War
- Neutrality –To remain out of it. Not pick a side.
- “return to normalcy”-Return to Pre-WWI economy
- Propaganda –information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
- “dollar diplomacy” –William Taft’s Foreign policy. U.S. investors would loan money to poor Latin American countries and then when they could not pay the money back, Taft would send in the U.S. Marines.
- Nativism-Extreme Dislike of Foreigners
- Stalemate –a position counting as a draw, in which a player is not in check but cannot move except into check.
- Frontier –The line separating areas of settlement from unsettled wilderness territory.
- “watchful waiting” – President Wilson’s policy. He did not do anything in regards to the violence taking place in Mexico until it crossed onto US soil
- Political machines –Corrupt individuals who ran corrupt city governments
- Referendum –Voters could compel legislators to place a bill on the ballot for approval
- Recall –Elected officials could be removed from office by voters in a special election
- “Cross of Gold”-Speech given by Democratic Nominee William Jennings Bryan in the election of 1896. It praised farmers and denounced bankers for “crucifying mankind on a cross of gold.”
- Realism –To tell it like it is. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Roaring Twenties –New age of prosperity after WWI
- Trustbusting –Roosevelt stood for “fair play” in business. He opposed, unfair, anti-competitive practices. Breaking up of trusts that acted against the public interest.
- Great Migration –The migration of over 2 million African Americans from the South to the North looking for mostly factory work and better working and living conditions than were offered in the Jim Crow South.
- Social Gospel-A new social movement during the late 19th century that was led by Protestant clergyman. Called for social reform- including abolishing child labor and safer working conditions.
Be able to answer questions based on:
-political cartoons
-quotes or parts of primary source documents