2012Lima, Peru
A Mission Trip and Machu Picchu Visit
Sun, May 27- Fri, June 8,2012
Grade ______Level of Spanish Completed______
Address: (inclusive of zip)______
Home phone:______Your cell phone: ______
Any email will be made via school email for the student.
Parents/Guardian Contact Information
Home Phone: ______
Cell Phones:Mom______Dad______
Parent email (ifneeded)______
Student Soc Sec # (for insurance)______T Shirt Size ____
Formal Name on Passport______
(for Airline Passenger list). Birth date:______
Purchasing extra trip cancellation coverage (usually cost $24-$35) Yes/No
Your individual talents: ______
Questions to evaluate to determine your interest in this build:
- Have you ever been on a mission tripbefore? Yes / No
Where did you go?______
- Have you ever traveled out of the country? Yes / No
Where did you go?______
3. Have you ever been in high altitudes? Yes / No Altitude Level? ______Ft.
- Do you have any health, medicine, or dietary concerns of which we should be
- Do you like foreign languages?______
- Do you have an interest in Inca ruins and early civilizations?______
- On the back of this form, please answer the following question with a paragraph reflection:
Participating in the 2012Lima Peru and Machu Picchu tripexcites me because….
- Go the website villalapazfoundation.org for reviewing our mission work.
- Please return this completed form to Cheri Halstead, ServiceOutreachDirector,
with your $600 deposit, as soon as possible. I will book your international flight based upon the receipt of the $600 deposit. Thenext deposit, dueMarch 15 is $900. I will book the Machu Picchu travel with this deposit. The final balance
and final payment $1000is due April 30.
Lima, Peru
A Mission Trip and Machu Picchu Visit
Sun, May 27- Fri, June 8, 2012
Purpose of Trip:
To Help At A Medical Clinic Where Children Are Receiving Medical Treatment
To Improve Our Understanding of the Spanish Language and of Peru
To Grow Spiritually With Daily Prayer and Reflections
To Visit the Inca Ruins of Machu Picchu close to Cuzco, Peru
1. Dep May 27, 2012(Sunday) from Indianapolis Airport to Lima, via Miami.
2. Travel to outside Lima. We will lodge in housing close to the Hogarin
Chaclacayo. Late arrival on Monday. Go to Hogar for orientation at 2 PM + dinner.
3. Tuesday to Sunday: Work in the clinic assisting with the children each day.
- Monday Travel to Cuzco. Adjust to altitude differences.
- Cuzco - Tuesday Visit Machu Picchu by train. Wednesday visit other local historic sites in Cuzco. Thursday return to Lima mid day. Local tour.
- Thursday evening fly home from Lima.
- Arrive Friday from Lima and Ft. Lauderdale.
Identification: Passport
Individual Cost: $2500
Air Travel - $790 Indpls to Lima, ground transportation to hotel, food, and insurance in
Lima$800 Clinic Donation $100 Machu Picchu/Cuzco Trip $799.
Clinic Cost: We must raise funds to donate to the clinic. Each student should seek to earn $100 as a donation for the Hogar. Any extra funds earned may apply to your own travel costs.
1. Fundraisers:
- Christmas Happy Holidays Orders.
- Giftwrapping Borders Bookstore
- Bulb FundraiserOrders Due March 15, 2012
- Discount Card for $10.
2. Sponsorship Letters: send out immediately; final funds due April 30.
3. Next Meeting:Wed Jan 25(Update on fundraisers, new enrollment, forms)
We will begin and end each day with prayer, live simply and open our hearts to others. The chaperones are: Mr. and Mrs. Halstead. In addition to her work in service at Cathedral, Mrs. Halstead has lived and worked in Europe in International Business, with extensive travel to Brazil and Spanish speaking countries in Central and South America.Mr. Halstead is a professor at Butler University. Please direct questions or concerns to Mrs. Halstead: or 968-7317.
Additional Meetings Prior to Trip: Wed, Jan 25 (first meeting held one more time if you missed the Nov meeting), Wed, Feb 29, and April 24 6:30 PM Rm 3303
Shots recommended: Hepatitus A and B; Tetanus. Make sure you have your shots early because they are done in series.