Lesson Plan forImagine It!
Date:September 06, 2011
LessonTopic: Because of You-Day 1
3.04 / Teacher Input:
TTW ask S, “Why is kindness an important character trait? How do you show kindness to other people? How is each person unique and special?”
TTW explain to S that this week our story is a poem about what people do to show kindness. Have S help you create a circle map where you brainstorm ways people show kindness to others, nature, animals, property, etc….
TTW guide S through the vocabulary slides to introduce words for this story.
Student Input:
TSW complete a vocabulary quilt using the newly introduced words. Since S have a better understanding of how to do a quilt from last week, some S may add the parts of speech to their quilt or add a sentence.
TSW complete a vocabulary quilt after kinesthetically learning new words for their weekly story. The vocabulary quilt will include: word, definition, and picture. Optional additions are sentences, parts of speech or synonyms.
Ways to Modify for Different Learners:
Remediation: S may work with a partner
Enrichment: S may add at least 1 optional addition to their quilt

*Pre-test should be given on Monday to determine appropriate lists for each S. S who master the original 10 should be given the challenge words as their words for the week.

Spelling for the Week: (short vowels)Bonus Words: (for test) Homework:

1. person6. called1. becauseMon-Fri: Tic-Tac-Toe

2. family7. small2. countriesactivities

3. things8. when3. precious

4. help9. there

5. listen10. others

Challenge Words: (for enrichment S)

1. friends

2. different

3. something

4. important

5. another

Lesson Plan for Imagine It!
Date: September 07, 2011
Lesson Topic: Because of You-Day 2
3.04, 2.01, 5.01-5.07 / Teacher Input:
Review the selections vocabulary. TTW guide S through reading this poem aloud and asking S the questions below.
TTW model how to complete the book below.
Mom, because of you, there is one more person to keep me healthy.
Dad, because of you, there is one more person to keep me safe.
Student Input:
TSW complete a book where each page is titled “Because of You…” Students will choose one person in their life to focus on on each page (mom, dad, sister, coach, teacher, pastor, etc…). Students should finish the sentence by telling how this person changes their life with kindness.
Completion of the Because of You book. / Higher Level Questions:
Making Connections: Have you been part of a family where a new member arrives? (Text to Self)
Drawing Conclusions: How does the world change? Personally? Globally?
Making Connections: Who loves and cares for you? (Text to Self)
Who do you love and care for?
Drawing Conclusions: When you teach others, is that giving back?
Comprehension: Who’s the “one more” person this story is speaking of who can grow, learn and teach?
Making Connections: What might you have to share in a family? Classroom?
Comprehension: What makes a kind friend?
Ways to Modify for Different Learners:
Remediation: create 2 pages
Enrichment: create 5 pages
Lesson Plan for Imagine It!
Date: September 08, 2011
Lesson Topic: Because of You-Day 3
3.04, 3.02 / Teacher Input:
Review the selection’s vocabulary having S play “I’m thinking of a word that….”
TTW guide S through a second reading of the story and completion of their Cause/Effect chart
Student Input:
TSW create a cause/ effect chart.
TSW be able to correctly identify cause/ effect relationships in the poem Because of You. / Cause/ Effects:
C: Child is born E: World Changes
C: You were born E: New person to love and
C: You were born E: You can love & care for
C: You E: Share ideas, feelings
and things
C: You E: need help, can help
Ways to Modify for Different Learners:
Remediation: Have some of the Causes and or Effects already filled in
Enrichment: Have S locate the causes and effects on their own
Lesson Plan for Imagine It!
Date: September 09, 2011
Lesson Topic: Because of You-Day 4
3.04, 2.06 / Teacher Input:
TTW guide S through completing an end of selection assessment. The T may want to provide sentence starters for students for the free response questions to help form complete sentences and teach how to use the question in their answers.
Student Input:
TSW complete a written assessment to determine mastery of comprehension and word knowledge. TSW may use their texts as reference (excluding for vocabulary)
TSW write in complete sentences.
TSW complete an end of selection assessment to gauge comprehension of story and knowledge of vocabulary words.