Welcome to English 9CP!

Or…What You Need To Know To Be Successful This Year!!!

Course Content

English 9CP, required of all high school freshmen, is a college preparatory English course grounded on the in-depth study of great literature. Studying literature truly is a study of the vast and rich history of our world and of our country and of our many civilizations and cultures. This course will provide a balanced foundation in the reading of non- fiction and fiction literature and in literary analysis, in composition, vocabulary, spelling, grammar/usage, sentence structure, writing purpose, process and mechanics, and in the effective speaking and presentation skills needed to thrive in our twenty-first century world. This course seeks to equip you with effective, lifelong thinking, reading, writing and oral communication skills; skills that will serve you well in high school, in college, in the work force, and beyond.

Tentative Course Content by Term

(Please keep in mind that the following schedule is subject to change. Please refer to my up- to- date weekly lesson plans for specifics and for Pennsylvania State Standards alignment.)

Term 1: Study Skills: Cornell Note Taking and Annotating Literature, Previewing/Predicting Pre- reading Strategy, Literary Terminology and the Analysis of Literature, Independent Reading Workshop: Literary Letters, Literary Analysis “One Pagers”, and Book Talks, The Reading and Analyzing of both Fiction and Non- fiction Journals, Speeches, Short Stories, Poetry, and Novellas, and Vocabulary, Spelling, Writing Mechanics, and Grammar Study and Practice..

Terms 2 and 3: The Continuation of Term 1 with the Addition of the Writing Process (Pre- writing, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publishing), Focusing on the Keystone Exam Areas of Writing Importance (Focus, Content, Organization, Style, and Writing Conventions), Research, MLA Citations and Publishing Formats, with the Addition of the Reading and the Analyzing of the Novel.

Term 4: A More In- depth Continuation of Study Expanding Beyond Terms 1, 2, and 3 with the Addition of the Reading, Performing and Analysis of the Drama.

Getting Organized

The following is a list of materials necessary to start you on your road to success. These materials need to be brought to class everyday. You will receive points when applicable (10 points- Application grade) just for being prepared. Always having your supplies is your first step towards organization and success! Please see me soon if you are having any trouble accumulating these supplies.

An English only notebook (a large three ring binder with loose-leaf paper and dividers with pockets will really work best)

A student planner for assignments, long range planning




Sticky notes/ tabs

A Computer/ laptop flash drive will really help you!

Your Reading Workshop independent reading novel

Completed assignments

A positive attitude and a willingness to work hard and succeed! :O)


(Possibilities include Elements of Literature: Third Course Textbook, Warriner’s Handbook, and/ or our current class novel)

Course Grading

All formally evaluated work (compositions: both formal and informal, Reading Workshop reading and writing, quizzes, tests, midterm and final exams, presentations, projects, homework, class participation, etc.) will be assigned a point value and be categorized and weighted (according to the current ASD grading policy) as either Homework: nightly assignments, etc. (10%), Evaluation: quizzes, tests, final compositions, final projects, presentations, etc. (45%), or Application: in class work, class participation, all process work leading up to final products, etc. (45%). The grade for each marking period will be determined by total accumulated points in each category weighted and then added to the other two categories for your final grade.

Grade computation formula:Total points earned in category x ____% = Category grade % Points possible

Homework + Evaluation + Application grades = Final Grade %

The ASD percentages for grades are as follows: 92- 100 = A

83- 91 = B

74- 82 = C

65- 73 = D

64 and below = U

I will post weekly grade updates to CSIU, our online grading program. Take advantage of this wonderful tool to stay on top of your academic life, in all of your classes. It is your job to check for grading accuracy, and it is your job to take care of any issues that may arise. Save ALL of your work, not only for all year referral and for midterm and final exam reviews, but to ensure that there are no grading issues!

Academic Ethics

Cheating and/or plagiarism cannot be tolerated in this class; this behavior is not tolerated in the ASD grading policy, nor is it tolerated in the academic and business world at large, outside of high school. All school district policies and consequences will be enforced in regard to plagiarism and cheating.

Any student cheating on or plagiarizing any class or homework assignment, composition, test, quiz, or project, etc. will receive a zero for that assignment. There is no alternative assignment. Our only important goal is what you are capable of achieving on your own. Take pride in your own integrity and in keeping that integrity intact.

Late Work

Punctuality is a very important life responsibility. Students become adept at this necessary life skill by practicing good time management so that all assignments are always ready to be presented the day that they are due. Late work of any kind will receive a 20% grade reduction. Late work will only be accepted for one day following the due date. Work will not receive credit after that. Late work must have the appropriate late paperwork fully and accurately completed and attached and then placed in your proper class folder for credit, or it cannot be accepted.

If you were granted a redo opportunity, the redo work must be completed in the time allotted, and the original work must be attached as well. In addition, the appropriate redo paperwork must be fully and accurately completed and attached and then placed in your proper class folder for redo credit, or it cannot be accepted.

Accepting late work and allowing redo opportunities are to help you when you need that help. I am not mandated to offer these opportunities. Please do your part by following these procedures carefully so that I can continue to be able to help in these ways.


Tests and quizzes are always announced well in advance of the test date allowing you ample preparation time. If you are absent the day before a test and you return on test day, you are expected to take the test. If you are absent the day of the test, you will need to take a makeup exam as soon as you return. (Days missed = Makeup days)You will need to make arrangements with me to take tests after school, during tutoring period, or during a study hall, but not during our class time in most circumstances. It is your responsibility to ask for a pass!!!!

Compositions, assignments, projects and presentations, etc. are also always announced well in advance of the due date allowing you ample preparation time. If you are absent the day before a project, etc. is due, and you return on the due date, you are expected to be ready to turn in and/ or present your finished work. You will fill out the appropriate absentee paperwork completely and accurately, attach it to your absentee work, and then place it in your proper class folder for credit. You do NOT lose points for absentee work, so filling out the appropriate paperwork is crucial to helping me to understand that your work is due to an absence, not due to tardiness.

If you are in school the day an assignment of any kind is due, but you aren’t in class or won’t be in class for any reason (leaving early, arriving late, field trip, special event, etc.) please make sure that you drop off that assignment with the appropriate paperwork attached and file it in your class folder!!!! If you are in school, your assignment is due!!!! If I do not receive it on the due date, it will be considered late.

You are responsible for any and all class work, tests, and homework assignments missed due to any absence from class or school. I will maintain an in- classroom “What You Missed” binder that will explain each day’s lesson, class activity, and any short and/ or long- term assignments that you are responsible for. It is your responsibility to check the binder and complete any missed work in the time frame allowed. (Days missed = Makeup days). Failure to make up work will result in a grade of zero points for the assigned work missed. Again, you must fill out the appropriate absentee paperwork completely, attach it to your absentee work, and then place it in the proper folder for credit.

I know that it is stressful to fall behind due to absences…so, just be in class!

Class Participation

Daily, thoughtful and appropriate class participation is expected and graded DAILY!!!!! You will have the opportunity to share your insights by asking thoughtful questions, by participating in class, group and pair discussions, and through journaling. Learning will only be as lively and as enriching as you choose to make it! Even when we are not involved in a class discussion about a topic, by thoughtfully and appropriately working on the independent task at hand, you will be positively participating!

Homework and Long Term Assignments

It is your daily responsibility to check the classroom assignment board and to listen and record carefully any announcements and explanations concerning homework and long-term assignment due dates. Sign up for text message reminders at Remind.com (81010@mrslazors9) and check out assignment postings on my teacher’s web page at WSHS on the ASD website. Use your student planner to help keep organized!!!! Completed assignments only are graded and/or collected at the beginning of each class period. Be prepared! Homework is an important part of your growth as a student and a very important part of your grade. Take it seriously!

All You Really Need To Know…

Please reread your “All You Really Need To Know…” Axioms/ Class Attitudes. They will serve you well. In addition to following ASD and WSHS rules and regulations, these “All You Need To Knows…” really will be our classroom attitudes. They really are just about being respectful, being responsible, and being ready for all of the enriching possibilities that lie ahead. In order that we may all reach our individual potentials this year in English 9CP, any student who fails to practice these “attitudes” will be responsible for the following consequences…starting with a 1. Verbal warning, and then, if necessary, moving to a 2. Teacher/ Student conference, 3.Parent/Guardian phone call, 4. Office referral where discipline will be decided by an administrator (and now part of your permanent record) Do not let problems progress that far!

Every three class tardies WILL result in an office referral…(See # 4 directly above) So, do not be late!!!

Please, in our classroom, there are NO cell phones.Room 29 is a Cell Phone Red Zone!!!! Please leave them in your locker, turned off, as required by ASD School Board policy. I will take your phone and write the required referral if you insist on carrying your phone. This also applies to all other electronics deemed inappropriate in the classroom by ASD policy.

Be familiar with all of the WSHS rules in your student handbook. (ex.: Your dress code, open beverages rule, food in the classroom and hallways, no backpacks, and all of those rules mentioned above, etc.) I am a rule follower; I do follow and will enforce all school rules!

Violation of some ASD and WSHS rules (including but not limited to: fighting, bullying, profanity, insubordination, possession of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or weapons) must result in an immediate office referral, foregoing all other progressive discipline measures. Stay out of trouble; have a productive, positive year, and keep a clean permanent record!

Help For You

I am here to help you; please do not hesitate to ask for help! I can only help you when I know that you need help!!! (Ask for help during class, during our first period tutoring period, after school, during after school tutoring, via email, etc…) Sometimes, you might not request help, but I will request that you come in during our tutoring period for some extra help! Take those requests seriously!

I will do all that I possibly can do to help you succeed this year. Remember, to help you, I will keep up- to- date classroom What You Missed Binder. I will also send out assignment and project/test reminder texts through Remind.com (81010@mrslazors9), and I will post lesson plans and any materials that you might need in order to be able to complete work outside of our classroom on my teacher’s web page posted on WSHS’s webpage on the ASD website. That is a lot of extra help just for you!

As partners, working together, we can ensure an exciting, growth- filled school year.

Thank you so much for your support today and throughout this school year; I am really looking forward to working with you!