Slovenian conference programme
Ready for the future
Defining European healthcare through innovation and quality
Kransjka Gora, Hotel Kompas
5-6 June 2008
Day 1 Plenary
12.00 Registration open
14.00 Start/Welcome by chairs of the conference Andrej Robida/David Somekh
14.10 Director general, Directorate of Health Care prim.Janez Remškar, MD
National Policy for the Development of Quality in Healthcare
14.30 Public Health DG SANCO Katarina Neubauer
EU activities on patient safety and quality of care
14.50 WHO Europe Ms Valentina Hafner
WHO Europe Guidance on developing quality and safety strategies in healthcare
15.10 ESQH President, Basia Kutryba
The role of Healthcare NGOs in supporting quality and innovation
15.30 Break
16.00 Bastian Urban ARBUMA group and Roland Schlesinger IQMS
Industry and Healthcare working together (tbc)
16.20Dr Frederik Froen (Norwegian Institute for Public Health)
Education in Quality for Healthcare Professionals (tbc)
16.50 Prof. Rene Amalberti (HAS, France)
Evaluation of Healthcare Systems
17.10 Margaret Murphy (WHO Alliance for Patient Safety)
Learning from the Patient Experience and Embedding Patient Involvement in improvement initiatives.
17.30 Finish
Drinks/Dinner hosted by Ministry:
19.00 Drinks
19.30 Dinner
Day 2 Plenary
09.30 Chair with feedback of previous day/logistics for today
09.45 M.Buiting (CBO, Netherlands)
Innovation and quality
10.15 Break into three parallel sessions
Each session has a chair/moderator and a co chair/rapporteur. Either chair or rapporteur is Slovenian to assist in possible translation for those less fluent in English.
10.30 Session 1 Organisational framework
10.30 Dr Metka Terzan (Department for Quality in Healthcare, MoH, Slovenia)
Quality framework - Slovene perspective
10.45Merlijn van Rijswijk (Innovation Platform)
Trends and troubles in healthcare innovation: experiences of the Netherlands' innovation platform'
11.00 Jane Alop (Estonian National Health Fund)
Health Care after Semashko - Estonian experience to share
11.15 Joanne Harkness (International Alliance of Patients' Organisations)
How patient organisations can contribute to better healthcare quality
Session 2 Education
10.30 Dr A. Robida (Ministry of Health)
Health professions education in Slovenia. A new challenge to overcome a quality gap.
10.45 Frederik Froen
11.00 Karen Pukk, (Karolinska Institute)
Education in Quality Improvement in Sweden-preparing future health care professionals
11.15Simon Knighton, EPP (UK)
Patients helping professionals improve their training
Session 3 External evaluation
10.30Samo Fakin (Slovenian Health Fund)
New Paradigm of Management in Healthcare
10.45 Paula Vallejo(FAD, Spain)
MARQuIS Project: use of external assessment of hospitals
11.00Prof. Rene Amalberti
Improving patient safety through External auditing
11.15Anne-Laure Donskoy (UFM, Bristol,UK)
User Focused MonitoringService users at the heart of service evaluation
11.30 Break Time for moderator/rapporteur to create agenda for rest of the session based on presentations.
12.00 Discussion in each session lead by chair/moderator.
13.15 Lunch;
Plenary session
14.15 Rapporteur group1
14.30 Discussion in plenary
14.45 Rapporteur group2
15.00 Discussion in plenary
15.15 Rapporteur group2
15.30 Discussion in plenary
15.45 Break Time for A.Robida/M.Buiting/D.Somekh to formulate conclusions
16.00 Conclusion by chairs
16.30 Finish