P. Eng. Certificate Presentation Ceremony - Mississauga Chapter PEOMay 21, 2009
MississaugaChapter organized its 1st semi annual Certificate Ceremony in spring of 2009. The award/certificate was presented to 50 plusnew Engineers.Mr. Khaled El-Rahi congratulated the new P.Eng'sfor achieving the major milestone and promptly welcomed them to the Mississauga Chapter. The ceremony was a great success which included distinguishing guests like Mr. Bob Dechert MP, Erindaleand Mr. Joe Howsien, V.P Atomic Energy of Canada .
The eventwas held at Credit valley golf club ,was filled with new members and their families. It was well organized and attended. The organizing committee chair Pappur Shankar emphasized the importance of having this certificate award ceremony in this fashion and welcomed and thanked PEO and chapter for their extended support to make this event a great success. The event created a very good forum/opportunity to meet our local politiciansand PEO president which enriches the event and provided good exposure to new members.
Mr. Pappur Shankar, Chair of Mississauga Chapter PEO, congratulated and welcomed all new members to the chapter. He briefly spoke about the activities and role of the chapter and encouraged new members to participate and contribute to the good cause of engineering profession. He welcomed volunteers to help in the chapter activities.He stressed the engineers receiving the P Eng Certificate is a privilege and the commitment is expected by us to regulate the practice of engineering while maintaining public safety..
Mr. Bob Dechertemphasized on the initiatives taken by Harper government to help business and consumers during these difficult economic times. Bob elaborated the recent budget set for multi-year economic plan to help simulate the economy during current global recession, worth $30 Billion. He also indicated that he will assist in the nuclear industry where majority of Mississauga engineers work.
The following points taken from Bob Dechert’s speech:
1.$12 billion is committed to infrastructure projects which includes
- $4B for Municipal projects
- $2b for colleges and universities
- $500M for recreational infrastructure projects
- $407 M for Via Rail
- $500 million for go transit which includes extension of Clarkson and Erindale Go Stations.
2.Detailed on skills, training and employment insurance. The Harper government is extending funding for work sharing agreements by 14 weeks and increasing the access to work sharing agreements through greater flexibility in the qualifying criteria and streamline the process of employers over the next two years.
3.Assisting New Canadians. Investments of $50 M over the next few years will support the development of a natural framework for foreign credentials assessment and ensure new Canadians are better integrated into the Canadian labor force
Mr. Joe Howieson, V.P AECL emphasized the Candu capability and AECL projects within Canada and around the world. He touched upon Aecl’s unique and project depth and hiring areas.
- many different and challenging skills areas
- engineering design using latest design techniques, applied computer control, latest methods of safety analysis, robotics, human factors and working closely with manufacturers
- opportunity to gain experience in the various stages of a project such as conceptual design, construction, and operations, including overseas assignments
- 500 PEO now and more if Ontario selects CANDU
- Right here in Mississauga
The Executive Committee and Ten Volunteers of Mississauga Chapter worked hard to make this event a success and everything from start till finish went very smoothly.
The chapter achieved a great success by establishing good relationships with local politicians and industrial group and PEOMississauga Chapter determined to continue this approach.
Mr. Phil Maka, Jr. Counselor spoke to the new licensed engineers and advised them to keep their chin high.
Mr., Mohan Perera did vote of thanks. He thanked all volunteers who helped in mthis program was a greata success and my sincere thanks to each and every one of them for taking the pride.
Pappur Shankar P. Eng
Chair and Chair of Certificate Committee
Certificate Committee:
Kahaled El-Rahi, P. Eng.
Mohan Perera, P. Eng.
Katherine Diep EIT
Brett Chmiel
Omar Al Shareeda
Revenue: $2650.00 (Based on 53 recipients at $50 per recipient)
INCOME / 50*$53 / $2,650.00
BADGES / 41.18
SCREEN / N/A / -
PINS / $3.18 per pin / engineers / 159.00
PLANNING MEETING Estimated / Pizza and tips / 75.00
DEPOSIT / 500.00
SPEAKER'S GIFT Estimated / $50
TOTAL Expenses / 2,653.49