Through Creativity - a Mixed Media Event with Maria Pacca

JANUARY 29th, 3-6 pm - Edgar Cayce Center NY

Preparation and Inspiration:

Food for Thought:

"It is thought and feeling which guide the Universe, not deeds"

Edgar Cayce

"Reality is built out of thought and our every thought begins to create reality. " Edgar Cayce

On Limitations:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us….” Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love).

On Commitment:

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness… William Hutchison Murray

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!” Goethe

On Love:

“Everything is love...and distinctions of all that appears otherwise. Make choices aligned with the symmetry of heart-centered awareness. Consistent heart-centered choices create the template for a new reality where every moment is a miracle.”


Thought Provocation (in preparation for the class)

To help create a blueprint for a new life in 2017, here are some pertinent questions to think about and write down (if you have time):

• What makes your heart sing?

• When in your life do you feel a sense of wonder?

• What makes you feel joyful which is much more encompassing and profound than "happy"?

• What do you feel in your gut is your life's purpose?

• What hidden talents do you have which could be brought forth to enrich your life?

• What makes you feel good about yourself on a daily basis?

Supplies to bring:

·  The most important thing to bring is your collection of photos, images from magazines, catalogs, or downloads from the Internet, as well as quotes, sayings, places you want to visit, reminder of events, places, people, or anything that inspires you. The purpose is to bring everything on the board to life! A picture is worth a thousand words! There will be magazines to cut but your board will be more meaningful to you with your own pre-chosen images.

·  Bring a notebook to journal on. Make it your own “creative visualization notebook”. Whatever you write on it will not be shared; it is a tool to create your board. Later it can become your journal to draw on, write thoughts, affirmations, poems, dreams, inspiring ideas or quotes from books or songs. Create lists of what you want: a) a dream list b) a success list 3) self-esteem and self-appreciation list, etc.

·  An apron so you can feel comfortable and not afraid "to get dirty". Creativity can get messy!

·  A favorite pen - if you have a favorite pen or marker that youlike to write with.

We will supply glue, scissors, paint, brushes, markers, a stiff surface to glue on, etc.