Idaho Area Assembly – Fall 2016
Al-Anon Assembly Business Meeting Minutes
The business meeting of the Idaho Area Al-Anon 2016 Fall Assembly was held at the Red Lion Hotel, Lewiston, Idaho, September 17, 2016. The meeting was opened by Area Chairperson Danielle E at 8:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer. Becky H., District 3, read the 12 Traditions, Doug C., District 4 read the 12 Concepts of Service.
Voting Group representatives were present from each district as follows:
District One - 5
District Two - 4
District Three - 3
District Four - 2
District Five - 1
District Six - 0
District Seven - 2
Total of voting GRs 17
- Spring 2017 Assembly will be held May 20, 2017 in Pocatello,Idaho. Theme: Our Hope For The Future.
- Danielle E. from Garfield, WA was the luncheon speaker.
- There is District 2 and Area Archives displayed on the tables in back.
- Love gifts from the National Conference are available for the taking.
- Carol G. is the runner. Any issues with accommodations please check with Carol.
- A Recovery countdown was taken and results = 569 years of Recovery.
Secretary’s Report – Attendees were provided copies of the 2016 Spring Assembly. After reviewing the minutes, motion was made by Kris S. to approve as written, Seconded by Becky H. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report –
Kathy Ba. reviewed the expenses and income for 2016 thus far. The proposed 2017 Budget was presented. Discussion was held on the new line item Archives Storage, along with Accounting Expenses and Equalizer Expense. After discussion on these line items, the 2017 budget was approved by the GR’s. The following totals reflect the 2016 budget as of 9/13/16.
2016 Account Balance Al-Anon Area 13
As of 9/13/2016 the checking account balance was $4,341.44; savings account balance was $8,267.05, Assembly seed money $1,000, net worth was $13,608.49.
2016 Spring Assembly Profit & Loss and AWSC Spring 2016
The assembly held in Idaho Falls had a total income of $2,715.00.00, expenses of $1,848.67 for a net profit of the assembly of $866.33
2016 Total Group Donations
The total donations for 2016 through 9/13/16 were $5,423.86. Each group needs to verify and make sure the donations listed are correct.
GR Exchange
Terry A., Alternate Delegate presented in the absence of our Delegate Nancy Jo. Topics presented by Terry included the WSO Processes, budget, total amounts donated by each State, and information on the meaning and purpose of TEAM Events.
DR Exchange
Danielle E. conducted the DR Exchange in the Potlatch Room.
Danielle E. discussed the election procedures. Elections will be in the following order: Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Area Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. We have a total of 17 GR’s in attendance at the Assembly. Two thirds majority would be 11. As each office comes up for vote, all members in attendance who are eligible to stand for that position are polled at that time to see if they are willing to stand for the position. These Area Officers are elected for a 3 year period. Each person standing for a position or who had submitted a resume, were asked to speak to the Assembly as to their previous service obligations. The election results are as follows:
Area 13 Delegate – Danielle E.
Alternate Delegate – vacant
Area Chairperson - Janet D.
Secretary - Cheryl G.
Treasurer – vacant
Congratulations to all of our new Area Officers and a great big Thank You! to those who have served the past 3 years. Anyone interested in submitting an application for one of the Area Coordinator positions, please do so by the end of November. Those positions will be voted on by the AWSC Committee after January 1, 2017.
Area Coordinator’s Reports
Alateen/AAPP – Kerry D.
I am happy to report that the AMIAS recertification and Alateen Group update has been done for the year. Thanks to the Alateen sponsors for getting their information to me on time, I was able to recertify all the sponsors for the coming year.
Our current active sponsor count is 39. Broken down by District: D1 – 5, D2 – 1, D3 – 23, D4 – 0, D5 – 3, D6 – 3, D7 – 4.
Our current active group count is 24. By District: D3 – 21, D6 – 1, D7 – 2.
As a reminder, please be sure that any group that is currently meeting is actively registered with WSO. This is a requirement to use the Alateen platform. If you have a concern that a meeting or sponsor is not showing active, please feel free to get in touch with me.
In Service,
Kerry D.
Archives – Ladora B.
We are in the last few months of Al-Anon’s 65 years of existence. In 1951 there were 87 groups and now the world-wide fellowship is over 25,000 groups in over 134 countries.
Remembering our history makes us appreciate that we have available in our own cities the choices of what day to go to a meeting. I remember that in 1971 when I started in Al-Anon, there was 1 group in Boise and now I’m not sure how many there are – some close and new ones start – it’s hard to keep track of, but every day has several meetings from which to choose.
When the groups in Idaho met to discuss and pursue the possibility of becoming an Area, with a delegate, and be counted at WSO, there was excitement and cautiousness because we are so far from each other within the state. WSO sent a map of Idaho with the suggested outlines for 5 districts. Through the ensuing years a more logical realignment of districts took place. District 5 divided and became 5 and 6. District 3 divided and became 3 and 7. As those persons pass on that were involved, the reasoning becomes lost and that is where our Archives provide that information.
I am humbled and honored to have been appointed Area Archives Co-Coordinator since 1984. To be custodian of this treasure trove of Idaho Area history is close to my heart. I’m a history buff of Idaho things besides Al-Anon. Being Co-Coordinator gave a reason for keeping all the Al-anon stuff I have from 1971 to 1984, when Area included Archives Co-Coordinator as a position.
We have an Archive collection to be proud of and that was demonstrated a few years ago when the Assembly was held in Boise. My garage was emptied and we brought it to the meeting room for display. To see it all laid out to be seen was a thrill and you were surprised what all the Archives contained.
WSO guidelines express best the purpose of an Area Archives from G-30 “The purpose of an Area Archives is to preserve the experience, history and memorabilia of the Al-Anon fellowship from the beginning of the family movement in the locale. This history should be preserved so as to be available to the membership and the serious researcher, within the framework of our Traditions, for the good of Al-Anon as a whole”.
Within our collection are a lot of CAL books, pamphlets, and WSO publications such as Inside Al-Anon, Area Highlights and the Forums. While these are not specific to our Area, they have been adopted for various reasons and it has all been kept.
Today I have brought extras of “Al-Anon Speaks Out” a community resource for professionals. Please take a few to your districts.
Physical housing of our precious Archives heritage is the next phase, after my garage. Even AFG, Inc. had to make some tough decisions on what to move from New York to Virginia some 15 years ago. This past year I have been inventorying contents of each box, in detail. There has been off sizes of boxes and I’m purchasing boxes that conform to good storage – sometimes that means making contents of 1 box into 2 boxes, taking into consideration the weight and placing like categories in each box. Right now there are 48 numbered boxes and I’m still going.
Ladora B., Area Archives Co-Coordinator.
Group Records –Paula N.
I am the person you send changes to your group to. I then make the changes on the WSO website. In reviewing the group change form, especially for any new GR’s, I would like to express the need to print so it can be read. If I cannot read it clearly, then mistakes can be made and groups may not get info from WSO that is needed.
I have given listings of groups to the DR’s to review and let me know of any changes.
My address is: Paula Neeser, Box 4051, Pocatello, ID 83205.
Last I would like to thank you for letting me have the honor of being our Area Group Records Coordinator. I know that every service position I have held, I not only learn and grow, and my character defects rear their ugly little heads as well and it gives me the opportunity to work on them also.
Thank you, Paula N.
Literature/Forum –Berta R
Be informed…Those are two key words in Al-Anon…
Where and how do we get “informed”…?
Want news from your WSO? Subscribe to AFG Announcement. Now members can sign up to receive a free subscription to AFG Announcements-all we need is your email address (you can easily unsubscribe at any time). This communication system for individual members will deliver announcements from the World Service Office (WSO) right to your inbox. Some examples of announcements include: new literature, surveys, WSO employment opportunities, and Group eNews, to name a few. You and members of your group can go to the Members’ website to sign up.
Members in service who currently receive information through this “Announcements-WSC Structure” community here on AFG Connects will continue to receive announcements in that manner so there is no need to subscribe.
Also, Cal-Chat podcasts can be found on Apple ITunes and Google Play Music under their podcast category. You can also search for the name “Cal-Chat”.
There is so much information to help us in our recovery…from free downloads to podcasts, history, etc. along with all of our literature. I recently presented a workshop on Mothering, Manipulation, Managing and Martyrdom using various pieces of our literature as a guide. The index of all of our books is a great place to start…as well as the Forum and our pamphlets. The World Service Website is a wealth of information to assist us in “Being Informed”. Check out the member’s website and highlight the word “resources”.
I found these facts on the website: 1. In 1951 Lois and Anne compiled Al-Anon’s first piece of literature, a pamphlet called Purposes and Suggestions for Al-Anon Family Groups (P-13). 2.In 1954 the Clearing House Newsletter officially became a monthly publication as the Family Group Forum and is now known as The Forum. 3. In 1968 Al-Anon’s first daily reader, One Day at A Time (or the ODAT) was published.
My next conference call with the World Service Office and other Forum/Literature Coordinators will be on October 6, 2016. As this 3 year term comes to an end, I would like to thank our fellowship for allowing me to serve as the Area Literature Coordinator.
Berta R.
Literature Center (AAISC) – Luann H.
Luann reported on the Literature Center in downtown Boise. The hours are maintained by volunteers. They now have a credit card payment process available, but it is not working smoothly. The new printer that they purchased is great and they are considering offering to make copies for others in their District at a reasonable price. Thanks to Ladora for storing the Archives for so many years in her garage. Luann also reviewed the Literature Coordinator job requirements.
Newsletter – Kathy Bo.
I am sorry I cannot attend this Assembly. I want you all to know that I have been blessed these last 3 years to be your Newsletter Editor. I had some trepidation taking on the role of Newsletter Editor; mainly because I know myself and how hard it is for me to take something “all the way” to a conclusion. I have such good intentions in the beginning but life always seems to interfere and even when it is in my best interests to stick with something, I don’t.
Several things that you allowed me to do made it possible for me to be successful. First
I traveled and stayed in touch with Area concerns via email. Secondly, you allowed me time at
each Assembly to have those attending write for me. The sharings I received came from the
heart and filled the pages of the newsletters with Wisdom, Experience and above all Hope. You
see, we do together what I’ve never been able to do alone, which is why I’m so grateful to call
myself Al-Anon. And lastly, although I published 4 newsletters a year, I was able to create my
own schedule which meant that each issue was a product created when I had the time to
devote to it. I loved doing them.
I would encourage each of you to try something new you never know how it can benefit
you until you try.
Kathy Bosler
Newsletter Editor
Public Outreach –Karen D. no report
Website – Jamie C. no report
District Representative Reports
District 1 – Kris S.
District 1 is alive and well in beautiful Northern Idaho. We have 19 group meetings all the way from 3 people to more than 20. Since Spring Assembly we have lost 2 groups but 3 more are in the “maybe soon” stage.
Besides coordinating meetings our District offers:
- a monthly newsletter that generally is 4-5 pages long. One of the attachments is our Meeting Schedule which has become very important. Each month the GR’s can make several copies for their meetings and always know it has all the latest info on it.
- District 1 also hosts a Second Sunday Speaker Meeting. We found that giving a tape played, even a Mary Pearl tape didn’t work out – only 6 people showed up compared to 30 plus when we had a couple from Sandpoint share. For December we generally have 4-5 people sharing and this December will be on the topic of “Favorite Tools of our Program”.
- Our website ( which is just about 6 months old has been well received. All the meetings are listed and include a map. Past speaker tapes are available to listen to.
- We continue to hold panel meetings at the hospital behavioral center as part of our outreach program. Lately we have been more active placing meetings schedules around town and placing notices in the paper.
Our Alateen Program disbanded at the beginning of the year but recently has come back even stronger with more Sponsors activating. The new group is looking into having a program in local schools in our area.
We have been actively promoting rotation of service and hope to have a full board and a majority of the groups with GR’s as we have had this past year. I think we could all say it’s been a great 3 years and that being of service has enriched our lives.
Kris S., District 1
District 2 – Roz H.
Welcome to everyone attending this area assembly and hope you are enjoying our valley. The first of this year, we added a spiritual meeting before our monthly district meeting and we are please with the increased attendance.
We have 2 new meetings that were once present and closed, but have begun again in Orofino and Grangeville. We also have 2 members looking to Alateen sponsorship for the L-C valley.
Our district Archivist has been busy this year requesting information on group histories. She is also interviewing long-time members with at least 25 years of participation. Out district has 8 members with at least 25 years of service.
The past 6 months, our district has been busy preparing for this assembly. We were concerned that the funds available to us from the Area would not be sufficient so we put out a request to all the groups for donations and they responded generously. We hope you found the packets and gift bags beneficial and fun.
Sadly, we have lost our answering service. We currently have tabled replacing this service for our district and will re-evaluate in January. We are lacking a public outreach coordinator and therefore have not participated in many of the wellness fairs put on in our district.
We are looking forward to our annual Gratitude Luncheon in Peck, ID on November 13. In December, our Christmas Progressive/Non-progressive Dinner is always a lot of fun and well attended in Juliaetta, ID. Currently we are planning a workshop for our district sometime in January or February.
Respectfully submitted,
Ros H., Interim DR
District 3 – Linda A.
Events that District 3 has participated in since last Assembly include the AA Spring Assembly in Boise held in May, the 2016 Gem State Roundup in August, also in Boise. Both events included Al-Anon speakers that were extraordinary including our own Kerry D.
Friday Night Fireside Group has a speaker meeting the first Friday of the month and the Thursday Night Friends group has frequent speaker meetings. The next speaker meeting will feature two amazing members from our community who will share their experience, strength and hope on the “S” word.
The 21st AA Gratitude Dinner will be November 5th in Garden City with Diana P. as the Al-Anon speaker.
Upcoming events also include: February 4th - 2017 “Steps Come Alive” with Kathy H. from Cincinnati, and March 4th, 2017 - Service Workshop in Boise.
We currently have several meetings in our district that do not have a GR, and we continue to address this concern; however, our monthly district meetings are well attended.
Public Outreach is bigger and better than ever. We are currently working on information packets for the various professional communities. Jane F. also does a monthly District 3 newsletter that has been very well received by members.