Annual Review ofResearch Degree Programmes: report by the Graduate School Committee to ULTSEC.

This template is to assist Graduate School Committees with the reports they are required to submit to ULTSEC (or nominated sub-committee) following consideration of Annual Review reports. GSC reports on research programmes will be considered at the April meeting.

List any Annual Review reports not received and indicate the action being taken by the Committee to follow this up.
List any Annual Review reports which are incomplete and indicate the action being taken by the Committee to follow this up.
What are the 2 Schools/Institutes that will undergo an audit visit within the next 12 months?
List the methods of student representation at: i) School / Institute, and ii) Faculty level and comment on any deviations from the Faculty norm
Outline the process by which feedback on the reports is being provided to schools / institutes by the GSC.
Comment on how well action plans have been compiled and their usefulness in identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Comment on whether or not schools/institutes carried out actions listed in the previous year’s plan.
Summary of recurring themes identified from the Annual Review reports under the following headings:
(Please note that it is not expected that every heading will need to be commented upon)
Selection, admission and induction, including student entry profiles
Cohort Analysis
Research environment
Student support and guidance
Research training and skills
Student feedbackandrepresentation
Complaints and appeals
Examiner and other stakeholder feedback
Taught Elements of Research Degrees
Doctoral Training Provision
Educational Partnerships
Overall comment on the adequacy of the information provided, including the content of the action plans, i.e. does GSC have sufficient evidence to be assured that key issues have been identified?
Examples of good practice which may be usefully applied to other parts of the University.
Issues for the attention of the Graduate School Committee or other Faculty Committee
Issues for the attention of ULTSEC
Any comments which GSC wishes to make about the operation of the Annual Review process.

Annual Review of Research Degree Programmes

Faculty Action Plan



Issue / Source of issue / Action / By whom / By when / Outcome / Completion date