DCNR- Bureau of Recreation and Conservation
Partnerships Project Work Plan & Approval to Proceed Pilot Project Overview and FormInstructions
Pilot Overview
Background: The Partnerships Project Work Plan & Approval to Proceed Form (form) was developed as a means to more easily generate and approve updated work plans. It is being piloted with approximately 10 grantees in grant round 19. Pilot projects have been selected to represent a variety of grantee organizations, Bureau Project Managers (BPM),and project activities.
Goals:The goals of this pilot project are as follows:
- Decrease administrative burden placed on the Local Project Coordinator (LPC) to generate an updated work plan.
- Increase the rate of approval to proceed notices issued without DCNR follow up with grantees.
- Decrease the administrative burden on the BPM in issuing approval to proceed for Partnerships Projects.
- From the inception of project activities, encourage grantees to organize and account for project expenses in accordance with the DCNR final payment request form.
Timeframe:This pilot project will end 60 days from the mailing of the last executed grant agreement to allpilot participant organizations.
Feedback: EveryLPC and BPMparticipating in the pilot is strongly encouraged tosubmit feedback via email to . All honest and frank feedback regarding the form, process, usefulness, etc. are welcomed. Comments should be submitted immediately upon receipt of approval to proceed.
General Form Instructions
The form is separated into three main sections:
- General Project Information
- Total Estimated Project Cost Summary & Approval to Proceed
- Work Plan
The cost centers shown in Sections 2 and 3 reflect those found on DCNR’s Final Payment Request Form. The Final Payment Request Form for Planning and Partnerships Projects contains descriptions of each cost center and can be found at this link:
The form is most easily navigated using the tab key. The text boxes will automatically expand as you type. It is possible to separate typing into paragraphs by using the return key. Indentations can be accomplished by using the space bar.
The intent of this form is to capture the best information possible regarding project details. Therefore, it is understood that the information entered and approved is the grantees best estimate of project expenses at the time. DCNR fully recognizes that the information captured by this form may change as the project unfolds. The LPC should contact their BPM to discuss major changes to work tasks or cost centers prior to beginning work that is outside of what is captured on this form. This open communication allows the BPM to advise the LPC on activities that may be beyond the contractual scope and/or allows the BPM to work with the LPC to amend the grant agreement, if possible and necessary.
Specific Form Instructions by Section
Section 1 - General Project Information
This section contains general project information and is typically filled out by the BPM. However, it can be filled out by the LPCbyreferencing Appendix A of the Grant Agreement.
Section 2 - Total Estimated Project Cost Summary & Approval to Proceed
This section serves several purposes:
- The cost centers automatically tallybased on the amounts entered into the Work Plan (Section 3). Therefore, when all project information has been entered and the form is complete, this section shows a financial summary of the total project. When the financial information is enteredinto Work Plan correctly the “Total Estimated Project Costs” in Sections 1 and 2 will equal.
- Allows the LPC to attest to the accuracy of the information. Once the form is complete the LPC must sign, date, and email the form back to the BPM.
- Allows the BPM to sign and date the form thereby issuing approval to proceed with project activities.
Upon completion and acceptance, the BPM will email the executed form back to the LPC, thereby issuing approval to proceed with project activities.
Section 3 – Work Plan
This section contains the fiscal details, work tasks, outputs, and outcomes associated with each scope of work item.
Scope Item This is where either the BPM or LPC enter the individual scope item that is to be detailed in the subsequent boxes. All scope items are to be based on the official scope of work found in Appendix A of the Grant Agreement.
Scope Item CostsThis section allows the LPC to input scope item cost amounts in accordance with the categories found in the Final Payment Request Form (hyperlinked above). The cost centers in Section 2 of the form automatically tally as amounts are entered.
Sub Agreements Check this box if the scope item will require one or more sub- agreements to complete. The “approved” space will be filled in by the BPM once the sub agreements are reviewed and approved.
Work TaskUse this section to detail the work that will be performed in support of the scope item. Be as detailed and succinct as possible.
OutputsShort term deliverables produced by the work tasks. Outputs should be written so that they are succinct and measurable.
OutcomesLong term goal supported by the outputs. Outcomes should be written so that they are succinct and measurable.