/ District Program Co-ordinatorAppointment / Appointed by the Governor Elect with approval of the District Board of Directors
Term of Office / Two Years
Role /
- To act as Chair of the Programme Committee.
- To work with the Governor and Committee Chairs in planning their biennium based on the District Strategic Plan and the Governor’s Goals.
- To act as a liaison between the Governor/ District Board and the District Committees.
- To be in regular communication with the District Committee Chairs, usually via Email.
For other responsibilities see below
Policies and By-laws /- To be familiar with all District Policies and Procedures
- To be familiar with all District Committee Chairs roles and responsibilities.
- Be familiar with the International Strategic Plan, the District Strategic Plan and biennium goals.
District Board Meetings / - If able, attend part of the District Board Meetings (no expenses can be claimed)Conference /
- To work with Governor/District Board to organise appropriate Workshops at District Conference if required.
- Solicit other Committee Chairs to run these workshops and assist them with planning and organising as required.
- Work with the Conference Committee to ensure the facilities and equipment required for the workshops are available.
- To assist the Governor with the presentation of the programme for the new biennium
- To work with the committee chairs responsible for the judging of the service awards to the collating of a summary of service project entries into the awards for distribution at conference.
IFF Days / - Work with the District Board member who has been assigned the IFF Day nearest to your Club and assist them as required.DSB /
- Submit regular articles to the DSB via due date
- Remind Committee Chairs to regularly submit articles
Reports /- To submit a six monthly report prior to the Mid Year Board Meeting and a annual report to be included in the District Conference Programme. Due date will be advised by the District Secretary.
- To remind all Committee Chairs to submit reports as stated above to you by a date prior to the notified due date for collating and submitting to the District Secretary.
Expenses / - Claim any expenses as allowed under District Policies.Position
/ Leadership Training and Strategic Planning ChairAppointment / Appointed by the Governor Elect with approval of the District Board of Directors.
Term of Office / Two Years.
Role /
- To act as Chair of the Leadership Programme Chair (including NCW Chair, Nominations Chair and BRR Chair).
- To liaise with the International Leadership & Training Chair
- To liaise with the International Strategic Planning Committee Chair and submit reports as required.
- To liaise with the Governor, District Programme Co-ordinator in planning ways to achieve the District Goals for the biennium.
- To regularly communicate with all Club Presidents and offer any assistance with Leadership issues and their Strategic Plan.
For other responsibilities see belowPolicies and By-laws etc. /
- Be familiar with all District Policies and Procedures
- Be familiar with the International Policy 61
- Be familiar with the International Strategic Plan, the District Strategic Plan and biennium goals.
Conference /- To attend the annual District Conference – if able
- To attend pre conference Chairs meeting at the request of the Governor (usually occurs Friday morning)
- To present/assist with a Conference Workshop if requested by Programme Co-ordinator.
- To assist the Governor Elect with President Elect Training held prior to Conference.
IFF Days / - If able - to present/ assist with a workshop at your area IFF Day at the request of the District Board member assigned to your area.Communication with Clubs /
- Keep up regular communication with the Club President’s, and answer any queries they may have re their Strategic Plan or Training/Leadership issues.
- Supply Clubs with any relevant training material they may request.
DSB / - Submit regular articles to the DSB by due date.Reports / - Submit a six monthly report prior to the Mid Year Board Meeting and a annual report to be included in the District Conference Programme. Due date will be advised by the District Programme co-ordinator.
District Awards / - You may be asked at the request of the Governor to select judges for a District Award.
Records / - Maintain a record of all pertinent material to this position during the term of office, to act as a guide to a successor, or for inclusion in the archives
Expenses / - Claim any expenses as allowed under District Policies.
Leadership & Training Goals for 2009/11 / - At least 50% of the membership to attend District Conference or IFF Day’s during the biennium
/ NZ National Council of Women Co-ordinatorAppointment / Appointed by the Governor Elect with approval of the District Board of Directors.
Term of Office / Reviewed very two years.
Role / - To be the District’s contact with the national office of NCW
Communication / - To pass on to the District Officers and Clubs via the District Website any relevant information send on from the NCW National Office.
NCW Dues / - District pays the cost of NCW yearly subscription.
NCW Conference / - To attend (if able) the NCW Conference and Annual Meeting. If unable to attend liaise with the District Governor re appointment of a representative from Altrusa to attend.
- District will refund the cost of Registration to the NCW National Conference.
(no transport or accommodation costs can be claimed)
Conference / - To attend the annual District Conference – if able.
- To attend pre conference Chairs meeting at the request of the Governor (usually occurs Friday morning.)
Reports / - Submit a six monthly report prior to the Mid Year Board Meeting and a annual report to be included in the District Conference Programme. Due date will be advised by the District Programme co-ordinator.
Records / - Maintain a record of all pertinent material to this position during the term of office, to act as a guide to a successor, or for inclusion in the archives
Expenses / - Claim any expenses as allowed under District Policies.
Leadership & Training Goals for 2009/11 / - Encourage understanding of the workings of the National Council of Women NZ (NCWNZ)
/ Bylaws, Resolutions and Recommendations (BRR) CommitteeAppointment / Appointed by the Governor Elect with approval of the District Board of Directors.
Term of Office / Two Years.
Membership / The Committee comprises of a Chair and one other member.
Role / - To assist, edit and clarify any proposed change/s to District Policies and or International Policies or Bylaws that are to be presented to the annual District Conference. These may be submitted by the District Board and or Clubs.
- To circulate any submissions to all District Officers and Clubs no later than forty five days prior to Conference.
- To review District Policies for changes/updates/improvements that may be required and make recommendations to the District Board in this regard
- To liaise with the District Governor, Parliamentarian and Board re any issues arising from BRR submissions.
- To assist the District Board with the interpretation of Bylaws and policies if requested.
Policies and By-laws etc. / - Be familiar with all District Policies and Procedures (esp. no 4)
- Be familiar with the International Encyclopaedia and International Bylaws and Policies.
Conference / - To attend the annual District Conference – if able
- To present the BRR briefing session to the delegates
- To present the BBR at the Business Session as directed by the Governor
District Policies / - To hold the master copy of the District Policies and update them after the District Conference.
- Distribute the updated policies to the District Board, Clubs, District Chairs and Past District Governors within 30 days of District Conference.
Communication with Clubs / - Be available to assist clubs with the interpretation of Club bylaws and policies if requested.
Reports / - Submit a six monthly report prior to the Mid Year Board Meeting and a annual report to be included in the District Conference Programme. Due date will be advised by the District Programme co-ordinator.
Records / - Maintain a record of all pertinent material to this position during the term of office, to act as a guide to a successor, or for inclusion in the archives
Expenses / - Claim any expenses as allowed under District Policies.
Leadership & Training Goals for 2009/11 / - Encourage understanding of the structure and bylaws/policies of Altrusa International at all levels.
/ District Service ChairAppointment / Appointed by the Governor Elect with approval of the District Board of Directors.
Term of Office / Two Years.
Role /
- To act as Chair of the District Service Committee (including International relations, ASTRA and Foundation).
- To liaise with the International Service Chair.
- To liaise with the Governor, District Programme Co-ordinator in planning ways to achieve the District Goals for the biennium.- To regularly communicate with all Club Service Chairs and encourage them to enter their projects in the Mamie L Bass and Letha H Brown Awards.
For other responsibilities see below
Policies and By-laws etc. / - Be familiar with all District Policies and Procedures
- Be familiar with the International Encyclopaedia re the role of the Club Service Committee
- Be familiar with the International Strategic Plan, the District Strategic Plan and biennium goals.
- Be familiar with the entry criteria for the Mamie L Bass, Service Award, Letha H Brown Literacy Award
Conference / - To attend the annual District Conference – if able
- To attend pre conference Chairs meeting at the request of the Governor (usually occurs Friday morning)
- To present/assist with a Conference Workshop if requested by Programme Co-ordinator.
- To assist with President Elect Training if requested and able to attend.
District Service Project / - Assist the Board Member responsible for its organisation, and encourage all Clubs to take part.
IFF Days / - If able - to present/ assist with a workshop at your area IFF Day at the request of the District Board member assigned to your area.
Communication with Clubs / - Keep up regular communication with the Club Service Chair /Club President, and answer any queries they may have re service/literacy projects.
DSB / - Submit regular articles to the DSB by due date
Reports / - Submit a six monthly report prior to the Mid Year Board Meeting and a annual report to be included in the District Conference Programme. Due date will be advised by the District Programme co-ordinator.
District Awards / - Organise the judging of the Mamie L Bass Service Award in consultation with the District Governor.
Records / - Maintain a record of all pertinent material to this position during the term of office, to act as a guide to a successor, or for inclusion in the archives
Expenses / - Claim any expenses as allowed under District Policies.
Service Goals for 2009/11 / - 100% of clubs to participate by entering at least one project into the service awards.
- 100% of clubs to participate in Make a Difference Day
/ International Relations ChairAppointment / Appointed by the Governor Elect with approval of the District Board of Directors.
Term of Office / Two Years.
Role / - To liaise with the International Service Chair.
- To liaise with the Governor, District Programme Co-ordinator in planning ways to achieve the District Goals for the biennium.
- To regularly communicate with all Club Service Chairs and encourage them to enter their projects in the Dr Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Award
- Encourage clubs to establish strong Sister Club Relationships
- Act as District Liaison for any International Projects
For other responsibilities see below
Policies and By-laws etc. / - Be familiar with all District Policies and Procedures
- Be familiar with the International Encyclopaedia) re the role of the Club Service Committee
- Be familiar with the International Strategic Plan, the District Strategic Plan and biennium goals. Be familiar with the entry criteria for the Dr Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Award.
Conference / - To attend the annual District Conference – if able
- To attend pre conference Chairs meeting at the request of the Governor (usually occurs Friday morning)
- To present/assist with a Conference Workshop if requested by Programme Co-ordinator.
- To assist with President Elect Training if requested and able to attend.
IFF Days / - If able - to present/ assist with a workshop at your area IFF Day at the request of the District Board member assigned to your area.
Communication / - Keep up regular communication with the Club Service Chair /Club President, and answer any queries they may have re international service projects.
- Act as district liaison with the President of the Madras India Altrusa Club.
- Act as district liaison with any international service projects
DSB / - Submit regular articles to the DSB by due date
Reports / - Submit a six monthly report prior to the Mid Year Board Meeting and a annual report to be included in the District Conference Programme. Due date will be advised by the District Programme co-ordinator.
District Awards / - Organise the judging of the Dr Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Award in consultation with the District Governor.
Records / - Maintain a record of all pertinent material to this position during the term of office, to act as a guide to a successor, or for inclusion in the archives
Expenses / - Claim any expenses as allowed under District Policies.
Service Goals for 2009/11 / - Encourage all clubs to do at least one International project in each year
/ District Foundation ChairAppointment / Appointed by the Governor Elect with approval of the District Board of Directors.
Term of Office / Two Years.
Role / - To liaise with International Foundation.
- To keep District Fifteen membership informed on all matters concerning Altrusa International Foundation.
- To encourage contributions to the Altrusa Foundation from Clubs and individuals in District Fifteen.
- To encourage Clubs to apply for grants when applicable to their projects.
- Promote Club 21 and Lamplighter programme in District Fifteen.
For other responsibilities see below
Policies and By-laws etc. / - Be familiar with all District Policies and Procedures.
- Be familiar with the management and functions of the Altrusa Foundation refer to Encyclopaedia Be familiar with the Foundation Grant application forms.
- Be familiar with the International Strategic Plan, the District Strategic Plan and biennium goals.
Conference / - To attend the annual District Conference – if able.
- To organise the District Fifteen Foundation Raffle at Conference. Promote this event amongst clubs requesting articles and in consultation with the Governor. Seek assistance from a club in running this event.
- To attend pre conference Chairs meeting at the request of the Governor (usually occurs Friday morning.)
- To present/assist with a Conference Workshop if requested by Programme Co-ordinator.
- To assist with President Elect Training if requested and able to attend.
IFF Days / - If able - to present/ assist with a workshop at your area IFF Day at the request of the District Board member assigned to your area.
Communication with Clubs / - Keep up regular communication with the Club President, re Foundation issues.
DSB / - Submit regular articles to the DSB by due date.
Reports / - Submit a six monthly report prior to the Mid Year Board Meeting and a annual report to be included in the District Conference Programme. Due date will be advised by the District Programme co-ordinator.
Lamplighters / - Maintain a record of all Lamplighters in District Fifteen.
Records / - Maintain a record of all pertinent material to this position during the term of office, to act as a guide to a successor, or for inclusion in the archives
Expenses / - Claim any expenses as allowed under District Policies.
Foundation Goals for 2009/11 / - 100% of clubs to contribute to International Foundation
/ District Astra ChairAppointment / Appointed by the Governor Elect with approval of the District Board of Directors.
Term of Office / Two Years.
Role /
- To liaise with the International Astra Chair.
- To liaise with the Governor, District Programme Co-ordinator in planning ways to achieve the District Goals for the biennium.- To Liaise with Clubs on the possible organisation of an Astra Club in their community
- To liaise with Altrusa Club Astra Committees and offer any help and or advice if required
For other responsibilities see below
Policies and By-laws etc. / - Be familiar with all District Policies and Procedures
- Be familiar with the International Encyclopaedia re Astra Clubs and International Bylaws and Policies, Policy 4.
- Be familiar with the International Strategic Plan, the District Strategic Plan and biennium goals.
Conference / - To attend the annual District Conference – if able
- To attend pre conference Chairs meeting at the request of the Governor (usually occurs Friday morning)
- To present/assist with a Conference Workshop if requested by Programme Co-ordinator.
- To assist with President Elect Training if requested and able to attend.
IFF Days / - If able - to present/ assist with a workshop at your area IFF Day at the request of the District Board member assigned to your area.
Communication with Clubs / - Keep up regular communication with the Club Astra Chair /Club President, and answer any queries they may have re Astra
DSB / - Submit regular articles to the DSB by due date
Reports / - Submit a six monthly report prior to the Mid Year Board Meeting and a annual report to be included in the District Conference Programme. Due date will be advised by the District Programme co-ordinator.
District Awards / - Organise the judging of the Letha H Brown Literacy Award in consultation with the District Governor.
Records / - Maintain a record of all pertinent material to this position during the term of office, to act as a guide to a successor, or for inclusion in the archives
Expenses / - Claim any expenses as allowed under District Policies.
Astra Goals
2009/11 / - Increase the membership in ASTRA clubs by 50%
/ District Communication ChairAppointment / Appointed by the Governor Elect with approval of the District Board of Directors.
Term of Office / Two Years.
Role /
- Act as the Chair of the District Communication Programme Committee (includes Website Co-ordinator, DSB Editor and Reporter and Media Liaison.