Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 18th July 2016
(please note the June Parish Council meeting was cancelled)
Present: / Cllr Roland Graves(in the Chair); Cllr Sue Connor;Cllr Mike Germain;Cllr Alan White;Cllr Andy Woolway; Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk)
In Attendance: / Mr Paul Agley (Highview Services); Ms Mandy Cason (KCC Community Warden); Dr L Munro, Mrs C Friday, Mr A Ashdown & Ms E Beech (Local Residents).
Apologies for Absence
Cllr Pat Banks (VPC); Cllr John Goodban (VPC); Cllr Jim Haslem (VPC); Cllr Colin Talboys (VPC); Cllr Bryan Sweetland (KCC); Cllr Lesley Boycott (GBC); Cllr Derek Shelbrooke (GBC).
Declarations of Interest
Cllr White declared an interest in the land enclosure and did not enter into the discussions
Cllr Woolway declared an interest in the Cov 3 planning application and did not enter into the discussions (minute 239)
Neighbourhood Plan Report
Mr Jeremy Edge had not yet started the NHP Examination, but he expected that he would start it at the end of July.
[Action: ongoing]
Questions from the Press and Public
All press and public matters were discussed under the relevant agenda items as follows:
Reports from Gravesham Borough & Kent County Councillors for the Parish Area
Cllr Sweetland had been unwell and was not in attendance at the meeting. The Clerk had not been told if the Waterlow Road surface had been inspected again or not. The Clerk would email Cllr Sweetland.
[Action: Clerk]
Reports from Community Wardens
Ms Cason gave details of the Awareness Day being held at Trosley Country Park on 28th July and the GBC Fun Day at Camer Park on 27th July.
A local resident had planted a tree in memory of the boys who had been killed in the car accident in Harvel Road. The tree had been planted near Ron Parker’s memorial tree. However, this newly planted tree did not have a plaque and it was suggested that a plaque be erected, either on the newly planted tree or on an existing well established tree. There were no objections to this. Ms Cason would speak to the boys’ families and get back to the Council with any further developments.
The Clerk had sent the Grant in Aid cheque to Charlton Athletic. Ms Cason was liaising with the co-ordinator to get the training sessions back up and running. The Clerk had informed Ms Cason that more funding was available if required.
[Action: ongoing]
To approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 16th May 2016
The minutes were read and agreed, then signed by Cllr Graves having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 16th May 2016
Minor typographical errors were noted and corrected. The minutes were read and agreed, then signed by Cllr Graves having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from the Full Council Meeting (not covered under Agenda Items)
[Action: ongoing]
a) Tree Policy
SURVEY OF TREES LESS THAN 15 METRES FROM PROPERTIES IN VIGO. Cllr White was yet to carry out this task but would do so as soon as possible.[Action: Cllr White]
CHESTNUT LANE: The Clerk had emailed Zurich as agreed. No response had been received as yet.
[Action: ongoing]
THE GALLOPS: TREES TO THE SIDE: Cllr Talboys had not been able to attend a site meeting, therefore MR Agley had attended along with Cllr Germain. Following a report from Mr Agley and Cllr Germain, it was agreed (by all Councillors) to carry out some remedial tree surgery to the Oak Tree. This would be around half a day’s work (removal of one stem / three limbs) and would be carried out over the winter period. The Clerk would update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
JOURNAL ARTICLE RE TREES: Cllr Talboys had not yet produced an article for the journal, and would not be able to before the next copy deadline. However, Dr Munro HAD produced an article for the journal. This article had been sent to the Parish Council for their comments, but as it had only been received a few hours before the Parish meeting, Council Members had not yet had an opportunity to read and digest the article in full. It was therefore agreed to email the article to al Councillors. If there were no objections the article would go in the next edition of the journal (it would be made clear that the article had been written by a local resident, not by VPC).
[Action: Clerk]
TREES ADJACENT TO VIGO SCHOOL: Cllr Talboys had not yet looked at these trees, so the Clerk had arranged for Mr Agley to look and report back to Council. Mr Agley Informed Council Members that the school had concerns with a small prunus and with the very large 100-year-old Oak.
Mr Agley felt that some work could be done to the prunus, All Council Members agreed to timetable the work to the prunus over the October half term if possible. The Clerk would update the school. Mr Agley explained the situation regarding the Oak, it was noted that there was currently no need to carry out any work to the Oak. The school were concerned about the acorns and leaves which fell from the Oak, and the moss which accumulated on the playground due to the Oak. The Clerk agreed to speak to the Parish Insurers to clarify if the Parish had any liability with regard to these issues
[Action: Clerk]
Cllr Talboys had not met with Dr Munro (a local resident) to do a “walk about” and discuss trees – however Mr Agley had met Dr Munro and both parties had felt useful discussions had taken place.
CAMERA TO RECORD TREES AND TREE WORK: The Clerk had not yet sourced a camera but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
A resident had a Hornbeam sapling that she needed to relocate, she was happy for the Parish Council to take it and replant it. It had been agreed to plant this sapling on Parkers Green, however the sapling had died before it could be relocated. Consideration would be put to planting another tree in this location in the future should one become available or need relocating.
It was suggested that a tree inspection be carried out by Sylvan Arb, to clarify the status of a number of trees which Mr Agley had concerns about. This would be at a cost of £85 per hour, with the total inspection taking two hours or less. A spend of up to £170 was approved by Councillor by email. Mr Agley had asked Sylvan Arb to undertake the inspection at their earliest convenience.
[Action: ongoing]
The Wych Elm behind 1 Croftside was in flower. A local resident had offered to collect seed and attempt to bring on new plants. Mr Agley would liaise with the resident regarding this.
Croftside had received approval from Gravesham Borough Council to fell two Ash trees and one Leylandii tree on their property.
The Coach Drive had received approval from Gravesham Borough Council to remove the top and dead branches of the Sweet Chestnut to the side of the house, and coppice the stumps near to the house at the side.
A tree on the Baylis Bank had been vandalised, with many of the lower branches being cut off. The local resident had reported the matter to the police, and photographs had been taken. Mr Agley would tidy the tree up.
HIGHVIEW: The resident had reported overhanging branches at the rear of their property. Mr Agley had inspected and agreed some minor work needed to be carried out. The Clerk had informed the resident this would be done over the winter period as non-urgent work.
ALDER TREES IN HIGHVIEW: Some time ago, VPC removed 3 Italian Alder trees in Highview (community land near 23 Highview). The trees were pollarded as they had included bark, 2 Ash Trees fared well, but the Italian Alders did not survive and needed to be removed. A local resident had asked if VPC had any intention of replacing the trees. Council discussed this and agreed they would be happy to replace these trees with Alders or Mountain Ash trees. Cllr Germain thought he may be able to get some trees via KCC and would let the Clerk know.
[Action: Cllr Germain]
ADMERS WOOD: The resident had contacted the Clerk regarding overhanging trees to the side of the property. Mr Agley had agreed to look and report back to the Clerk.
[Action: Mr Agley]
b) Grounds Maintenance
ADMERS WOOD LAYBY RUTS: The Clerk had not yet written to the residents to inform them that bollards would be installed at either end of this layby, but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
VANDALISED LITTER BIN IN THE CAR PARK NEAR THE SCHOOL. The Clerk had reported this to GBC but was not sure if the bin had been replaced as yet.
[Action: ongoing]
A resident had complained about wild brambles encroaching onto the grassed areas – it was noted these had now been cut back. The resident also noted that someone was dumping grass cuttings in the wooded areas – this was not permitted; the Clerk was to liaise with the resident to ask if they knew where the grass cuttings were originating from.
[Action: Clerk]
It was noted that the planters in Ash Keys and Ferndown had been tidied up and cleared as far as possible.
Mr Perry had been covering Mr Agley whilst he was on leave – Mr Perry had cleared the weeds from the edge of The Bay area and tidied up generally, it was noted that this area looked very nice now. The area underneath the seats needed to be tidied and cut back, Mr Agley would look at this.
[Action: Mr Agley]
There was an increasing problem with scrap metal being dumped in the village, with tumble driers, ironing boards and other items being found recently. Some residents were under the impression that it would be collected by a scrap metal merchant, which was often the case, but they only drove the village on a once a week basis. It was agreed to get the phone numbers of local scrap dealers so that they could be contacted should rubbish be left out (Cllr Germain and Cllr White were both aware of local people who would assist). A note should also go in the journal giving details of the number so that residents could arrange collection directly, and to remind residents that fridges and freezers could not be disposed of in this manner.
[Action: Clerk]
Mr Agley wished to clear the area under the recycling bins. The Clerk would give his number to Berrymans so they could call him when they were next on site.
[Action: Clerk]
c) Grass Cutting
The Clerk had spoken to Mr Agley to pass on the thanks of the Council for his efforts with keeping the grass looking so nice this year. The Clerk would also send a formal email.
[Action: Clerk]
Requests From and Matters Regarding Residents.
HIGHVIEW GARAGE BLOCK: The Clerk had not yet written to these garage owners.
[Action: Clerk]
SKIPS IN VIGO: The Clerk had spoken to Gravesham Borough Council regarding this matter. No response had been received as yet. It was not clear if these skips were still an issue – the Clerk would find out and report back to Council.
[Action: Clerk]
TIMBERBANK: The Clerk had written regarding the concrete posts on Parish land. No response had been received as yet.
[Action: ongoing]
HISTORICAL FLY TIPPING HARVEL ROAD: The Clerk had looked at this area with Cllr Banks, it was very difficult to see any fly tipping as the undergrowth was so high during the summer months. The Clerk would re-inspect as the undergrowth died down, the fly tipping would then be reported as necessary.
[Action: Clerk]
FENCE TO REAR OF CAR PARK ADJACENT TO 250 HIGHVIEW: Following the last meeting, the Clerk had been liaising with Council Members by email, and agreed that doing a Land Registry search to establish the ownership of the fence may not be the most appropriate course of action, as it was likely the original owners had moved on. It was agreed to write to all those residents who had parking space in this area, to ask if they would object if the Parish Council removed the fence as a gesture of good will. The residents would be made aware that the fence, even in its dilapidated state, formed a barrier preventing people accessing this area.
The Clerk had updated the resident who had raised the issue and written to all residents. Residents were given until 1st August to respond if they did not want the fence removed. The Clerk would then make arrangements for Mr Agley to remove the fence and fly tipping in this area.
Thhe resident had responded to thank the Parish Council, and to ask if they would object to iron bar fencing or a brick wall being erected as a replacement for the dilapidated fence. Council members agreed they would not be agreeable to either of these options and would like a fence erected similar to the original. The Clerk was to update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
DUMPING BEHIND 97 HIGHVIEW: It was not clear if this rubbish was still in place, the Clerk would look before writing.
[Action: Clerk]
79: A local resident had emailed the Clerk regarding three issues: none of which were the responsibility of VPC. The Clerk had forwarded the email to Cllr Garside.
80: It was noted that there were some sofa cushions dumped at the rear of the Water Tower. These had been there for over a year and were now rain sodden and partly hidden in the undergrowth. The Clerk was to speak to Mr Agley regarding removing these.
[Action: Clerk]
LAND TO THE REAR OF LOW NUMBERS BEECHMAST. It was noted that there had been some scrap / rubbish / builder’s materials left here. The Clerk had written but the rubbish had not been moved. Additionally, a red range rover had been parked on community land to the rear of Beech Mast for some time. The vehicle was now damaged and seemed to be not at all road worthy. The Clerk had been unable to establish if the vehicle was taxed. The bonnet was damaged, the bumper appeared to be dangerous and the windows were open. Significant ruts had been made in the community land as a result of the trailer being taken up to the rear gardens in Beech Mast. The Clerk had written to the adjacent houses but no response had been received. The Clerk had also spoken with the Community Wardens. It was agreed the Clerk should write to L&Q housing as they owned the house where the vehicle and trailer originated from.
[Action: Clerk]
CHURCHSIDE BRICKS: The Clerk was not aware if these bricks had been moved or not, she would inspect and if they were still there a letter would be sent to the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
CHURCHSIDE: Cllr Banks had not yet looked at this property, but would do so as soon as possible. If the house was in a state of disrepair, the Clerk would send a letter regarding the matter.
[Action: Cllr Banks]
CHURCHSIDE, LAND TO THE REAR (where a planter had been in the past). This area had now been cleared by Mr Agley and would be on his regular list of maintenance jobs to be done.
PARKING CAUSING OBSTRUCTION IN HIGHVIEW: The Clerk had been contacted by a resident regarding a car that had parked on the pavement causing an obstruction in Highview. It was noted that this would be a matter for the police, the Clerk was to respond to the resident accordingly.
[Action: Clerk]
THE COACH DRIVE: The Clerk had written to Land Registry; no response had been received as yet.
[Action: ongoing]
A resident noted that a group of youths with large rucksacks (possibly Scouts, or Duke of Edinburgh participants) had left 6 very large water canisters on Parish land. The Clerk would speak to Hope Hill campsite regarding this as they had dealing with both Scouts and DofE.
[Action: Clerk]
BEECH MAST: The resident had emailed the Clerk regarding the ivy and other plants that were growing alongside the garden and invading the property. The Clerk believed this to be Parish Land, Mr Agley would inspect the area and report back.
[Action: Mr Agley]
DOG MESS: The problem with dog mess seemed to be getting worse. Ms Cason offered to do a leaflet drop. Cllr Connor would design a leaflet, and also a poster for the main noticeboard. An article would also go in the journal. The Clerk would organise this.