Miscellaneous Provisions

Chapter One

Publication of Information Regarding the Stock Exchange

Part I

The Official Bulletin

Article 222- The Stock Exchange publishes an official bulletin, which includes besides the information regarding the quotation of securities at the Stock Exchange, all information of interest to the brokers, issuers and the public in general.

The issuers, brokers and members of the Stock Exchange receive a free copy of this bulletin.

Article 223- The Committee shall determine the publication fee in the official Stock Exchange bulletin.

Article 224- The Stock Exchange shall publish in its official bulletin the reports, information and all documents specified in these By-laws. The Stock Exchange is not allowed to publish in this bulletin any announcement of an advertising character.

Part II


Article 225- The Beirut Stock Exchange shall keep in its archives all the documents regarding the life of the issuer companies listed in the Stock Exchange as well as all references concerning transactions on securities.

Article 226- The Archives are put at the disposal of the public, which can examine them between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. on all working days, after submitting a written application, in accordance with the rules and conditions specified by the Committee.

Article 227- The public may examine the archives at the Head Office of the Stock Exchange under the supervision of an employee especially appointed for this purpose. It is forbidden to check out any document.

Chapter Two

Sale by Auction

Article 228- According to article 121 of the Commercial Law, in the event that any shareholder is unable to pay up the totality of his shares, the Company is entitled to sell the unpaid shares at the Stock Exchange. However, it shall notify the Stock Exchange at least one month before the sale, by fixing the number of securities to be liquidated.

The applying company shall include with its application the following documents:

1.A true copy of its constitutive By-laws.

2.A specimen of its securities.

3.A copy of the warning addressed to the defaulting shareholder according to the company’s By-laws.

4.Any other information required by the Stock Exchange and regarding the execution of the sale.

The Chairman shall immediately notify the Stock Exchange Committee of the file. In the event that the Committee recognizes the legality of this execution, the Stock Exchange shall publish in its official bulletin on behalf of the company a statement determining the day and time at which said securities will be sold at auction.

In any event, the liquidation is carried out on the responsibility of the applying company.

Article 229- The mortgaged securities (article 16 of legislative decree No.64/L regarding mortgage) decided by the Court to be sold should be liquidated at an auction organized by the Stock Exchange.

The enforcement department shall notify the Chairman of the Committee. The latter shall determine the date and time of this execution at the Stock Exchange.

A statement regarding this matter shall be published in the official Stock Exchange bulletin.

The possibility of sale by auction is limited to the securities that are not priced in the Stock Exchange. The priced securities are subject to the terms of the orders issued by the order issuers to their brokers in the market according to the provisions of these By-laws.

Chapter Three

The Stock Exchange’s Police

Article 230- The General Director of the Interior Security Forces puts at least two police officers permanently at the disposal of the Stock Exchange.

Article 231- The two police officers mentioned above are entrusted with the surveillance of the Stock Exchange Head Office and the preservation of order, upon the request of the Chairman of the Committee, his representative or the Government Commissioner.

Chapter Four

Article 232- The By-laws of the Stock Exchange executed by virtue of decree No.4808 dated 23/01/1982 and their provisions amended by virtue of decree No.4729 dated 30/03/1988 as well as all the texts contrary to the provisions of the law and present By-laws are hereby annulled.

Article 233- The Beirut Stock Exchange Committee is charged with the implementation of the provisions of these By-laws.