Highways Act 1980 Section 172
Name / (Full Name in block letters)
Of (Company)
(Registered Office if appropriate)
Postcode / 24hr Contact number
Email / Fax
Address of Premises
PostTown / Postcode
Length / Width / Height / Location / Front / Side / Rear
Proposed dates for: Erection / Dismantling
I/We further undertake to hold Cardiff Council blameless, and to indemnify them of any costs, claims, charges, expense or damages that they incur in consequence of the execution or otherwise of the above mentioned works, either by myself or by Cardiff Council or the non-performance of anything on my part herein agreed to be done. I/We also agree not to commence the works until permission has been granted by Cardiff Council.
I/We are aware of Cardiff Councils charges for 2013/14 of £150.00 and that an inspection charge of £50.00per week (City Centre) or month (all other areas) applies to all applications.
Cardiff Council may cancel any permission granted for failure to comply with the Terms & Conditions set overleaf.
Signed: / Date:
Print Name:
To be returned to: / Cardiff County Council, City Services,
Highway Operations, Brindley Road, Leckwith, Cardiff, CF11 8TX.
Telephone: (029) 20 785200 Fax (029) 20 785216
This application is approved at the cost agreed and is subject to the conditions set out above and overleaf.
For Chief City Services Officer:______
Date: ______
Reference Number: ______ / Hoarding/Fencing Charge:
Inspections required: ___ @£50.00
Total Payable: / £150.00
Invoice Date: ______

CardiffCouncil undertakes that it will treat any personal information (i.e. data from which you can be identified, such as your name, address, e-mail address, etc.) you provide to us, or that we obtain from you, in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998”.

Highways Act 1980 Section 172

Terms and Conditions

The Licence Holder must ensure:

  1. All Hoardings/Heras Fences are erected by competent trained personnel.
  1. Suitable lighting and guarding is provided and maintained for the duration of the licence. Hoardings/Heras Fencing should be lit at all times from half an hour before sunset until half an hour after sunrise.
  1. That hoardings/Heras Fencing are to be cleared from the Highway by the date stated overleaf.
  1. That any illegal advertising and graffiti is removed from the hoarding/Heras Fencing as soon as it is noted.
  1. That the structure is whitened (ground level to a minimum of 2.3 metres) and is erected within 400mm of the kerb edge (allowing for vehicular overhang). If this cannot be maintained Cardiff Council must be consulted before work begins. Corporate colours may be approved but can only be used with the agreement of Cardiff Council.
  1. That hoardings/Heras Fencing in Cardiff City Centre, shopping areas and traffic sensitive routes are to be erected and dismantled on a Sunday (unless otherwise agreed with by Cardiff Council).
  1. That a suitable width of footway is retained for Public use, this must be properly guarded and kept free from obstruction at all times. Prior to erecting, the applicant must check with Cardiff Council to ascertain the minimum distance required for the footway clearance. If the footway cannot be maintained an alternative walkway must be provided.
  1. That an emergency/out of hours contact number is attached to all hoardings/Heras Fencing.

Penalty for non-observance

Any action taken by Cardiff Council to remedy a breach of these conditions, or to repair any damage caused, will result in the full costs being recovered from the License holder.

Legal Indemnity

The License Holder shall indemnify, and keep indemnified, Cardiff Council and/or it’s servants and agents against any liability, from all claims, demands, actions, costs and damages arising out of by or in consequence of the depositing of hoardings on the carriageway, footway, or grass verge. The period of indemnity is to run from the commencement of the erection until the final removal of the hoarding. The sum covered by the policy to be £5,000,000 for any one event with a reputable insurer. Whenever required the License Holder shall produce to the Authority the policy, or policies of insurance and the receipts for payment of the current policy.

4.HIA.ACE.54 / Issue 1.1 / Date 21/12/18 / Process owner: John Haines / Authority: Phil Cadenne / Page 1 of 2