Boone County Pee Wee Football League By Laws
A. Boone County Pee Wee Football is a non-profit organization, revised under K. R. S. 273.161 and founded in 1968. The organization will be referred to as the Boone County Pee Wee Football League Boosters, Inc. (here in after called "BCPWFL")
A.The BCPWFL must not be organized or operated for the benefit of private interest, such as the creator or the creator's family, shareholders of the organization, other designated individuals, or person controlled directly or indirectly by such private interests.
The BCPWFL may engage in carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities.
C.Assets of the BCPWFL must be permanently dedicated to an exempt purpose. This means that should the BCPWFL dissolve, its assets must be distributed for an exempt purpose, or to the federal government or to a state or local government for a public purpose. D. Donations to the BCPWFL are deductible as charitable contributions on the donor's federal income tax return. However, no deduction is allowed if there is a direct personal benefit to the donor or any other person other than the BCPWFL.
E. The BCPWFL must be organized exclusively for a charitable purpose; therefore the organization must be a corporation. As a corporation, the organization may receive gifts of property, which it can sell for cash without incurring any tax liability for its members. F. Rules governing this organization are stated herein. Any dispute that may arise and i s not covered in the By-Laws will be settled according to the Parliamentary Procedure as stated in the Roberts Rules of Order.
G. Any changes in the present rules and regulations governing the athletic program must be approved by the head coaches and voted on by the boosters.
To provide a program of football and cheerleading for all youth (boys and girls) this will aid in their development physically, morally, and spiritually.
All rules apply to any person(s) (adults) who desire to share in the working program.
A.Membership in the BCPWFL is open to all persons interested in furthering the purpose of the organization and willing to abide by the By-Laws of this organization.
B.The annual membership fee is required to be a Booster.
1. The annual membership fee is instituted in recognition of the financial needs of the organization and is not meant to limit or block involvement.
C.Fiscal year is the calendar year. Booster membership shall run concurrent with the fiscal year regardless of when the dues are paid.
D.To be eligible for a Head Coach, Team Mom, Director or Officer position, you must be a Booster in good standing.
E.Solicitation of membership is to be coordinated under the direction of the Secretary, who will serve as Membership Director. The Treasurer shall collect all dues owed.
F.Membership registering after October 1 st will not be eligible to vote until after January 1 st
A.Regular meetings of the Boosters shall be held on the second Tuesday of the month (with the exception of December when no meeting will be held).
1. Any Officer, Director, Committee Chairman, Head coach, or Team mom currently holding office shall be excused from meetings due to: illness, emergencies, or hospitalization .
B.Special meetings of the Boosters shall be held at the call of the President, and/or petition of a least 2/3 paid Boosters and/or a majority of the Board of Officers with prior notice of one week. C. Executive Board meetings may be called at the direction of the President.
A.No person can vote at the first meeting they attend.
C.For the purpose of Officer Elections; a member must attend at least six (6) regular Booster meetings during the current membership year (January through December) with the exception of Head Football Coaches, who must attend at least four (4) coaches meetings, during the season, and four (4) Booster meetings, of their choosing.
D.For the purpose of rule changes: members must attend two (2) out of three (3) meetings of the current year, and three previous Booster meetings (not to include rule meetings of previous year) to be eligible to vote.
E.Just for general rules: All non-voting members who attend the BCPWFL boosters meeting, will all be allowed to vote together, and be considered as one vote. Majority rules when it comes to the combined vote.
A quorum shall consist of nine (9)random Boosters, in good standing, selected by the Sergeant at Arms at the draw of a hat, who shall have the power to transact all legal business of the club. All Boosters should make it their duty to attend all Booster meetings. Absent Booster are considered as approving the resolutions adopted. The booster requesting the quorum, and the Sargent at Arms, cannot vote. The Secretary shall determine the status of Boosters present, and take meeting minutes, and notes, that shall be presented at the next booster meeting.
GENERAL: To be eligible for a board position, you cannot have an immediate family member on the board.
A. Any booster shall be eligible to hold this office, provided he/she has been an active Booster for at least three (3) years prior to the election, a Kentucky resident, and attended at least nine (9) regular Booster meetings during the current membership year (January through December, with mandatory meetings from July-November). Must be able to be bonded.
A. To run for Vice President or President you must have been a Booster in good standing for three (3) years, and must have been a Director or a Coach or Team Mom in good standing for 2 years. Must be able to be bonded.
B. President cannot have any team affiliation.
A.The business and affairs of the Booster shall be managed by its Executive Board of Officers, which shall consist of:
President Vice President
Treasurer Secretary
Athletic and Cheer Directors
Cheer director
Sergeant at Arms
B.The Executive Board of Officers shall meet at the discretion of the board.
C.The Executive Board shall have the freedom to facilitate operations of the BCPWFL.
D.A booster decision can be revisited at the next booster meeting, if ¾ of the Executive Board are in agreement.
E.To terminate an Executive Board Officer there must be a % voting agreement among the Executive Board.
The President shall facilitate all of the day-to-day business and affairs of the BCPWFL. In order to perform these duties, the President shall be bonded. The President all perform all duties incident to the office of President such as: presiding over Booster meetings, presenting recommendations to the Boosters, providing assistance when needed, assisting in appointing BCPWFL and team staff, signing all written contracts and obligations of the BCPWFL along with the Secretary upon approval of the Boosters (contract copies must be made available), make equipment purchases, assist BCPWFL attorney in all legal matters concerning the organization and act as liaison within all facets of the BCPWFL.
In the absence of the President or in even of his inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. The Vice President shall be bonded. The Vice President shall perform such duties as: serve as Budget Co-Chairman, assist in making equipment purchases, serve as coordinator with Emergency Medical Technicians and responsible for coordinating referees for games.
The Secretary shall perform all duties incident to the office of the
Secretary and be responsible for such duties as: serve as Booster Membership Chairman, sign all written contracts and obligations of the organization along with the President upon approval of the Boosters, record minutes of the Booster meetings, prepare number of copies consistent with prior month's attendance for all monthly Booster meetings, serve as registration chairman, and handle official Booster correspondence. Secretary is to record, document, and update all written material.
The duties of the Treasurer shall include: management of the treasury of the Boosters, preparation of financial reports (number of copies consistent with the prior month's attendance for all monthly Booster meetings), shall be responsible for paying all bills, supply money for all league functions, receive and give receipts for money due and payable to the organization, deposit all money in the name of the organization, serve as Budget Committee Co-Chairman, and shall balance checkbook. The Treasurer will provide books and receipts to the Audit Committee as required.
Will be selected by the board, and must be a member in good standing. Sergeant cannot hold any other title. The Sergeant at Arms keeps order at all times during meetings. If board members, boosters, or meeting attendees are disruptive, the sergeant may warn them and, in extreme cases, eject them from the meeting. The Sergeant will keep time for all discussions.Will be the point person for all quorums. Sergeant will be responsible for securing and counting all votes.
A.A nomination list for office will be available in September. At the October Booster Meeting, nominations for candidates will be received from the floor. Prior consent of person being nominated must be secured.
B.No person may be nominated for more than one office.
C.All official Booster members must receive a list of nominees and an official announcement at the October meeting to elect officers.
D.Nominees and nominators, must speak at the October meeting telling Boosters their qualifications and policies.
E.Election of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be held at the November Booster meeting. The balloting location will be open 30 minutes prior to the official all to order of the meeting. To receive a ballot from the Election Nomination Official, the Booster member must have their name on the list for the Booster member roster.
F.All voting will be silent, with the exception of absentee voting, which will be taken by the Sergeant at Arms. Votes will be counted by the Sergeant at Arms and two witnesses. Nominators and nominees are not eligible to count votes.
In addition to the responsibilities of the Executive Board of Officials set forth in Article X, Section A, a Director will be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board.
Athletic Directors(Football and Cheer)
The Athletic Directors shall assist the President and Vice President with the selection of team equipment, make recommendations for equipment purchases, will be responsible for the maintenance and management of equipment. The position of Athletic Director shall be established by the following procedures:
A.There shall be an Athletic Director for each division.
B.Athletic Directors may be a coach and serve as Athletic Director at the same time, as long as it is not a division that they are in.
C.The Athletic Directors will be responsible for solving any problems that may arise within their division. If that Athletic Director is unable to rectify a problem then a meeting will be called with all Athletic Directors in attendance, majority rules. IF at that point the problem still exists, then a special meeting will be called with the Review Board.
D.Football Athletic Directors will be responsible for the placement of registered players to their appropriate teams. Three Athletic Directors must be present during player placement, as a checks and balance system.
E.Athletic Directors cannot handle issues involving a conflict of interest (such as a child playing on the team involved). The Athletic Director will be removed from the situation, and replaced by another Athletic Director, that has no involvement in the situation, and is selected by the Board.
F.Athletic Directors have the right to enforce the rules to the fullest extent.
The Cheerleading Director appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board shall be responsible for coordinating the selection of coaches, the establishment of appropriate selection criteria and the day-to-day business affairs of the cheerleaders. The Cheerleading Director shall establish a budget for cheerleading equipment and uniform needs. The Cheer Director shall select an Assistant Cheer Director. The position of Cheerleading Director shall be established by the following procedures, and will encompass in game and all star cheer:
A.Cheerleading Director may be a Team Mom/ Coach and serve as Cheerleading Director at the same time.
B.Cheerleading Director and the Assistants shall be 21 years or older.
C.The Cheerleading Director shall have one Assistant Cheer Director and Athletic Directors.
1.There will be an Athletic Director for each division.
2.. The Assistant Cheer Director and Cheer Athletic Directors will assist the Cheerleading Director in writing general cheerleading rules and regulations for cheerleading competition.
3.. The Assistant Cheer Director and Cheer Athletic Directors will assist the Cheerleading Director in coordinating cheerleading activities.
4.In the absence of the Cheer Director or in the event of their inability or refusal to act, the Assistant Cheer Director shall perform the duties of the Cheer Director.
Due to the increased time commitments at the field, it has become necessary to add an Assistant to the Executive Board to assist the Secretary and Treasurer. This position shall be bonded. The
Assistant will help with the daily office functions. The Assistant will also be able to collect paperwork and money. The only exception with this position is the Assistant will be unable to sign checks.
Director will be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board. The director will be responsible for all field maintenance and scheduling off season field duty.
Director will be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board. The directorwill be in charge of all football Team Moms. The director will be responsible for scheduling and attending meetings with all Team Moms. The director shall handle any problems that may arise between Team Moms and parents coordinate with the Ways and Means Director regarding fundraisers.
Director will be appointed by the President and shall be approved by the Executive Board. This position shall be bonded. The director will be responsible for counting inventory, ordering supplies and assisting Team Moms in counting money from the concession stand when the Treasurer, Secretary, and/or Assistant is unavailable.
The Review Board, for both football and cheer will consist of:
A.For the football players Executive Board of Officers
Athletic Directors
Executive Board of Officers
Sergeant at Arms
Cheerleading Director
Assistant Cheerleading Director
Cheer Athletic Directors
B.If needed a meeting with the Review Board will be called in order to resolve any existing problems within the league which cannot be solved by going through the procedures outlined in Article
C.Once the Review Board has met, all decisions are final.
A.Should a vacancy occur on the Executive Board of Officers for a period of two months or longer, or due to a resignation, death, removal, disqualification or otherwise, the President shall appoint someone to fi l l the expiring term and approved by Executive Board.
B.If an appointed position, such as Athletic Director, is vacated for a period of two months or longer, such vacancy shall be filled by the President and approved the Executive Board.
C.If the President is removed, then the Vice President assumes the role of President.
A. Coaches will go over the General Rules at their
January coaches meeting. At this timethey will decide if any General Rules should be changed.
- All rules, proposed rules, and/or changes shall be read starting in January and discussed. There will be a 10 minute discussion limit on the topics presented in accordance with the Robert's Laws of Business.
C.Rules cannot be voted on any earlier than March, and no later than May
To facilitate operations of the athletic, social, and other programs authorized by the Booster Organization, the Executive Board of Officers and duly appointed directors must have freedom of operations. This freedom is limited within the scope of budgets which must be established for each operational area. Authorization for activities or expenditures up to $200.00 above the established budget must be approved by the Executive Board of Officers of the organization. Any authorization for activities, programs or expenditures considered by the Executive Board of Officers of the Boosters organization that is more then $200.00 above the established budget must be approved by the majority vote of the membership at a Booster meeting. Any purchase over $1500.00 requires approval by the Boosters, unless it is an emergency and/ or detrimental to the facility. The Boosters at their discretion may call for more than one bid. A quorum cannot approve more than $5000.00.