What is Bullying?
Bullying is when someone repeatedly hurts or upsets someone else on purpose.
Which of these situations represent bullying? (Circle T if you think the statement is ‘True’ and F if you think the statement is ‘False’.)
1. A Year 4 boy is playing chasey with his mates and runs past a Year 2 girl during recess and knocks her food out of her hand. The Year 2 girl is upset but the Year 4 boy does not notice this and keeps running. / T / F2. Peter teases Jack about his hair every day. This makes Jack very sad and he does not want to come to school. / T / F
3. Daniel hits Tony on his head every time he walks past him in the classroom. Daniel thinks he is just playing around with Tony but the hits on the head are hurting Tony and he is quite frightened of Daniel. / T / F
4. Two boys have an argument over whose turn it is to be captain of the basketball team and they begin to fight. Both boys are equally to blame and should not have been fighting in the first place. / T / F
5. Fatima passes a group of girls and they start making comments and laughing about her looks and clothes. This happens during every lunchbreak. Although Fatima pretends to not care, she is very upset about the girls laughing at her. / T / F
6. A group of students, who were your friends last week, stopped letting you be a part of their group this week and say you are not their friend anymore. They say nasty things about you when you try to join in but you don’t know why. / T / F
Types of Bullying
Swearing Punching Tripping someone Put-downs
Name-calling Racist comments Excluding
Threatening Kicking Damaging personal property
Spreading rumours Pushing Sending nasty text messages
Hitting Posting rumours on the internet Taking things off someone
Thinking about Me
How do I get on with other children in my class?
What could I do better?
Do I use positive talk when I speak to my friends? Give an example.
What could I do better?
Think about your friend. What do you like about him/her?
What do you like about yourself?
My Support Group
Write in the balloons someone you can talk to when you feel you or your friends are being bullied at school…
Discuss with your teacher…
What does my school do about Bullying?
What is the school rule about Bullying?
Who can I go to if I am bullied or if someone I know is bullied?
Getting to know my Friends
Friendship Bingo:
Has pet dogs / Has black eyes / Enjoys playing footy / Oldest child in the family / Has long hairHas curly hair / Has older
sisters / Likes Vegemite / Has been to King’s Park / Has family living in another country
Has Nintendo
at home / Is an only child / Has brown eyes / Was born in a different country / Has pet cats
Youngest in the family / Has been to the beach / Has older brothers / Has black hair / Enjoys playing computer games
Enjoys reading / Celebrates a different festival at home / Has travelled to another country / Speaks another language / Has blue eyes
Share with the class one new thing you’ve learnt about your classmate(s) today.
Thinking about Others
Do I know someone who is being bullied? YES / NO
What are some things I could do to help the person being bullied?
What could I do if my friend was bullying someone?
What is a bystander?
How could I help someone who is feeling sad and left out at school?
· Bullying. No way! Website: http://www.bullyingnoway.gov.au/
· Friendly Schools: Bullying Intervention Project
(Prepared by Priya Ramu, School Psychologist)