Title: 82596_LFI_GOOD_v5.1_Youtube
Duration: 3:49 minutes
Scene start with welcoming colleagues on a maritime vessel for a safety inspection. Visitors are wearing safety gear. The video explains the importance of inspections from senior leadership in training safety sessions
82596_LFI_GOOD_v5.1_Youtube Transcript
[Voice over]
Welcome on board.
[Voice over]
Good to see you again.
[Voice over]
As a leader you are responsible for setting the tone for learning engagements on your vessels and making sure the LET and LFI tools are used productively.
[Voice over]
It is your role as a leader to ensure a properly resourced and managed process.
[Voice over]
This will give your crew the best opportunity to learn from incidents.
Scene with a training session, on a classroom,
[Voice over]
Let's now look at some of the things you can do to make your training sessions more effective.
Camera points to members of the session and zoom out to show the entire classroom with the person giving the training. Camera moves back to the members of the session
[Voice over]
First up planning and preparation.
[Voice over]
It cannot be emphasized enough how important these two Ps are if you are trying to make your training session a success.
Scene of the trainee preparing the classroom for the session, the screen split in 2 showing the text Planning /Preparation appearing 1 by one bullet points with :
“Make sure the room is set up and ready for the session.
Make sure you allow enough time to familiarize yourself with all the materials and have read the facilitator guides.
Make sure the room is big enough for people to move around comfortably.
Make sure that water, paper, flip charts and pens are available. “ Screen shows printed material
Screen shows classroom and text: “And finally make sure the participants are spread out into small groups to facilitate the discussions.”
[Voice over]
Make sure the room is set up and ready for the session.
[Voice over]
Make sure you allow enough time to familiarize yourself with all the materials and have read the facilitator guides.
[Voice over]
Make sure the room is big enough for people to move around comfortably.
[Voice over]
Make sure that water, paper, flip charts and pens are available.
[Voice over]
And finally make sure the participants are spread out into small groups to facilitate the discussions.
Scene of the training session inside the classroom,
the screen split in 2 showing the red text:
”Purpose what are we doing and why?
[Voice over]
Next are four more Ps.
[Voice over]
Purpose, what are we doing and why?
Scene of the training session inside the classroom, shows people and back to the presenter
[Voice over]
Okay, let's just take a moment to have a look at what we're trying to learn from this training session.
[Voice over]
This is about safety.This is the most important thing.
White Screen shows red text: ”Process, how will we do it.”
1:35 Presenter and classroom in training session
[Voice over]
Process, how will we do it.
[Voice over]
What I want us to do is engage as a group. To talk to each other. To share experiences.
[Voice over]
I'm looking at this audience. There is a lot of experience in this room.
[Voice over]
There's stuff you can see each other that you maybe never heard about beforeand it could save lives.
Camera shows a male member of the session is participating in the training session
[Voice over]
A couple of years back now I was working on a containership and we had a near miss.
Screen goes back to the text “Purpose – Process – and new text appears: Payoff-
The scene shows a small group session and trainee showing a folio while discuss with participants.
[Voice over]
Payoff, what are the benefits to you and others?
[Voice over]
Finish on the most important message which is.
[Voice over]
Listen. We don't have a spare of any of you tosend to your family and your friends.
[Voice over]
You need to look after yourself and stay safe.
[Voice over]
Thank you for mentioning 'for the family'.
[Voice over]
They're so important to me.
[Voice over]
Thank you.
[Voice over]
Thank you chief.
Screen goes back to the text “Purpose – Process – Payoff- and new text appears: Passion
The scene shows a small group session and trainee showing a folio while discuss with participants.
[Voice over]
[Voice over]
Always try and present with passion.
[Voice over]
If you are enthusiastic and supportive about the contentthe participants will be too.
Screen shows the trainee talking zoom into the faces, camera alternate into zoomed in faces from the audience
[Voice over]
And it's easy to look at that and think well that won't happen to me.
[Voice over]
My first ship out we had a real incident and it stays with me.
[Voice over]
And I'm going to tell you a little bit about it.
[Voice over]
Just to maybe give you the facts that these are real.
[Voice over]
This isn't just a video. This is real.
Screen shows participants active in the session
[Voice over]
The answers are in the room so never talk too much.
[Voice over]
Be open and curious.
Screen shows another small session group active participating
[Voice over]
So let's think about what the main hazards are to us.
[Voice over]
[Voice over]
Well I think it's really dangerous when the snap back zones change.
Screen shows the trainee talking to the classroom, asking questions a female answer the question
[Voice over]
Be a good listener.
[Voice over]
And ask open questions.
[Voice over]
Harriette, first of all from you.
[Voice over]
What did you want to talk about?
[Voice over]
My commitment really to check and double-check because sometimes you forget.
[Voice over]
Do the double check because it's ..... at it.
[Voice over]
And you better check it.
[Voice over]
That's fantasticthat's exactly the sort of thing we're looking at.
Screen shows the trainee asking more questions to other participant, the screen shows the male face zoomed in
[Voice over]
[Voice over]
My personal commitment will be to intervene whenever there is a weak signaland whenever my CMS facts onboard the ship.
Screen shows the trainee session in the classroom, small groups, alternating,
[Voice over]
Conducting engagement sessions can be challenging but by following a few simple rules and tips these can be very rewarding.
Screen shows vessel and people conducting visit wearing safety gear, also alternate images with active members of the vessel crew doing technical work
[Voice over]
If the crew sees that learning engagements are important to you.
[Voice over]
It will be to them too.
[Voice over]
It's up to you as leader to create the platform in your organization for successful delivery of the learning fromincidents engagements.
[Voice over]
Leadership commitment is a requirement for success.
Screen shows Shell pecten