The property is located immediately to the east of Hayle town centre and occupies a prominent position with the potential for excellent access onto the A30 via Carwin Rise roundabout. Concerning the immediate vicinity the property is bounded by a Lidl foodstore to the south and a residential development to the north.
To the east is a large area of open space (Loggans Moor) a large part of which is the functional floodplain. The mill itself is not within the floodplain.
There is vehicular access through the adjacent Guinness Trust residential development and access for repairs and maintenance through the Lidl car park, (subject to negotiation there is the potential to upgrade this arrangement to a right of way for occupiers and visitors).
Loggans Mill is a rare and important heritage asset which has been vacant for many years and is in a state of disrepair. The building was constructed in the mid 19th century as a purpose built steam powered water-driven mill and is arranged over 4 storeys. It is understood that the building has a net internal area of c.900 m. sq.
Planning and Historic Environment
The property is a Grade 2 listed building and any proposals will need to have regard to this. It is considered that the property would be suitable for a range of uses including commercial (offices), leisure (hotel) and residential.
The mill has historic planning permission for residential development which has not been implemented and the preference for reuse is now flexible as stated.
The interior of the building has largely been lost but some historical features remain which could be incorporated into the design. In addition there may be scope for an appropriate extension to the mill on its eastern elevation to provide additional floorspace. The mill leat is present and open offering potential for hydro-power to be used on the site. There is also potential for PV on the roof, or a biomass heating system.
The Loggans Mill building is referenced in the emerging Hayle Town Framework options consultation document which will be consulted on as part of the Cornwall Core Strategy consultation early 2012. The Hayle Framework highlights that the Council and community share a strong aspiration and desire to see the Mill brought back into use for commercial, residential or other community uses.
Together with its grade 2 listed status and prominent location it is clear any proposals will need to be well considered and achieve a high quality design response.
The Council intends to dispose of the freehold interest, the building demise is edged in red on the plan. Additional land immediately to the east containing the leat and overgrown scrub will be made available through existing legal agreements with the current owner on completion (shown hatched red on plan). Included in the sale is theexclusive use of 8 car parking spaces within the Guinness Trust development adjacent to the Mill.
Grant Assistance
It is considered that Loggans Mill could be eligible for Convergence funding. This grant funding can only be accessed on the basis of an employment use (i.e. uses which fall within B1). The Council wishes to work in partnership with the successful bidder during the grant application process in order to optimise the prospect of securing this funding stream.
Concerning timeframe, the Council and its partner will have a critical path to follow. The Council anticipates that Planning and Listed building applications should be submitted by September 2012, with the Convergence application being submitted no later than December 2012. For further information regarding eligibility and the application process please contact Ian Whale or John Burton, The department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG) on 0303 4446550.
Basis of Offer
The Council is prepared to consider both unconditional and conditional offers for a specified use or range of uses. Bidders are asked to provide the following information:
-Company name
-Details of professional team and relevant project experience
-Level of financial offer (supported by a development appraisal)
-Illustrative scheme proposals (including scheme layout plan, access/parking arrangements and elevational treatment)
-Delivery programme (setting out project milestones and associated timeframes)
-Business plan which summarises letting strategy and ongoing management arrangements
Disposal Timeframe
Closing Date for Bid Submissions – 12.00 pm on Friday 10th February. Three copies should be submitted to Property Services, Oceans House, TruroBusinessPark, Threemilestone, Truro. TR4 9LD
Evaluation period – During February
Selection of Preferred Bidder – Beginning March
Evaluation Criteria
The Council will apply the following criteria in assessing proposals:
-Financial offer – 30%
-Scheme proposals – 30%
-Relevant track record and project team – 20%
-Business plan – 20%
During the scheme evaluation process the Council may wish to meet with individual bidders to clarify any aspects of submitted proposals. In addition the Council reserves the right to request best and final offers from leading bidders.
Viewing and contact details
For further information please contact:
Ben Colman Helen Hickson
Development Manager Estate Management Assistant
Property Services Property Services
Cornwall Council Cornwall Council
Telephone 01872 326985 Telephone 01872 326989
Mobile 07972 142187 Mobile 07968 892499
Email Email
These particulars are a guide only the accuracy is not guaranteed and they should not be relied upon for any purpose, they do not form any part of any contact. Please contact the office if there is anything of particular importance to you to check information particularly if travelling some distance or commissioning services.
Please Note
Services, equipment or appliances on the property or land have not been tested and we strongly advice prospective purchases make their own enquiries to their suitability prior to finalising any offer to purchase. All measurements are approximate and are intended for guidance only.