2009 NOAC Session NB102 How Do We Get Them to Camp?
Session Length: 75 Minutes
Learning objectives:
§ Develop plan for getting more scouts to summer camp.
§ Discover new marketing ideas to get more customers (scouts).
Required Materials:
§ Whiteboard with markers
§ Chalkboard with chalk
§ Projector and laptop
§ Handouts of sample forms
Trainer preparation
This session was designed to provide NOAC participants with background and information about increasing attendance at summer camp. The trainers for this session should be familiar with all aspects of marketing their camp and camp programs.
The trainers should obtain current marketing material for their camp and have copies for all participants. Any video presentations or website material regarding their camp should be saved on a laptop which can used with a projector or display.
Session narrative
Introduction: 5-6 Minutes
Trainer Tip: The session trainer should introduce himself and the topic. He should provide information about his Order of the Arrow and summer camp experience, what lodge and city he is from and any other relevant items of interest.
Every year it seems to be more challenging to get scouts to go to summer camp. As members of the Order of the Arrow, it may be hard to understand why everyone is not gung-ho about camping. We are going to spend some time exploring some reasons that scouts may be reluctant, and develop a plan for getting them out to camp.
Why go to camp in the first place? 15-18 Minutes
If we are going to get serious about promoting our camps and getting more scouts to come, we need to understand why they want to go to camp. Let’s come up with a list of reasons that a scout should want to go to camp.
Trainer Tip: Use a white board or flip chart to list all the ideas that the group brings up. These could include things like: advancement, fun activities, outdoors, wildlife, etc. If the class is very large, it might be best to break into groups to discuss ideas.
What are some special things about your camp? Maybe you have some unique facilities or programs. Does your staff do things differently from other camps. Is your location special?
Let’s watch this promotional video about my camp, and while you watch it look for new or different things that might be appealing to get a scout to decide to go to camp.
Trainer Tip: Show the video and point out some ideas that are original or special to the camp. When the video is over, resume listing ideas on the flip chart.
Why doesn’t every scout (or troop) go to camp? 12-15 Minutes
What are some reasons that scouts can’t go to camp? Or maybe don’t want to go?
Trainer Tip: Again use a white board or flip chart to list all the ideas that the group brings up. These could include things like: costs too much, fear of the unknown, doesn’t know anyone else, lack of adult leadership, etc.
How can we combat the things that are blocking scouts from going to camp? 15-18 Minutes
Costs too much:
§ Discounts – early sign up, etc.
§ Camperships – financial need application
§ Troop fund raising
Lack of troop leadership:
§ Provide camp staff to be scoutmasters
§ Combine units
§ Troop fund raising
Continue working through list of items, brainstorming with the group for ideas to overcome objections and blocks to going to camp.
How can we market our camp? 12-15 Minutes
To whom should we be marketing our camp?
§ Scouts
§ Troop leadership, youth and adults
§ Parents
What are some methods for marketing?
§ Brochures, flyers
§ Videos
§ Website
§ Telemarketing
§ Visit troop meetings, parents’ meetings
Who is doing the marketing?
§ OA Camp Promotions teams
§ Council
§ Camping Director/Ranger
§ Camping Committee
§ Camp Staff
§ Is everyone working together and conveying the same message?
Conclusion: 7-9 Minutes
Summarize all ideas that have been discussed. Talk about how this relates to the Power of One.
Demonstrate the egg in the glass of water trick. The egg is the scout. The glass is the camp. The water is the nourishing programs and fun that camp provides. The pie tin is the things that block the camper from going to camp. The card is the camper’s own doubts about wanting to go. The broom stick represents the Arrowman. The broom bristles are all the supporting committees and individuals. The broom stick is the Power of One. There is lots of support, but many times it just takes one person to make the difference to getting a scout to go to camp.
Trainer Tip: This demonstration needs to be practiced several times to make sure the trainer is comfortable completing it.
Appendix: Frequently Asked Questions
All handouts are available in electronic format by emailing Steve Johnson at .
Q1: Where do I go about finding out what our camp offers?
A1: Your council office or Director of Camping.
Q2: Who wrote this syllabus for the 2009 NOAC?
A2: Steve Johnson, 310-265-9330
Appendix: Recommended flipcharts/Slides
The following is a recommended list of flip chart pages that can be used for visual presentation.
Appendix: Source materials and resouces
2009 Provisional Scout Mailer
2009 Request for Campership
Order of the Arrow Page 5 of 5 Boy Scouts of America