Governor’s Workforce Investment Board
Center for Industry Initiatives
Industry Initiative Summary
March 2010
Industry Sector
Bernard Reynolds Rafael Cuebas
Email: Email:
Phone: 410.767.2017 Phone: 410.767.2098
Committee Chair(s)
n James Rzepkowski, Co-chair, Workforce Director, Constellation Energy
n Peter Lowenthal, Co-chair, Executive Director, Solar Energy Industries Association MD/DC/VA
Committee Members
A list of organizational members is on the back page.
Committee Activities and Updates
n Grant Applications for State Energy Sector Partnership and Training Grants - U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration awarded GWIB a $5.8 Million grant to provide training, job placement, and related activities that reflect a comprehensive statewide energy sector strategy. The GWIB grant proposed training options for both new and incumbent workers that grow green job skills and competencies for more than 2,000 Marylanders in four strategic industries projecting a need for skilled workers. This project involves partnerships among businesses, community colleges, labor apprenticeship programs, and the One-Stop Workforce System. Next step includes organizing four training consortia funded by the USDOL/ETA State Energy Sector Partnership Training Grant.
n Maryland interagency Green Jobs and Industry Task Force - At the direction of the Governor’s Office, the Task Force, an interagency team comprised of representatives from DBED, MEA, DLLR-GWIB, DNR, DHCD, MES, MDOT, the private sector, and the Governor’s office, is organizing and planning meetings between March and May, with an objective of creating a statewide strategic plan to guide and encourage growth of a Green Economy in Maryland. The plan will be presented to the Governor by June 15, 2010. The Task Force is led by DBED.
n Business Opportunities in the Green Economy Summit -The conference, scheduled for May 13, 2010, is sponsored by the President’s Roundtable Inc (PRT), working closely with the Maryland Public Service Commission. The purpose of the summit is to provide information about business trends and opportunities in energy efficiency and renewable/alternative energy; information and advice on skills sets needed in energy efficiency and renewable/alternative energy fields; employment prospects, education, training and certification available, and how to finance training; and, information and updates on federal and state policy, and ARRA funding, Maryland’s (or regional) energy outlook, and impending procurement contracts and procedures. The summit is national in scope, and is targeting small business owners (veterans, women, minority and traditionally disadvantaged small business owners). The GWIB is organizing two panel discussions on education, training, certification and workforce issues for the “Business Opportunities in the Green Economy”
n Active participant in the LEED certification standards committee for the Green Building Certification Institute.
n Presented overview of Maryland’s energy sector initiative to the NGA Policy Academy Energy Efficiency State Grantee Training conference.
Outcomes and Next Steps
n The Energy Steering Committee defined 11 key recommendations to be achieved by June 2010. GWIB staff are working on the following three short-term recommendations:
1. Work with GWIB to estimate current and future workforce projections through special industry surveys and labor market statistics to better understand the magnitude of green jobs, and electronically distribute this information to industry, One-Stop Workforce Centers and other partners in order to guide workforce development investments and training activities.
Developed initial data, and working with the Green Jobs and Industry Task Force, and DLLR’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Collaborative Green Consortium team to refine this data.
2. Work with MHEC and other state partners to complete a gap analysis to identify training programs, and additional skill training needed by industry, and electronically distribute this information to industry, One-Stop Workforce Centers and other partners.
3. Completed work with GWIB, the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL) and Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIBs) to publish and electronically distribute “Careers in the Green Economy Guidebook.”
Committee Members
n AES Corporation
n Allegheny Energy
n Allied Environmental Services, Inc.
n Baltimore Gas & Electric
n Bechtel
n BGE Home
n Blue Wing Environmental Solutions and Technologies
n Constellation Energy
n Competitive Power Ventures, Inc.
n Dominion
n Evolve Energy Systems, LLC
n Havtech
n Maryland Green Power Company
n Mirant Corporation
n Pepco
n Solar Energy Service, Inc.
n SunEdison
n Terralogos
n Trigen-Baltimore Energy Corporation
n UniStar Nuclear Energy
n Washington Gas
n Baltimore City
n City of Annapolis
n DC Department of Employment Services
n Frederick County Workforce Services
n Department of Business and Economic Development
n Maryland Energy Administration
n Maryland Higher Education Commission
n Mayor’s Office of Employment Development
n Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection
n Prince George’s County EDC
n Abell Foundation
n Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland
n Anne Arundel Community College
n Annie E. Casey Foundation
n Baltimore Regional Green Building Council
n Center for Energy Workforce Development
n Civic Works
n College of Southern Maryland
n Community College Baltimore County
n Home Builders Association of Maryland
n IEC Chesapeake
n Job Opportunities Task Force
n Lincoln Tech
n MD Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Contractors, Inc.
n Maryland State AFL-CIO
n Meridian Ventures, Inc.
n Shaw Group
n Solar Energy Industries Associations Maryland
n University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
n Stevenson University