



Ω Visit our website at class
list, forms, and show results.
Ω Membership forms and entry forms will be available at eachshow.
Ω For more information email us at

Waccamaw Equestrian Show Series

PO Box 976

Whiteville NC 28472

(Last updated 2/25/15)

Show Committee

Phyllis Greene – Show manager.


Amanda Thompson – Show administrator. Website maintenance.

Kim Torelli – Treasurer.

Leslie Reed – Hunter show advisor.

Cathy Prince – Hunter Show advisor.

Kelly Hines – Judge coordinator. Show staff.

Johnny & Les Hardie – Game show advisor.

Kathy Hardie – Game Show announcer.

Sybil Murray – Official show announcer.

Nakoma Simmons – Show staff.

Other Show Volunteers:

Jean Creech

Hanna Ritch


Evelyn Smith

“Our show volunteers are extremely important in making sure that our shows run fluently and we surely couldn’t do it without them. Thank you all for your time and commitment!”

If you would like to become a member of our team, please see Phyllis Greene at one of our shows or just give her a call.

2015WESS Show Dates

*All shows are to take place at the Boys and Girls Home Arena located in Lake Waccamaw, NC.

*Hunter begins at 8:30am on Saturday.

*Games begin at 4:00pm. If the Hunter show is still running, we will hold the key hole events the outdoor arena (weather permitting). From there, we will resume other classes in the main arena.

*Western Pleasure begins at 9:00am on Sunday.

Ω March28-29

Ω April25-26 **DOUBLE POINT SHOW**

Ω May30-31

Ω September26-27 **DOUBLE POINT SHOW**

Ω October 24-25

Chapter 99E of the North Carolina General Statutes: All entries are made at the rider’s, owners’ and trainers own risk with the understanding that there is an inherent risk. The Boys and Girls Home of NC, WESS, the management, officials, volunteers nor employees will be responsible for any accident or loss which may occur to an exhibitor, animal or equipment. Under NC law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting exclusively from the inherent risks of equine activities.

Rules &Regulations

A current negative coggins is required upon entry on the show grounds.

Horse abuse or mistreatment will NOT be tolerated. Show management has the right to disqualify and/or have one removed from the show grounds and not return!

Judges or show management reserves the right to disqualify a horse and rider from a class if one exhibits unruly/unsafe behavior.

Hunter: Judged under USEF regulations.

Western Pleasure: Judged under Open Show regulations which include AQHA, APHA, and USEF standards.

Exhibitors are given at most a 2 minute gate call.

If disqualified by judge or show staff, exhibitor is still responsible for the entry fee(s).

If any horse that is deemed lame/unsound, by the judge and/or show management,they will be excused from the ring.

Drugs, alcohol, profanity and unruly behavior will NOT be tolerated, thus show management has the right to have one escorted from the premises.

Judges’ decisions are final!

Your division is determined by your level of skill and/or by you age as of January 1st of each show year (Exhibitors cannot change age divisions mid- year).

Points are based on a horse and rider combination.

In case of a tie regarding high points (year-end or end of show day), this will be determined by the rider that has the highest average points. Thus, the exhibitor that has more entries will have the greatest chance at the higher average. For example, the exhibitor’s points for the day will be divided bythe number of total entries per division.

Classes must be dropped two classes in advanced to receive a refund. NO EXCEPTIONS!

If a horse is deemed lame, injured, or has other health related issues and has official notification from a licensed Veterinarian, a rider may transfer their points to another mount to finish the season(Please notify show staff before show date if this is the case with at least a 1 week notice).

In any discipline if an exhibitor has won a year end Champion in the novice division (Hunter, WP, and Games) with WESS in the past, the exhibitor must move on to other divisions and can no longer compete in the novice (exception: can ride novice in other disciplines if applicable).

Show Fee’s

WESS annual memberships $20.

Member class fee $7 & Non members $10 (with the exception for Jack Pot classes. They are $15 for everyone).

Show Special: Unlimited classes both days $120 (per Horse/Rider combination.

$15 Grounds Fee per person (excludes those stalling their horses).

Stalls are $20 per night or $35 for the weekend. Shavings $6 per bag.

Campsite with water & electricity is $25 per night.

Campsites with water, electricity & sewer is $30 per night.

*Primitive camping allowed. Bath houses available.

* Concessions on site serving from 6:30am until.

Placing’s and Points

Points are accumulated per horse and rider combination.

Champion and Reserve per division are recognized and awarded at the end of each show day.

Champion and Reserve per division at the end of the year will be recognized and receive prizes and awards at our annual banquet

You must be a member in order to qualify for year endawards.Non members are more than welcome to show and their points will be totaled for the show day, however, they will not accumulate for year end.

You must attend 3 of the 5 shows to be eligible for year end awards. With that said, in any one division, you must also compete a minimum of 3 times with the same horse rider combination.

Graduated Point System:

This point structure is basically a prorated point system where the total of your points per class is determined by how many enter a class. The more entries per class the more points there are to be awarded. However, only 1st through 6th place will be awarded points. The points are generated by our show software Charlie Horse Ranch General Horse Show V.8.2

There is a base number of points or the min. and then there is an increment. The increment is applied based on the number of riders in the class.

Total points = Base + [increment X (#of riders – riders placing)]

Divisions acquiring points for year-end totals:

Hunter: Beginner Rider (class 1-3)

Pre-Short Stirrup (class 4-6)

Novice Rider (class 7-10)

Short Stirrup (11-14)

Green Horse (class 15-18)

Schooling (class 19-22)

Long Stirrup (class 23-27)

Adult Equitation (class 28-32)

Open Hunter (33-35)

Games: Beginner Rider (class 39, 45, 51, 57, 63)

Novice Rider (class 40, 46, 52, 58, 64)

Junior Rider (class 41, 47, 53, 59, 65)

Senior Rider (class 42, 48, 54, 60, 66)

Adult Rider (class 43, 49, 55, 61, 67)

Open (class 44, 50, 56, 62, 68)

Stock Horse (Hunt Seat):

Youth Rider (class 75-77)

Adult Rider (class 78-80)

Open Rider (class 81-83)

Stock Horse (Ranch):

Youth Rider (class 72, 84-86)*

Adult Rider (class 73, 87-89)*

Open Rider (class 74, 90-92)*

Stock Horse (Western Pleasure):

Beginner Rider (93-95)

Novice Rider (96-98)

Youth Rider (class 72, 99-101)*

Adult Rider (class 73, 102-104)*

Open Rider (class 74, 105-107)*

*Showmanship classes 72-74 points will be applied to either the Ranch Divisions or the Western Pleasure Divisions, but not both.


Lead Line All ages. Cannot cross enter into any other riding classes. No exceptions!

Beginner Rider 12 years of age and under in 1stof year showing. Can cross enter into pre short stirrup only. Assistance in ring is allowed.

Pre-Short Stirrup – Open to rider’s 12 years of age and under in their 1st or 2nd year of showing. Can cross over into Beginner Rider only.

NoviceRidersOpen to rider’s 1st or 2nd year of showing. Exception to those riders who won year end Champion and/or Reserve in past with WESS in which you must move out of the novice division.

Green Horse Open to horses in 1st or 2nd year of showing. Exception to those horses who won year end Champion and/or Reserve in past with WESS.

Schooling & Open Hunter Open to all horse and riders.

Short Stirrup Rider ages 12 years and under.

Long Stirrup Rider ages 13 to 18 years.

Adult 19 years of age and older.


  • All Youthriders must wear a SEI certified helmet properly secured in all classes.
  • Adult riders may wear an unsecured helmet in flat classes ONLY. Must wear an SEI certified helmet in all jumping classes.
  • Helmets must be worn at all times while mounted in and out of show ring!

Hunter Class Sheet

1. Beginner Walk / 19. Schooling W/T
2. Beginner Walk Equitation / 20. Schooling W/T/C
3. Beginner Walk Poles / 21. Schooling O/F 2’
4. Pre Short Stirrup W/T / 22. Schooling O/F 2’
5. Pre Short Stirrup W/T Equitation / 23. Long Stirrup Equitation O/F 2’
6. Pre Short Stirrup Poles / 24. Long Stirrup O/F 2’
7. Novice Rider W/T / 25. Long Stirrup O/F 2’
8. Novice Rider W/T/C / 26. Long Stirrup U/S
9.Novice Rider X rails 18” / 27. Long Stirrup Equitation on Flat
10.Novice Rider X rails 18” / 28. Adult Equitation O/F 2’3”
11.Short Stirrup W/T / 29. Adult O/F 2’3”
12.Short Stirrup W/T/C / 30. Adult O/F 2’3”
13.Short Stirrup X rails 18” / 31. Adult U/S
14.Short Stirrup X rails 18” / 32. Adult Equitation on Flat
15. Green Horse W/T / 33. Open Hunter O/F 2’6”, 2’9”, 3’
16. Green Horse W/T/C / 34. Open Hunter O/F 2’6”, 2’9”, 3’
17.Green Horse O/F 18” / 35. Open Hunter U/S
18.Green Horse O/F 18” / 36. Gamblers Choice (Jackpot)

Hunter – Class Descriptions

*USEF regulations*

Patterns will be posted prior to show.

Beginner Walk – Open to riders 12 years & younger in first year of showing. Only cross entry into Pre-Short stirrup division. A ground person or leadline is allowed in the ring with the rider, but NOT required. Riders without ground person or leadline should be rewarded. Riders will be required to walk both directions. In the walk equitation class, riders will be judged on their equitation and may be asked to get in a 2 point position or anything of equitation nature that the judge feels is safe for the riders to do at a walk both directions. For the poles class, riders are required to walk over 4 ground poles. It will be judged on riding ability of the rider to maneuver the horse.

Pre-Short Stirrup –Open to riders 12 years & younger that are in their first or second year showing. May cross enter into Novice W/T & Short Stirrup W/T classes as long as you are not in Beginner.Riders will be required to walk and trot both directions. In the equitation class, riders will be judged on their equitation and may be asked to get in a 2 point position or anything of equitation nature that the judge feels is safe for the riders to do.For the poles class, riders are required to trotfull arena over 4 ground poles.

Novice Rider Division – Open to riders in their first or second year of showing or jumping crossrails. However, if you have won year end Champion with WESS in the past, you must move out of novice and into other qualifying divisions. For the W/T class, riders will be required to walk and trot both directions. For W/T/C, riders will be required to Walk, Trot, and Canter both directions. Judge has option to ask riders to back up in any of the flat classes. For both X-Rails classes, riders will be required to jump 8 crossrails at 18” on the correct patterns.

Short StirrupDivision - Open to riders 12 years & younger. Same class rules as Novice (except they do not have to move out of this division if they have won a year end Champion like the novice riders do).

Green Horse Division –Open to horses in their first year showing/jumping. For the W/T, riders will be required to walk and trot both directions. For W/T/C, riders will be required to Walk, Trot, and Canter both directions. Judge has option to ask riders to back up in any of the flat classes. For both X-Rails classes, riders will be required to jump 8 crossrails at 18” on the correct patterns.

Schooling Division –Open to all riders. Riders will be required to walk and trot both directions. For W/T/C, riders will be judged at the Walk, Trot, and Canter both directions. Judge has option to ask riders to back up in any of the flat classes. For the O/F classes, riders will be required to jump 8 jumps at 2’on the correct patterns.

Long StirrupDivision – Open to riders 13-18 years of age. For the Eq. O/F class,riders will be required to jump at least 8 fences at 2’ from the equitation pattern that will be posted. Rollbacks, broken lines, oxers, halting, trotting a fence, etc can be given in an equitation pattern.For bothO/F classes, riders will be required to jump 8 jumps at 2’on the correct patterns. For the U/S, riders will be required to Walk, Trot, and Canter both directions. Judge has option to ask riders to back up in any of the flat classes. For the Eq. on flat, riders will be required the same as the U/S, but judge has option to call for sitting trot, 2 point position, dropping of stirrups at any gate, hand gallop, etc; anything to test the rider’s ability. To be judged strictly on the performance and riding ability of the rider. There will not be a pattern for this equitation class.

AdultDivision- Open to riders 19 years & older. Same class rules as Long Stirrup, except jump height will be 2’3”.

Open Hunter Division -Open to all riders and horses. For bothO/F classes, riders will be required to jump 8 jumps at 2’6”, 2’9’, or 3’on the correct patterns. Riders can choose at the beginning of the class, which height they are going to jump. The 2'6" riders will jump both of their courses first, then 2'9" riders, and last 3' riders. Riders will be judged the same, with no bias of what height they jumped. For U/S, riders will be required to walk, trot, and canter both directions. Judge has option to ask riders to back up.

Gambler Choice – Jack pot class. $15 entry fee with a minimum of 5 riders required (If you pre pay for the class and we don’t have enough entries, you will receive your money back). Open to any age group or level of riding. Jumps will range from ground poles to 3’. Each jump will have a pre-determined point value. See below for more details.

$100 is the total cash payout.

1st= $40 2nd = $30 3rd = $20 4th = $10

Explanation of Rules for Gambler’s Choice

a. In this class, a certain number of obstacles are set up in the arena. Each obstacle carries from 1 to 10 points according to its difficulty. Combination obstacles are not allowed. The obstacles must be built so that they can be jumped in both directions, ie square oxers.
b. The points allocated to the obstacles may be repeated at the discretion of the Course Designer.

c. The competitor is credited with the number of points carried by each obstacle that he/she has jumped correctly. No points are awarded for an obstacle knocked down.
d. Each competitor has 60 seconds. During this time,he/she may jump all the obstacles he/she wishes in any order and in any direction. He/shewill haveto cross the starting linein order to start the timer.
e. Time will be called when the 60 seconds are up. The competitor must then cross the finishing line in one direction or the other to allow his time to be recorded. If he does not cross the finishing line, he is placed last of the competitors with the same number of
points. The finishing line will be provided.
f. If the 60 seconds is reached at the moment when the horse is already taking off (front hooves off the ground), this obstacle counts if it is correctly jumped.
g. Any obstacle knocked down during a round will not be rebuilt; if it is jumped again, no points will be credited to the competitor. The same applies for knocking down an obstacle in disobedience or for displacing a lower part positioned in the same vertical plane. In the case of a disobedience without a knock-down, the competitor may jump that obstacle or continue to the next obstacle.
h. Each obstacle may be jumped a maximum of three times. The act, voluntarily or not, of jumping an obstacle for thefourth time or of passing through an obstacle for thefourth time or of passing between an obstacle already knocked down does not incur elimination. However, the competitor does not score the points allotted to this obstacle.
i. All disobediences are penalized by the time lost by the competitor. The competitor must stop after a fall. Nevertheless he is placed according to the points obtained up to the moment of his fall disregarding the time.
j. The competitor who has obtained the highest number of points will be declared the winner. In the event of equality of points, the fastest time taken between the starting line and the finishing line will decide. In the event of equality of points and time for first place, there will be a jump off according to the same formula with a fixed time of 30 seconds.


Lead Line Recommended for riders 5 years of age and under or beginner riders. No cross entry into other classes.