ISO/TC 67/SC 7/WG 7 Site Specific Assessment of MOU’s

Editing / Review Panel

Report on Meeting of 20th July 2007

at ABS, 16855 Northchase Drive, Greenspoint, Houston, Texas

Meeting Report by Mike Hoyle

Background and Attendance

The meeting was tentatively scheduled for 19th July during the previous meeting of 19th to 22nd June, 2007. Due to a clash with the API Workshop on API RP2A-MET-INT it was delayed until 20th July.

The attendees comprised:

Andrea Mangiavacchi (USA)

Mike Hoyle (Convenor, UK)

Dave Lewis (USA)

Doug Stock (USA)

Objectives / Agenda

Per the forward plan from the previous meeting:

1  Minutes of last meeting, matters arising, general information exchange, etc..

2  Status of action items and carry-forwards from last meeting where not addressed in the following.

3  Complete review of P10 Clauses 13 and A.13.

4  Review comments on Draft F with cross-clause implications (including NL editorial comments & approach to updated Seismic text).

5  Review inputs from the panel meetings during OTC week.

6  Forward plan for the next stages of editing.

7  Agree actions items, forward plan and date of next meeting.

8  AOB

Meeting Report

1.  Minutes of last meeting, general information exchange, etc:

1.1.  Minutes of last meeting
There were no comments on the minutes of the last meeting..

1.2.  Matters arising from previous meeting:

1.3.  Project funding (previous 2.1):
As reported in June, John and Doug had submitted initial proposals for funding to Rupert. The response to date had not been conclusive. In June it had been agreed that more detailed proposals should be submitted shortly, with budgets and timing. This action on John and Doug has not been progressed. It was agreed that Mike will approach Rupert with a view to agreeing the protocols for achieving this funding.

Recalling that Patrick’s work will now be covered by the RPS/Osborne InSafe JIP, Dave advised that the IADC Jack-Up committee will award a project to Fugro on GoMex aspects, provided that Fugro agree to support another IADC project.

1.4.  Issues re ISO CS (previous 2.3)
Mike advised that he has yet to carry out his action to discuss with ISO CS the presentation of symbols and bibliography by Clause. Action: Mike:

1.5.  General edits (Item 2.4 of last meeting)
During the course of the meeting it was agreed that there was no need to change “extreme storm event” to “ULS storm event” throughout; instead the “extreme storm event” would be identified at the ULS condition. It was also agreed that the term "assessment load" would be re-written as "extreme load", or similar.

1.6.  Benchmarking (Item 2.5 of last meeting)
It was noted that the IADC has formed a task group to steer this activity. The group comprise Pao-Lin Tan (chair), Jim Brekke, Yi Li, Dave Lewis, Ward Turner. Rupert Hunt will also be asked to participate. The group has not yet met. It was agreed that it is essential that progress be made to finalise the scope of work and obtain quotations from potential contractors. Action: Dave / John

1.7.  Definition of VDL (Item 2.6 of last meeting)
The P3 May updates to VDL terminology in Clauses 8 & 10 were agreed as suitable. These need to be propagated throughout the document. Action: Next meeting?

2.  Review P10's Clause 13

It was noted that Paul Frieze has obtained HSE support to pursue the interpolation between Class 2 and Class 4 members. He also plans to seek funds to investigate the Aeff v/s Fyeff issue.

The ERP then reviewed the whole Clause 13 and made a number of edits, including the adoption of a number of suggestions from the reviewers of CD 'F'.

During the course of this exercise, the text on Life Safety categories and Consequence Categories was re-visited, together with the exposure level matrix. After lengthy debate, and accepting advice from Andrea, it was agreed to adopt the standard matrix and revise some the Consequence Class text to achieve the original objective. Dave will canvas IADC opinion on the revisions. Action: Dave

There are some outstanding issues on Consequence classification arising from NL editorial suggestions wrt critical inventory - we presently use "oil"; NL proposes "hydrocarbon" but 19902 uses "oil & sour gas". It was noted that John had some strong views on this issue when the current wording was developed and should therefore contribute to the debate. The changes will need to be reviewed by P0, and possibly by WG7. Action: Mike / P0 / Mike

3.  Review comments on Draft F with cross-clause implications (including NL editorial comments & approach to updated Seismic text).

3.1.  NL editorial comments.

The meeting reviewed the suggested updates (previously incorporated by Mike) and revised these in a number of instances.

3.2.  Review comments on Draft F with cross-clause implications.

There was no time to consider this topic.

3.3.  Seismic text.

After a brief review of the latest text it was agreed to hold incorporation until such time as P5 has reviewed the latest proposals from Pete Marshall and reached consensus on the way forward. Action: Doug

4.  Agree actions items, forward plan and date & subject matter of next meeting

The actions noted above were confirmed.

Mike agreed to remind Patrick to chase-up on the action items delegated to his panel, to avoid potential delay post September. Action: Mike

Again, in a further attempt to avoid unnecessary delay, Dave will forward the SAGE updates to Mike for inclusion in the text. Action: Dave / Mike

It was confirmed that the next meeting will be as previously scheduled on November 27th, 28th & 30th 2007, and will take place at GlobalSantaFe on 27th & 28th and at ABS on 30th. The meetings will start at 08:30 each day. The main tasks will be:

1.  Status of action items from above, not otherwise addressed.

2.  Review comments on Draft F with cross-clause implications.

3.  Review inputs from the panel meetings during OTC week in May and City University meetings in September.

4.  Commencement of formal A-Z ISO-speak editing.

5.  Forward plan for the next stages of editing.

5.  Epilogue

The panel considered that good progress had been made. Thanks were due to John & Allison/ABS for hosting the meeting (in John's absence !).

MJRH 20th July 2007