Mineral World Infographic

Purpose: You will create an original Infographic that you will sharewith our classthrough your blog. The focus of this assignment will be to investigate the importance of minerals in society.

What is an infographic? Infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly. Check out some examples below…

What are Conflict Minerals?

Think You Need 8 Glasses of Water a Day?

Product: Yourinfographicwill feature an originalessential question that you develop based on your research. Focus on one of the following mineral themes:

  • Minerals used to create products that support our way of life.
  • Minerals used to support our health.
  • Minerals and the US/Global economy.
  • Social and political conflict over mineral resources.


  • A title that describes what your infographic is about.
  • Your topic must be relevant, school appropriate, and meant to actually teach something that is meaningful about minerals and society.
  • Graphics (photos, backgrounds, drawings, illustrations, graphs) to help promote the main idea of your infographic.
  • You must have statistics (numbers, percentages) be a part of your infographic.
  • Use words to promote an understanding of your topic (for every photo or image have a concisestatement to help your audience).
  • Link a properly formatted MLA bibliography to your infographic or post under it on your blog page.


Making Your Infographic
  • Microsoft Word: Microsoft Office Templates
  • Google Drawing
  • Piktochart:
  • Easelly:
/ Bibliography/Research
  • Noodletools:

A Good Place to Start, but not limited to:

  • USGS Do We Take Minerals for Granted?
  • USGS Educational Resources for Secondary Grades
  • Mineral Resources Out of the ground into our daily lives
  • Minerals in our Environment
  • Mineral Resources of the Month


Day 1 Thursday 9/15: Choose a topic/Preliminary research.

Day 2 Friday 9/16: Finalize Research/ Preliminary sketch of infographic. Become

familiar with digital tools that can visualaize your data (Choose 1: Office, Google, Piktochart, Easelly).

Day 3: Monday 9/19: Last in class day to work on infographic.

Due Date Friday: 9/26: Post your infographic and bibliography to your blog page.

Rubric / Advanced (5) / Proficient (4) / Needs More Work (3)
Content (10pts) / The topic of the infographic is specific in nature and is intended to inform or convince the viewer.
Extends or enriches our curriculum. Constructed graphs based on research.
The infographic includes all required elements as well as additional information to support the main idea.
4 or more accurate facts (text, images and numbers) from reliable sources are displayed on the infographic.
Full MLA citations for all sources used are included. / The topic of the infographic may be general or a bit too broad to allow the viewer to understand the main points.
Connects to our curriculum.
The infographic includes all/most of the required elements, and connects to the main idea.
4 facts (text, images and numbers) are displayed on the infographic. Some sources may be questionable.
The URL of sources used are included. / The topic of the infographic is hard to ascertain and needs to be made more specific.
May not connect to our curriculum.
The infographic includes a few required elements.
Few facts (text, images and numbers are displayed on the infographic.
Bibliography is incomplete or missing.
Quality (10pts) / The type of infographic chosen (i.e. timeline, informational, etc.) highly supports the content being presented.
The graphics enhance and highly support the data. Created original graphs or charts.
The layout and design have purpose and communicate ideas effectively. Easy to follow and understand.
No grammatical errors. / Infographic supports the content.
The graphics support the data. Some may not fit overall theme.
The layout and design have a purpose.
Few grammatical errors. / The type of infographic is not effective.
Few graphics that support the data.
Difficult to follow. Layout and design does not have purpose.
Many grammatical errors.
Time and Management of Task (5pts) / Used time well during each class period. Focused, never distracted, and accepted feedback.
All deadlines met on time. / Used time well. For the most part focused, but may have been distracted by others and media at times.
Most deadlines met. / Did not use time well. Distracted by others and media.
Did not meet most deadlines.