Ephesians 4:17-24
All Things New
1. How can all things become ‘new’?
2. Ephesians 4:17-24 we will see how this is possible:
I. NEW WALK 4:17-19 Eliminate the Past
A. Our Possibilities Therefore
1. In light of being set free…given gifts…the person of Jesus Christ living within.
2. In light of what we are and who He is…therefore.
B. Our Partners
1. “I” say
2. “I” affirm in the Lord. Paul identifies himself with Christ. What he is giving is as
though Jesus Christ were giving the exhortation.
C. Our Prohibitions walk not as the unsaved Gentiles…that is what they were!
It must be possible at times to walk as non-Christians. In light of this glorious power, it’s
not necessary or natural. It’s out of character. If we say we have fellowship with Him, and
walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth (I Jn 1:6) Whosoever is born of God…no one
who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him, and he cannot practice
sin (I Jn 3:9).A Christian can commit any sin a non-Christian can commit, but there will be
chastening. If there is no chastening, you are a bastard and not a son (Heb. 12)
- Conceited 17b in the vanity of their mind Vanity is futility, no purpose. It is empty illusion of what they think will satisfy apart from Jesus Christ. There is a ‘God shaped’ emptiness, and mankind tries to fill it with something.
Christians live like non-Christians when they try to find satisfaction apart from Jesus Christ.
- Confused 18a Having their understanding darkened They lose a sense of values. Today, there are no absolutes…no morals…no values…no ethics…no right or wrong. Wrong becomes right! Christians can get caught up in this. We get our identity from someone or something. We lose a sense of what’s important. I comes first!!
- Calloused 18b being alienated from the life of God, through ignorance that is in them (that can only be said of the unsaved) because of the hardness, callousness of their heart. They think they are really living, alienated from the life of God. They are ignorant!! Porosis denotes hardening. Poros is a covering due to a process. The heart becomes callous, without sensitivity. If a Christian lets sin come into their lives, and they cut communication off from God (Word and prayer) their heart becomes harder and harder and loses sensitivity!!
- Carnal 19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over…There is no feeling for wrong doing, and this results in deeper uncleanness and immorality. There are diminishing returns…it is never enough! The flesh always wants more. It will trap you! Sin always leads to more sin. There is a release but no satisfaction.
Don’t walk like the unsaved: trying to find satisfaction apart from Jesus Christ. You lose your sense of values. You have no communication with God. Your heart becomes calloused. You are blind to what God is doing. Your sensitivity lessens and sin isn’t sinful anymore.
How can all things become new?
II. NEW WISDOM 4:20, 21 Elevate the Person (Jesus Christ)
Everything in these two verses is about Jesus…to Him…from Him…about Him. You didn’t
get anything in vss. 17-19 from Jesus.
- The Curriculum But you have not so learned Christ
- This starts at salvation.
- Notice: It isn’t learning about or of, but Christ as the curriculum. Usually we learn science, math, language, etc.
- Learned Christ…through fellowship, He becomes a part of me, a life-style.
- You’ve quit learning Jesus! This will be through His Word, prayer and fellowship with God’s people. Those times that you don’t act or react like Jesus, it’s sin. Jesus is in you! Let Him teach you!
- The Communication If so be that you have heard Him…
- Ephesians were years after the crucifixion, but Jesus speaks!
- At salvation…Jesus was speaking through His messenger and through His Word. “I speak”, but you hear Him. It convicts, convinces, encourages…listen, He’s speaking to you!
- The Conviction and have been taught by Him…
- He speaks at salvation, but after salvation you are taught by the Holy Spirit.
- His Spirit speaks…what’s right…what’s wrong…what goes…what stays.
- The Commitment as the truth is in Jesus
- Absolute truth can only come from God through Jesus Christ and His Word (Jn 14:6)
- Reality is found in Jesus. He is our compass, guide and road map. We have what the lost needs, but can never find. Know Him!
How can all things become new? Eliminate the Past…Elevate the Person (Jesus Christ)
III. NEW WARDROBE 4:22-24 Evaluate the Progress
Be willing to take responsibility and adjust your life.
- Put Off 22, 23
- Glorious Renunciation 22 Put off the ways of the old man
*This is the unredeemed side of us. Put off as an old rag or smelly pair of socks.
*If you want to do something, make it intentional. Take steps. Make plans. Expel (not the old man), but the ways of the old man.
*SELF is ugly: Corrupt is a process that waxes worse and worse. Lusts are strong desires. Deceitful is lusts and desires excited by deceit. Who is in control? My desires control me other than Jesus Christ.
2. Gracious Renewal 23 Mind (23) Understanding (vss. 17, 18) The mind is the
*Renew is to make young or revitalize.
*This is not the mental processes of memory, judgment and perception. This is the
“spirit of the mind” which is under the control of the Holy Spirit. This fulfills the
will of God.
*You cannot fill your mind with garbage and not suffer. Change your viewing
habits…your reading habits. What do you feed your mind?
- Put On 24
The new man resides in our Spirit. It is the opposite of the old man. This is the redeemed
side. Christ in you the hope of glory. Allow this one to control.
- Something Provided which after God is created God was and still is the only creator of life.
- Something Pure is created in righteousness His righteousness is imputed (put to my account). A Pin Oak bears its leaves through the winter. In the spring, new life pushes off the old brown, dry leaves.
- Something Proven and true holiness…this is free from contamination. This is not an illusion. There are many substitutes. When Jesus begins to shine through and replace the old…it is real! You won’t have to fake it anymore.
How can all things become new?
Eliminate the Past…walk not like unsaved Gentiles
Elevate the Person…lift up Jesus Christ
Evaluate the Progress…Put off the ways of the old man…Put on…allow Jesus to shine through