The 4th East Asian Symposium on
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
“Climate Change, Energy Shortage and East Asian Sustainable Development”
Call for Papers
The 4th East Asian Symposium on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics will be held on March 2-3, 2009, in Taipei, Taiwan. The Symposium is organized and sponsored jointly by the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER) and several well-known universities in Taiwan for Taiwan Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (TAREA), Chinese Society for Environmental Economics (CSEE), Japanese Society of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (SEEPS), and Korean Environmental Economics Association (KEEA).
The Symposium Theme
The main theme of the 2009 Symposium is on “Climate Change, Energy Shortage and Sustainable Development”. Since the abnormal climate change caused by global warming and energy shortage have become the most significant and challenging issue faced by human being in the 21st century, the coordination among global climate change, energy shortage, economic growth and sustainable development is now the focus of many environmental economics studies. It is anticipated that, in the post Kyoto-protocol period, global participation in climate change mitigation and adaptation is indispensable. We like to know how GHG abatement affects each country’s economic growth, international trade and competitiveness, as well as policies related to energy use efficiency, technology R&D, environmental quality, and sustainable development.
Suggested topics of the symposium are as follows.
1. Climate Change, Impact, Mitigation and Adaptation
l Evidence of global warming and its impact on resources, ecosystem, environment, health, etc.
l Impact assessment of global warming on regional and global economies and industries
l Options, availability, affordability and roadmap of technology for carbon reduction, sequestration and reuse
l Institutional, political and economic innovations for effective mitigation and adaptation
l Cost and benefit evaluation of mitigation and adaptation in response to climate change
l Design of financing mechanisms and implementation for mitigation and adaptation
2. International Negotiation and Cooperative Mechanism for GHGs Reduction
l Expectations on the progress and achievement of the Post-Kyoto negotiation
l Effectiveness and efficiency of the Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms (JI, CDM, and IET)
l Development of global carbon markets and risk management
l International Games of Negotiation and Cooperative Mechanism
3. Policy Instrument and Incentive Mechanism (PI&IM) for Technology Innovation
l Options, availability, affordability and roadmap of technology to improve energy efficiency and productivity
l Newly emerging PI&IM and legislations for renewable energy development and CCS in specific countries
l Optimal R&D investment for GHGs reduction, energy saving and efficiency enhancement, and technology innovation
l The Effects of Uncertainty and Learning on Technology R&D and innovation
4. Energy-Economy-Environment (3E) Modeling and Policy Making
l Methodological issues and new approaches
l Applications of 3E models and relevance to policy making
l Effects of energy price shock on carbon emission, competitiveness, economy, industrial structure, living cost, income distribution, welfare, etc.
l Economic evaluation of PI&IM in response to energy price shock
l Effects of renewable energy development and the promoting initiatives
l The linkages among global climate change, energy scarcity, economic growth and environmental quality
l Decoupling of energy use and carbon emission from economic growth and its drivers
5. Efficiency and Productivity (E&P) Measurement of Natural Resource
l Methodological issues and new approaches (measurement and estimation)
l E&P estimation and prediction of various resources (water, energy, land, labor, capital, etc.) and the associated driving forces (institutional, political, economic, trade, etc.)
l Evaluation and comparison of relevant PI&IM (energy pricing, labeling, efficiency standards, carbon tax, energy tax, emission trading, etc.) on efficiency and productivity of various resources
l Optimal design and integration of PI&IM for E&P enhancement
6. Moving towards a Resource-Saving and Low-Carbon (RS&LC) Recycling Economy
l Critical review of prevailing policy related to resource use and waste reduction
l Introduction of newly emerging policy related to resource use and waste reduction
l Institutional and policy evaluation of waste recycling, reuse, and recovery
l Willingness to pay and willingness to accept in a RS&LC recycling economy
l Policy design for RS&LC with imperfect implementation
7. Other Topics in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Fields
Guidelines for Submissions
The symposium program will consist of invited and contributed paper sessions, policy forums, and poster sessions. Submissions relevant to the symposium theme are strongly encouraged. Those wishing to contribute papers should submit an abstract in English by November 15, 2008. Abstracts are limited to two pages that include the title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), objectives, methods, and (anticipated) findings. Please submit abstracts and papers via the conference website: http://easiaere4.cier.edu.tw.
Accommodations and Registration
Information on accommodations is available on the conference website. The registration fee is US$100, which will cover the reception, a banquet, and refreshments. Should you have any questions about the conference, please contact Ms. Diane Chi, the secretary of the Local Committee, at and +886-2-2735-6006*338.
Nov 15, 2008: Abstract Due
Dec 15, 2008: Notification of Acceptance
Jan 31, 2009: Full Paper Due & Last Day for Registration
Please submit your abstract and paper via the conference website: http://easiaere4.cier.edu.tw.