Minutes of the OGM 2012

Date: 24th March 2012

Venue: Church Main Hall

Members Present: 85 + 1 observer

Apologies: 35

Active members: 138

Quorum: 69 required (1/2 of active and fulfilled)


1)Opening Prayer and Sharing

2)Apologies: 35 written received

3)Minutes of last meeting were approved and accepted (Proposer: Kai Wong; Seconder: Tommy Kwan)

4)We welcomed 7 new members: Ms Dong Yan He, MsWei Wei Wang, MsYu Feng Guo, Mrs Can Yi, Mr Jing Yu Xu, Ms Katy Lin, Mr Benjamin Tang


a)Sharing and Updates from the Congregations:

i)Judy Cheung (Cantonese Congregation): Judy shared about her experiences when she was on sabbatical in Hong Kong & Vancouver from July to November 2011. Her work on student outreach and bible study for couples. Other ministries she is involved in include the Chinese Class (led by Anita, Maria & Susan), Student Fellowship (led by Henry & Yeung), the Elderly/HappyFellowship (led & assisted by Tommy, Edward & Esther) and Monday Bible Study (assisted by Esther & Maria).

ii)Jonathan Wan (Cantonese Congregation): Evangelical Opera organized end of last year with 20 people accepting Christ. 6 Lessons Bible Training just finished after a year, with continued caring and mentoring of brothers & sisters. 30/3/12 – Knowing the African Evangelical Ministry meeting. Speaker is a missionary working among Chinese in Africa (He is also main speaker for NEEC this year). In April, pastor from America will be coming. In May, an event on how to fast. Outdoor event in June. There will be a Mission Trip organized for mid June (18/6 to 21/6). This is held in conjunction with the Restaurant/Take-Away Mission Team from North England. They will be sending 5-20 brothers & sisters to support us, to outreach the Chinese restaurant and take-aways in Liverpool. He is inviting all from the other congregations in LCGC to join in this outreach.

iii)Pastor David (English Congregation): Friday Fellowship (FF) – new students starting to serve and becoming a real blessing. Encouraged by how FF reaching out to local community. Work with university’s Christian Union to outreach to international students. “The World on your doorstep” seminar organized on 17/3/12 with Interserve/Friends International held in LCGC; on how we can be good news to international students and others living in the UK. Attended by people outside Liverpool, as far as Preston. Parenting Teenagers class has been running, led by Sook. The Music Fellowship on Saturdays, started by William Yuen is now led by Kenny Cheung. John Moors University international student welcome in June. Children’s Summer Club in August. Pastor will be taking Sabbatical leave for 3 months from June . Will be back in time for Student Welcome in October.

iv)Daniel Deng (Mandarin Congregation): Combined Christmas Service, Chinese New Year outreach, Baptism in April. International students welcome in June. Theme of the year: Blessed Family – to build up church based family and unity. Series of bible studies and talks on this theme. Family social gathering and activity with fellowship meal last Sunday of each month. 2 family house groups started so far, hope that they will continue to grow to serve the local Chinese population.Cell group for Care and Service Ministry. Increasing number of mandarin speaking families settling in this area and many asylum seekers being granted residence status. 6 candidates preparing for Baptism on 8/4/12. Daniel is mentoring 12 brothers and can see their spiritual growth. Student Ministry has the greatest need with 2500 mandarin speaking students in Liverpool. Many have been contacted by Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. Limited people serving in this ministry at the moment, thus pray for more manpower in this ministry.

b)Financial Report (K.K Chung & Aggie Mak): For the 6 month period since last update to 29/2/12, our Total Budget was £74,100. Actual Expenditure was £75,734. Point made that the Gift Aid tax rebate for LCGC is significant for our income and encouragement to do so for those giving regularly. Church Fund Update: Money on 30 Day Notice Deposit Account - £122,063 (including £8,315 in Building Fund). The Current Account - £70,745 (including training fund of £1,200). The Building Fund had been established with 1% of tithing income, primarily for church maintenance costs. The Training Fund has recently been started for helping members who wish to further their Biblical knowledge in ministry to the church. Becky Fong will be the inaugural candidate. K.K suggests 10-20 sponsors who are willing to give £20 per month for a 2 year period to help Becky fund her theological studies. Details of how the fund is to be maintained & administered is still to be finalised. Note of thanks to Aggie and Ken Dyu for their help in preparation of the report. K.K would like to acknowledge and thank Kevin So, our church administrator, for his support towards the Management Team.

6)Any Other Business (A.O.B) :

a)No A.O.B matters was submitted from members.

b)Charity Commisions Report: Elder Kai has prepared the draft report and this has been e-mailed to church members. The emphasis from the Charity Commission is we show accountability & integrity in our finances and that we operate within the charity’s intended purpose. Annual Report for 2010 for our church can be viewed on the Charity Commission’s website. Kai would like us to get into the habit of preparing documents and reports as early as possible, so that it reflects on our most recent activity. Members are encouraged to review the draft report and give feedback to the Trustee Board, if there was anything that may have been overlooked.

c)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) factsheet has also been prepared (and e-mailed out) to help explain how and why we make decisions within our church structure.

7)Period of Corporate Prayer, Final Thanks and Close of Meeting.

Meeting Chaired by: Elder Kai Man Wong

Minutes taken by: Daniel Yeo

LCGC OGM 2012 Page 1