PARENT /GUARDIAN: each student is to complete this assignment over the next week. If your child is already doing laundry on a regular basis, please check him/her off as he or she completes each step. If you’re child limited or no experience please be sure to demonstrate the proper use of your own machine. The students have had a basic lesson using the attached handout and a demonstration on the school’s washer and dryer but each brand is somewhat different. Choose a day when there is a lot of laundry that needs sorting. Have student sort- please check before they wash anything! Grades 6 are to wash dry fold and put away one load Grade 7 is to do two loads. Feel free to expand on the basics I’ve given here! Please rate each step using the scale and sign when completed. This sheet is due back on______.
4exceeds expectations
3meets expectations
2minimally meets expectations
1not yet meeting expectations
STUDENTS: you are to complete this assignment over the next week, have your parent rate you on each step and return the signed sheet on the due date ______. If you are not familiar with your washer and dryer, please ask for help before attempting to use it. If there are clothes you are not certain are safe to wash or questionable, ask or omit them from your loads. Grade 6 are to sort all the laundry that needs washing, then chose one load to wash, dry, fold and put away. Grades 7 are to complete two loads. Good Luck!
1. SORT - into three piles, whites, medium or bright, and dark. Check labels; turn clothes right side out, and empty pockets.
Rating ______
2. PRETREAT -check each load before putting into washer. Does anything need pretreating or soaking first? If so, complete
Rating ______
3. SELECT WATER TEMP AND SETTINGS -whites are generally washed in warm water or hot water; darks are washed in cold water. Please check with your parents on water temp and settings.
Rating ______
4. DETERGENT -check the box for instructions, most come with a cup for measuring. Again please check with your parent! Some machines require less soap than others. Rating ______
5. LOAD CLOTHES -clothes should be put in loosely. Don’t overload. Clothes should generally be right side out unless you are protecting a printed design.
Rating ______
6. FABRIC SOFTENER - check with your parent to see if you need one. Some are added into the wash, while some are added into the dryer.
Rating ______
7. DRYING - as soon as wash is finished spinning, clothes should be dried. Clothes that cannot go in the dryer must be hung up to fry. Shake clothes out before putting into dryer – they will dry faster and with less wrinkles. Set proper temperature and time. Rating ______
8. FOLD AND PUT AWAY -as soon as clothes are dry they should be folded or hung up on hangers. Most clothes do not need pressing if they are taken out of the drier right away. Fold clothes neatly to prevent wrinkling. Put away clothes in proper drawers or deliver to owner’s room so they can put them away where they like. Hang up pants and shirts carefully, again to prevent wrinkling.
Rating ______
9. IRONING - THIS IS AN OPTIONAL STEP. For bonus marks you can iron a shirt or pair of pants – this is up to the parent. Match the iron temperature to the fabric – too hot and the iron will scorch the clothing.
Rating ______
Parents, please sign to indicate that the student did the assignment with your supervision and add up the ratings for a mark out of 32.
Signature ______Rating ______/32
Thank you for your co-operation in completing this assignment. Hopefully your child will put these skills to good use in becoming more independent or as a means of helping out with family chores.
Ms. Berner
Home Arts Teacher