„Skaska” is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization founded in 2014, which aim is to achieve the objectives in the field of human rights, education, gender equality and freedom of speech.
Organization gathers people with strong background in area of civil rights, fight against discrimination and promotion of tolerance. Our programs are implemented through development of alternative ways of expression and communication, acceptance of various skills and preferences, as well through cooperation, tolerance, support and interaction of different forms of creativity.
Our governance Bodies of organization are: General Assembly, which consists of all members and founders, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. The Management Board is an executive body that ensures the implementation of the organization's goals, as set out in the Statute. The Management Board consists of three members and is accountable to our members, the community and donors. President of the organization is accountable to Management Board and Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board controls the financial operations and ensures the respect for the law. The Supervisory Board has two members. All members of management work on voluntary basis.
The project which we implement in 60 schools of Vojvodina "Golden Bridge - Sex for Beginners", is the first of its kind in our country concerning the sexual education in primary schools. The main objectives of the project Golden Bridge were raising awareness about reproductive health and sexuality, gender based prejudice, stereotypes and inequalities for students in primary schools in Vojvodina and establishment of communication on these issues between parents and teachers on the one hand, and children on the other, which makes this project pioneering in our country.
Purpose of the project is to reduce gender disparities in local communities and increase capability of both male and female students to recognize gender based issues. Empowerment of girls in area of sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases is another important part of the project.
Program has an inclusive approach for all women and men, girls and boys, regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status, religion, ethnicity and socioeconomic status.
Goal of the project is to:
Promote responsibility among students, teachers and parents regarding gender based prejudice, stereotypes and inequalities by using individual approach and conflict resolution;
Specific objectives of the project:
- To improve positive perception of opposite gender among adolescents
- To raise professional competences of teachers in gender based issues
- To improve position of women and girls in local community
- To raise awareness among girls about sexual health
- To encourage adults (teachers and parents) and children (students) to talk openly about sexuality to each other.
In order to achieve these objectives following activities will take place:
1. Management package
2. Workshops and trainings
3. Information and publicity
4. Final conference and matching event
Given that the family and school environment are dominant agents of socialization, Golden Bridge project was implemented in schools, in the presence of teachers and parents. Since in our society topics of reproductive health and sexuality is still largely considered "taboo", there has been a certain gap between young people on the one hand, and adults (parents and teachers), on the other hand. That is why this project is designed as a link - a "bridge" between young people and parents or teachers. This creates the possibility of open and honest communication on topics of reproductive health and sexuality, which represents a very important aspect of one's personality. The book Sex for Beginners by the author Jasminka Petrovic represented the backbone of the project, covering issues of reproductive health and sexuality in a clear and humorous way, adapted to children age of the Workshop. In addition to information on reproductive health and sexuality, the book processes communications issues, emotions, friendships and relationships as well.
The most important contribution of the project
The most important contribution of the "Golden Bridge", which was implemented in primary schools in Vojvodina during the past three school year, is to focus on primary prevention in the field of reproductive health. Shifting the focus from remediation to prevention of consequences and timely education of youth on reproductive health and sexuality is a major contribution to the preservation and improvement of their physical health and mental wellbeing.
Research conducted in the previous cycle of the project confirmed the significant results of existing research - although young in Vojvodina agree that the time right for first sexual intercourse is majority, they actually become sexually active at the age of 14. Furthermore, the project proved that already in the primary school age young people know a lot on reproductive health, but superficially. This situation is undoubtedly the result of widespread availability of unselected content on the Internet which, in the words of the young, is the place they usually turn to in search of information. Therefore, the involvement of experts, teachers and parents in the early education of young people about reproductive health and sexuality is a necessity.
Modern psychological and pedagogical research has shown that the way in which we educate young people is as equally important for the success of education as the content which we teach. Workshops, interactive work with young people, which is adapted to the current level of their cognitive, social and emotional maturity, ensured this project to be extremely efficient. Accessing young people considering their frame of reference and using the language they are familiar with and understand, maximized the positive outcomes of education. On the other hand, the great interest of young people and their parents and teachers involved in this project shows that the importance of such a project is recognized by the user.
The fact that young people should be given the opportunity to ask teachers, parents and experts what interests them related to reproductive health and sexuality is the fact that over 20 workshops gathered 750 students' questions.
Methodological improvement of the project introduced after a thorough evaluation of the first cycle, as well as the plan to include more rural and special schools, encouraged that the second cycle of the "Golden Bridge" will give even better results.
Through workshop activities in a relaxed atmosphere, we establish communication between youth and adults, because we can get quality results only by joint efforts.
Sexual maturation takes up a large part in the process of growing up. Therefore, we believe that the removal of prejudices and taboos in the field of reproductive health is of great importance for the development of adolescents.
Tatjana Tabacki - Project Coordinator
Accomplishes human resource objectives by recruiting, selecting, assigning, scheduling, and counseling project team members. Achieves project objectives by contributing information and recommendations, preparing and completing action plans; reports, resolving problems; implementing changes.
Assistant Coordinator- Andrej Jakovljev
Assisting project coordinator in achieving project objectives by performing important administrative functions, keeping an open line of communication with the project participants and broad public, updating the project schedule, taking minutes at meetings to ensure that the timeline is followed.
Financial Manager-Tihomir Djuric
Meets financial objectives by forecasting requirements; preparing budget; scheduling expenditures; analyzing variances; initiating corrective actions, completing financial audit.
Jasminka Petrovic- educator in area of sexual education and adolescent relationships
Responsibilities: preparation of materials for trainings and workshops, teaching, tutoring, evaluating.
Ivana Lukic- educator in area of sexual education and adolescent relationships
Responsibilities: Preparation of materials for trainings and workshops, teaching, tutoring, evaluating.
Nadja Duhacek - educator in area of gender equality and empowerment of girls
Responsibilities: preparation of materials for trainings and workshops, teaching, tutoring, evaluating.
Tanja Ciric- assistant educator in area of gender equality and empowerment of girls
Responsibilities: preparation of materials for trainings and workshops, teaching, tutoring, evaluating.
Višnjićeva 39
23000 Zrenjanin
Republic of Serbia
+381 60/0512393; +381 61/2285078