St Joseph’s PTA meeting 14/01/2016
Ruth Davies
Helen Ward
Jenny Brochwicz-Lewinski
Emma Houston
Cathy Tarr-Graham
Jenna Cassidy
Fiona Fogarty
Nadia Gazeley
Paul O’Neill
Andy Callen
Helen Reddington
Mrs Taylor
Clair Visco
Richard McCarthy
Julie Bastin
Sharon Tarpey
Bernadette Flynn
1. Defibrillator Training
Training was given by Paul O’Neill on the defibrillator and how to put a casualty into recovery position. Many thanks to Paul for doing this.
2. Treasurer’s report
i) Income & Expenditure Account
Period under review since last meeting; November & December 2015
* Net Loss for November 2015 was £242
* Net Income for December 2015 was £6277
Weekly Draw
The weekly draw amounts fluctuate month on month. This is due to movement of people leaving and joining the scheme. In addition, some ball numbers are not allocated, as such, there is not a winner every week.
Of the 60 numbers, there are 24 outstanding. Sharon Tarpey has put in a great effort to increase participation in the draw, in particular as people have left the scheme in September (eg. Yr 6 leavers), and due to the additional 10 numbers added by the National Lottery at the end of 2015.
St Andrew’s Day
This was a huge success raising £439, in comparison to £270 in the previous year. The event was exceptionally well attended by parents, family and parishioners.
Christmas Fair
The Christmas Fair raised £6209. This was approximately £1k more than last year. £500 of the difference was due to the addition of new stalls and revamping of “old” stalls. Also, mulled wine was generously donated by a parent and “left over” drinks from the quiz night were sold, which had therefore, zero cost.
The remaining £500 variance was due to the cash matching of the bottle tombola by Duncan Gazeley (Barclays). Thanks goes to Duncan for helping at the Christmas Fair.
£40 deposit cost for the DJ for the Masquerade disco on 12th February 2016.
Other Events
£73 of Pamper Chef income raised in November from an online sale.
£683 of Christmas Card project income was raised in December. This was in comparison to £231 in the prior year. The cheque has been received from APFS in January 2016. The increase was due to the project being run in school this year. Therefore, every child produced art work which led to a higher uptake than in the previous year when it was an optional activity by pupils at home.
Expenditure for the months of November and December, totalled £1600. This included £1k for a school purchase of literacy scheme books (approved at the previous PTA meeting), with the balance for purchases of new PTA mugs for events, flowers and Christmas crackers. In addition, the website domain name has been renewed for 5 years.
ii) Statement of Assets
Total cash balance as at 31st December 2015 is £40,694. £3k of this balance is restricted funds, therefore £37,694 if available for spending. The following spend has been approved at prior PTA meetings;
£18k for Phase I of the New Outside Area
£700 for Miss McDowell’s library book scheme
£700 for the school defibrillator machine
£TBC for a new PTA outside storage box
It was agreed at the meeting that water tight storage is to be purchased for second hand uniform. It is currently kept on rails at a parent’s house, which is unsustainable long term. Helen Ward will investigate and provide some estimates for expense at the next PTA meeting.
3. Review of last term’s events
A) St Andrew’s Day- This was an amazing success with an excellent turn out that resulted in £439 being raised.
B) Pampered Chef – This was very easy to set up and raised £73. Thanks to Jackie Heaven for sorting this out.
C) Children’s Christmas Cards- Thanks to Miss Murray and all the other teachers for the help that they gave to support this event.
D) The Christmas Fair- What an amazing event! This was genuinely a team effort. It worked very well to have a team with given responsibilities and this was reflected on the day. A huge thank you to all people who gave up their time and to all the parents who supported the event.
E) After Mass Coffee- Thank you to Grainne for all her hard work for the after Wednesday mass coffee mornings.
F) Newsletter- Thank you to Emma Allison for her hard work in completing another excellent newsletter.
4. This Half Term’s Events
A) The focus is now the concentrated on completing the out door area. Ruth Courtnell has been helping with ideas and contacts.
B) The disco- people have started to be allocated jobs. Hopefully this will be another well-attended event.
C) The school concert-the Masonic Hall has now been booked for the concert on 15 April.
D) The Saints’ Days- these will follow the normal format of cakes, tea and entertainment by the children.
E) Bumps and bashes-Paul O’ Neill may well cover this for this year.
F) Second-hand uniform sale-Helen Reddington hopes to do this the week before the Easter holidays.
G) Bags-It was suggested that the Reception children design the bags before Mother’s Day. Ruth Davies will follow this up.
H) Ladies’ Night- potentially for the week beginning 16th of May. Jenna Cassidy will look into this. It could include a jewellery sale , nails and a fashion show.
I) Sponsored Event- Ideas for this are to be revisited at the next meeting.
J) Temptation Evening- Ruth Davies will contact Sean to arrange an event for June or July.
5. Weekly Draw update- although there has been some uptake there are still over 20 numbers available. Sharon and Helen will continue to push this.
6. A.O.B. – some storage area for the PTA was discussed. Helen and Ruth will measure up areas around the school to see if there is an area appropriate. Some storage may be needed for secondhand uniform.
7. Next Meeting- the next meeting will take place on 3 February at 7:30pm in the school hall.