April 4, 2013 · 9AM-5PM

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative Building

The meeting was called to order at 9:05am. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the Invocation was provided by Jerry Ingle. Attendees introduced themselves.

In attendance were Lou Ann Wallace, Chris Simmons, Richard Chaffin, Wilkie Chaffin, Ward Robens, Mike Altizer, Ricky Rash, Gary Cross, Darrell Marshall, Matt Poirot, Brian Wagner, Gavin Sanderlin, John Moore, Darryl Glover, Robert Bennett, Rick Weeks, Herb Dunford, Jerry Ingle, Bobby Grisso, David Kriz, Don Wells, John Peterson, David Ball, Barbara Teeple, Kelly Snoddy, Greg Wichelns, Suzie Brown, Beth Sokolik, and Kendall Tyree.

A motion to approve the minutes made by John Peterson with a second by Ricky Rash wasapproved unanimously.

Don Wells presented the VASWCD treasurer’s report. The current budget and actual expenses to date were included as a handout in board packets. The FY14 budget as approved at the December Annual Meeting was highlighted. Wells noted that the FY14 budget shows a reduction from $200 to $100 for support to Area Meetings. Wells informed attendees that all districts have paid their support service fees. SWCDs will see an increase in operational funding thanks to VASWCD legislative efforts. As support service fees have not been increased in at least 4 years or more Wells discussed the need to increase support service fees.

Wells moved to accept and file for audit the treasurer report,seconded by Peterson and the motion was approved.

Wells moved to increase support service fees by $100 per district. Richard Chaffin seconded the motion. Jim Christian asked if this would cover VASWCD needs. Wells was uncertain it would be a great enough increase to cover all VASWCD needs but believes that this $100 increase along with other grants received will be of great assistance. Additionally, Wells noted that the amount of the increase can’t be too significant or high as we must also recognize local SWCD needs. Richard Chaffin asked about a two-tier approach with a $100 increase this coming fiscal year and $100 the following year. Wells commented that this approach might be difficult with the uncertainties that exist about future SWCD operational funds. Jim Christian would like to see a one page justification of why we need to increase support service fees to assist him with educating districts in Area II for this need. Ward Robens reiterated the need for a support document. Peterson called for question. Motion to approve support service fees passed unanimously.

John Peterson presented the NACD and Federal Legislative report. A copy of the written report included in packets. Peterson noted the NACD webinars on urban topics and encouraged districts to participate in these free educational sessions.Lou Wallace congratulated Peterson for receiving the NACD Distinguished Service Award at the recent NACD Annual Meeting.

Don Wells provided the State Legislative report. A handout is included with the official minutes. Wells noted the outcome of the consolidation bill. SWCDs will remain at DCR while erosion, sediment and stormwater permitting, and TMDLs will move from DCR to DEQ. Over the next year DCR, DEQ, and VDACs, with assistance from legislators, will hold public meetings to discuss the bill and where SWCD management is best suited. Operational funds will increase in the coming year by $300,000. The VASWCD was also successful in increasing funds to those SWCDs maintaining dams. An additional $1,000 will be provided for dam maintenance and an additional $150,000 is to be made available for small dam repairs.

Don Wells recommended the VASWCDcontinue holding legislative session earlier in the session prior to Martin Luther King Day as that was of great benefit this year. As for legislative awards, Senator Frank Ruff, Delegate Ed Scott, and Delegate David Bulova were recommended. Others with recommendations should bring them forward prior to the June meeting when further action will be taken.

Committee Reports:

Agriculture – Currently the Ag Committee Chair position is vacant and the VASWCD is recruiting a chair and members to revitalize this committee. Lou Wallace tasked Area Chairs with assisting with committee work.

Operations – Wilkie Chaffin serves as the Operations Chair. A purpose statement and set of items this committee might focus on has been developed. Chaffin will provide that purpose statement to the board and is recruiting committee members. Mike Altizer asked if we were striving to have at least one director or staffer from each Area serve on the committee. Members agreed this is a good approach if possible. Kendall Tyree will send an e-mail to Area Chairs following the meeting reminding them of opportunities to assist with committees and other VASWCD activities.

Marketing/Public Relations - Chris Simmons thanked staff for assisting with press releases and noted that three were picked up – a press release on Annual Meeting, Virginia’s awards at the NACD Annual Meeting, and John Peterson’s receipt of the NACD Distinguished Service Awards. Simmons also noted that when there is good press on one district, it sheds good press on all 47. The same stands that when negative news is picked up about one SWCD, it looks poorly on all districts. Simmons asked if the VASWCD should provide assistance on ‘damage control.’ Ricky Rash commented that this would be of great help to districts and also training on how to be ahead of the story.

Forestry – Bill Worrell has been appointed as Forestry Chair. Worrell serves as the new chair. We continue to recruit new individuals and are in need of district staff or directors to serve.

IT Committee – JC Berger presented the IT Committee report on behalf of Chair George Lamb. A handout is included with the minutes. JC Berger shared details on the grant to be received from DCR in the amount of $300,000. Funds will be utilized for hardware upgrades, software purchases, training, and information sharing. The grant application for hardware upgrades will be open to districts next week. The IT grant was signed on April 4 by the VASWCD President with the support of the VASWCD board. In addition to the grant work being addressed, the committee is focused on trying to assist DCR on the stakeholder committee that will enhance the tracking program per RMP needs. The IT Committee is seeking a director willing to serve on this stakeholder committee. Gavin Sanderlin added that a new wiki, or online community forum, will be made live online soon to assist with facilitating discussion and questions among district staff and directors.

Urban Committee –Brian Wagner serves as the new Urban Committee chair. Fifteen members serve on the urban committee though these members represent four of the six SWCD areas. Wagner stressed there certainly is a need for more varietal geographic representation on the Urban Committee.

The committee also wrestles with the urban committee grant which is assisting and promoting individual homeowner BMPs. Funds are also being utilized to publish an urban BMP manual. So far the four districts participating in the urban committee grant have awarded an estimated $34,000 for converting turf to native species, rain gardens, pet waste facilities, etc. The urban committee grant group is focused on how to increase grant funding to expand efforts and partner with more districts. The urban committee will look to assist the legislative committee with the introduction of urban cost share program legislation during the 2014 session.

Don Wells notes that the during the 2013 legislative session the urban BMP legislation was unsuccessful once it reached the appropriations committee. Concern brought forth by legislative appropriation committee members was that these funds may pull from needed funds for the Agricultural BMP program. Wells informed the appropriations committee funds for an urban BMP program should be considered a separate pot of funding. Wells adds that he would like all Area chairs to provide legislative issues to the legislative committee no later than VASWCD June Board Meeting.

Brian Wagner also shared an update on his service on the Nutrient Trading Regulatory Advisory Panel. A handout is included with the minutes. One of the main functions of the RAP is to expand the scope of the program to the entire state not just the Bay watershed. Wagner noted that every state in the Chesapeake Bay watershed is actively participating in nutrient trading. Virginia has eight nutrient banks within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, of those eight, most have occurred in the last year and a half.

Area Reports:

Area I – Ward Robens presented an update on Area I. Robens commented that there is a great deal of interest among Area I districts in the upcoming public meetings regarding the consolidation bill that was heard during the 2013 legislative session. Robens also reported feedback from many districts about how Virginia Enhanced Conservation Incentive, or 100% cost share, was implemented. Theynoted that 75% cost share might be too low but that 100% was too high. Many districts called special meetings to handle VECI. Further, there is a lot of friction among those who would receive 75% and for those who received 100% cost share; a perception of free-loading exists. The Area I spring meeting is scheduled for April 18 and is being hosted by Headwaters SWCD. The meeting agenda will focus on reorganization and the future of SWCDs. Districts are looking forward to this discussion. Area I Envirothon competitionwill be held April 25. The summer board meeting will be hosted by Area I.

Area II – Jim Christian presented the Area II report. A handout is included with the minutes. All six of the SWCDs provided information for the report. The upcoming Area Meeting will be held on May 2 hosted by John Marshall SWCD.

Area III – JC Berger presented the Area III report. James River SWCD has moved office locations. Tri-County/City SWCD is also relocating to the USDA service center. The Area III Envirothon will be held on April 17 and will be hosted by Three Rivers SWCD. It was reported that Hanover-Caroline is involved in a CIG grant for multi-species cover crop and Northern Neck SWCD is also participating in this grant effort. The annual Hanover-Caroline SWCD MWEE is planned for later in April. The Hanover-Caroline SWCD is a model district for implementing a MWEE and those interested in the program should attend.

Area IV – Mike Altizer presented the Area IV report. Altizer stated that he visited all the districts in Area IV in January and February. Altizer noted a need for greater education and training for directors. He noted that even at the Area level it was difficult to get more than 20% of directors to attend the spring Area meeting.

Area V – Ricky Rash presented the Area V report. Rash thanked Sherry Ragland for assisting with the compilation of the Area V report, which is included with the official minutes. The Area V meeting was held in early March in South Boston. At the Area meeting, Daphne Jamison along with Wilkie Chaffin were recommended as nominees for Area V representation to the Soil &Water Board. There was discussion and concern at the Area Meeting about the Water Control Board and its geographic representation. This was of greater concern because of the new responsibilities coming to the Water Control Board.

Ricky Rash attended last Thursday the State Technical Advisory Committee, where four of the six areas were represented. It was later brought to the attention of Ricky Rash that staff serving on the technical advisory committee need to be recognized for their time and service. Rash was unsure if the Beals fund could provide some assistance monetarily but charged DCR and the Association to better recognize these individuals’ contributions. David Johnson agreed that DCR would assist with this effort.

Area VI – Gary Cross, Area VI Vice Chair, attended as Area Chair Carey Copeland was unavailable to attend. The Area VI meeting was held in Wakefield earlier in March. Cross commented that Area VI districts recently held discussions on proxy voting and eligible voters at the Annual Meeting. Districts in Area VI have requested the VASWCD look into proxy voting or the advent of one vote per district. All but one district in Area VI had preference that the VASWCD recognize membership as member districts and that each district is allowed one vote at business meetings. Appomattox River SWCD felt there was better interest in addressing proxy voting and allowing an associate director to carry the vote for a Director who is unable to attend the Annual Meeting. The Area however would not like to enact anything to lessen participation in an Annual Meeting. Don Wells added that Area III has discussed the issue of proxy voting also, specifically having districts that send associate directors be provided to carry the vote for a Director unable to attend. John Peterson will touch base with NACD to determine how this issue is handled across other states.

Motion: Mike Altizer made a motion to appoint a committee dedicated to discussing this issue. Additionally, Area Chairs will discuss this issue of proxy voting with their districts and both the Area Chairs and the stakeholder committee will provide a report on this issue at the June board meeting. At that time it will be discussed whether a change to the bylaws is necessary. John Peterson seconded. All in favor, motion approved.

Partner Reports:

Soil & Water Board - Herb Dunford, Chair of the Virginia Soil &Water Conservation Board, provided a partner report. Dunford would like to see state soil and water board members more involved with VASWCD activities. Dunford would like the two boards to communicate much more regularly. He recommended piggy-backing meetings so that the VASWCD meeting occurs on one day and the Soil & Water Board meet the next day. This occurred last March, though perhaps by chance, and allowed state Soil & Water Board members to attend the VASWCD meeting as well.

At this time DCR Director David Johnson, a late attendee to the meeting, was introduced and welcomed. Dunford then asked David Johnson to present details on the board’s actions on the Resource Management Plan. The RMP was passed at the March Soil & Water Board meeting. Implementation by SWCDs is delayed by seven months, to coincide with the VASWCD Annual Meeting.

Simmons pointed out that RMPs do not include a 35 foot buffer and asked for clarification. Johnson stated the RMP includes a stream exclusion without a buffer, depending on the general practice. Johnson stated that DCR will assist districts fully with RMPs as SWCDs will be the marketing agent for the RMP. A new committee or group will be put together to assist the Department in determining the implementation of the RMP. This work will occur over the next seven months. Wagner asked DCRs intent moving forward. Johnson agreed that the Association would seek input and involvement from the VASWCD on this effort.

At this time the VASWCD Board discussed candidates for representation on the Soil & Water Board. Area V and Area VI positions will be subject to reappointment as of July 1, 2013. Information on nominations is included with the official minutes. Motion: Wells moved to recommendDaphne Jamison and Wilkie Chaffin as Area V Reps to SWCB and Frank Brickhouse and Granville Maitland as Area VI Reps to SWCB. Recommendations will be submitted to the Virginia Soil & Water Conservation Board. The motion was seconded by Peterson and approved unanimously.

Virginia Cooperative Extension–Bobby Grisso noted his primary goals have been to create additional training and professional development for VCE agents. Upcoming training programs will focus on urban BMPs. A stormwater training is scheduled for September. Grisso noted that there will be in-service training focused on providing agents the tools and confidence needed in understanding the Chesapeake Bay model. This particular training is being developed from “the bottom up.”

Wagner notes that majority of ag-stewardship complaints relate to horse farms and management in Thomas Jefferson SWCD. TJSWCD discovered that extension had set up an agent to address farming issues. He questioned whether this position is in place or upcoming. Grisso believes there is a person that should hold this position. Grisso directs questions such as this to the VCE e-forum/website.

Johnson questioned whether VCE would be interested in participating in RAP/RMP advisory groups and requests that Grisso provide names for participation. Grisso agreed to provide a recommendation of an individual to serve in this capacity.

The group broke for lunch at 12. Meeting reconvened at 12:39.