
Ms. Rocha

English 10 CP

day month year

Creative Title

Paragraph 1 (Introductory Paragraph)

(Indent 5 spaces) Hook: Engage the reader with an abstract noun (fear, love, friendship). You can introduce a quote, ask a question (avoid using second person you) or make a statement.





Bridge: Build a connection between hook and your thesis. Mention the song and the singer’s name here- mention what it is about (brief one sentence summary).





Major Thesis: This is your argument – what you will be proving throughout your paper. Your topic sentence, all evidence, all mean and matter will prove this argument. Argumentative papers must have a subject and opinion. The thesis MUST BE UNDERLINED in your typed formal essay. Use “because” or another word in order to write a complex sentece





Paragraph 2 (Body Paragraph #1)

1. (Indent) Topic Sentence. Must be a concise topic sentence that will prove the thesis. It must use language that supports your argument that clearly shows opinion.





2. Transition/Lead-In: Sets up the context for your quote. (Use a transition here such as First, For instance/example, etc.). You should provide evidence that supports your connection between the novel and the song. Ruth B alludes to “Captain Hook and Neverland” in her song in order to show how the speaker desires an escape from reality. Like the speaker, Paul has moments of escape while he is with his friends in nature.”





3. Concrete Detail. The quote, itself or the “Say”. Must clearly relate to your topic sentence. Include only the part of quote that supports your argument – no filler. Provide a clear example that highlights the connection between the song and the novel.





4. First Commentary. THE MEAN. Must focus on and prove your topic sentence. DOES NOT STATE THE OBVIOUS. It discusses the meaning of the lyrics. Does it use any literary devices- allusion, repetition, symbols, metaphors?





5. Second Commentary. The deeper commentary or the “Matter” or the “big ideas.” Dig deep here and analyze the quote in terms of the universal meaning, themes, and your thesis. Why is significant?





6. Transitions/Lead-In. This second quote must build a bridge between the previous “Matter” and sets up the context for your quote. Again, you must relate it to your topic sentence, which relates to your thesis.





7. Concrete Detail. The quote, itself or the “Say”. Must be a new point that relates to your topic sentence. Include only the part of quote that supports your argument – no filler. Second example of how the song relates to novel.





8. First Commentary for Second Concrete Detail. The “Mean.” Illustrates the second point in proving the topic sentence. DOES NOT STATE THE OBVIOUS.) Discuss the meaning of the quote from the song in light of the novel.





9. Second Commentary. The deeper commentary or the “Matter” or the “big ideas.” Again stick to your topic, but analyze the quote in terms of the universal meaning, themes, and your thesis. Why is this significant?





10. Transition/Lead-In. Sets up the context for your quote. (For example, In addition, Lastly, etc.):





11. Concrete Detail. The quote, itself or the “Say”. Must clearly relate to your topic sentence. Include only the part of quote that supports your argument – no filler: This should be the third example of how the song relates to the novel.





12. First Commentary. THE MEAN. Must focus on and prove your topic sentence. DOES NOT STATE THE OBVIOUS): Connect the meaning of the song to the novel.





13. Second Commentary. The deeper commentary or the “Matter” or the “big ideas.” Dig deep here and analyze the quote in terms of the universal meaning, themes, and your thesis. Why is it significant?





14. Concluding Sentence (bring the paragraph to a close and give it a polished feeling)





Paragraph 3 (Concluding Paragraph)

1. (Indent) General statement related to the thesis, does not repeat the thesis but revisits major ideas within paper.





2. Here you revisit your hook and end the way you started. If you asked a question, answer it; if you used a quote, return to it and shed a light on it.





3. The Last Sentence – should leave the reader with a sense of completion and a sense that the writer has brought some new understandings to the argument. It should evidence reflection as well:



