Presiding over the meeting, Cllr Cain
In Attendance:
Cllr Hallam, Cllr I Field, Cllr W Webb, Cllr Hargreaves, 5 members of the Public and Mrs J Ripley Parish Clerk.
(GDE = Gedney Drove End)
There followed a 15 minute Public Form, topics under discussion were Building works at Granite House, Gedney and District Cllr Wilkinson.
Cllr Cain read out a resignation letter from Cllr Tinkler
1) 84.14 Apologies for absence
Cllr Hutchison , Cllr Wilkinson& Cllr Chapman gave their apologies and Council RESOLVED to accept them.
2) 85.14 Declarations of Interest
3) 86.14 Signing of the Minutes
Notes from the last meeting held on 13th May 2014 were taken as read & council RESOLVED to accept them as minutes.
4) 87.14 Police Matters
5) 88.14 To discuss Play and Open Areas
- Update on Play Project at Walker memorial Park
Everyone is very pleased with the Shelter.
6) 89.14 To discuss applications for co-option to council
7) 90.14 Questions on District Councillors report
None (Report attached)
8) 91.14 Clerks Report
All correspondence from the May meeting has been dealt with.
The Clerk wrote to Savills asking what requirements LCC have for giving notice on Bellamys land but have not yet had a reply. Cllr Webb to contact LCC on Councils behalf.
FLP Ltd have carried out the Annual Play area Inspection at Walker memorial Park and council are awaiting the report.
Pelican trust has returned the Notice Board at GDE.
9) 92.14 Financial Matters
- Accounts for payment
- Date
10/6/14 / Mrs Ripley / T14 / Expenses / £139.75 / £139.75
10/6/14 / Malc Firth / T15 / Ground Maint / £362.75 / £72.55 / £435.30
10/6/14 / Came & Co / T16 / Extra Ins premium / £25.00 / £25.00
28/6/14 / Mrs J Ripley / T17 / Wages June / £1034.37 / £1034.37
Money In: £60 Allotment rent.
Council RESOLVED payments be made as put before them.
10) 93.14 Correspondence
a.SHDC – Copies of meeting agendas and minutes
b.Post Office – update on Gedney Dyke Post Office.
Clerk to contact PO re use of Village Hall at GDE.
c.Lincs Air Ambulance – Receipt and Thank You
d.Malc Firth- Reply to Clerks e mail
e.Came & Co – Reply to Clerks e mail
f.Cllr Tinkler – email
g.Came & Co – Increase insurance confirmation
h. Letter from Parishioner –Re a Planning application
11) 94.14 To Discuss Cemetery matters
12) 95.14 Planning Matters
H06-0395/6-14 Mr Plumb, Granite House, Gedney
Proposed porch entrance/ single storey extension, new dormer roof above stair well to main dwelling & new garage extension.
The Council have no objection to any planning that will restore the building to its original specifications. However they do have a concern that the new garage development is leaning to over development of the site.
H06-0382-14 Mr Sturman, Cherry Lodge, Main Rd, GDE
Change of use to paddock, stables and secure storage ( private use)
Council supported this application
H06-0178-14 Elgoods & Son Ltd, Wildfowler on the Wash, Main Rd , GDE
Change of use from public house to residential dwelling.
13) 96.14 Highways & Footways
- Update on Outstanding matters.
- New Matters to report:
Lowgate Gedney is due for resurface work
14) 97.14 Date of next meeting:
July 8th at Gedney Dyke Village Hall 6.30pm
There being no more business the meeting closed at 8.15pm
Signed: Date:
Report to Gedney Parish Councillors
From District Councillor Sarah Wilkinson.
RE: Granite House Site Visit Tuesday 20th May 2014 & Planning Application H06-0296-14
Following the last Parish Council meeting I was invited by Mr Plumb (The Applicant) to visit the site of planning application H06-0296-14 for a proposed barn and various outbuildings.
Before proceeding outside to inspect the area I was questioned by the applicant as to the decision of the Parish Council to object. I explained to Mr Plumb that I could only speak as District Councillor and that the minutes of the meeting would be available for him to read after they were signed off at the next meeting in June. Although the objection spoke for itself, to which he disputed the conversation (re the letter in Mr Culvers objection) ever happened with the enforcement officer from SHDC and that the orchard was on the opposite side of the site.
He then went on to discuss with me the objections from the neighbours of which only two are directly affected, that being Mr & Mrs Marshall of 5 Whiteacre Gardens & Mr Culver of Field Bungalow, Blazegate. Mr Plumb is therefore still convinced that his neighbours are being fuelled by the personal dispute between himself and Mr & Mrs Parks of 3 Whiteacre Gardens.
The area that is intended for the proposed development is a waste land (see picture 1), it is believed that it was originally used as the hardcore dumping ground from previous developments. The area is completely overlooked by 5 Whiteacre Gardens & Field Bungalow, Blazegate (see picture 2 & 3) and is at a lower ground level than that of 5 Whiteacre Gardens, as can be seen from the ground floor window line (see picture 4).
At present the majority of the garden of Granite House is overlooked by 5 Whiteacre Gardens and from the details on the site plan this will not change in a southerly direction, therefore there is no possible way this could affect the light entering either their property or their garden. Privacy issues will remain as they are now, which is a cause for the applicants concern as the only part of the garden which is secluded from anyone’s view is to the far south corner of the property closest to the A17 roundabout.
The building line that is proposed for the barn, greenhouse and shed will remain within that of Whiteacre Gardens and Blazegate. The highest point will be that of the barn roof, the proposed height of the brick shed will not affect Mr Culvers light through his tree line. The applicant explained to me at this point that Mr Culvers cess pit was to the far corner of the proposed development site (see pictures 5 & 6), it is the intention of the applicant on completion of the development to provide a private gated and fenced access to the cess pit for Mr Culver.
The proposed construction materials, size and design of the proposed barn, etc have all been decided upon with the consultation of Chris Crew, Principal Planning Officer, SHDC. The gated access from Blazegate has always been there and the applicant showed me site plans from the 1990’s which showed the glass houses and original boundary wall prior to the Whiteacres development being given permission. The wall which now only remains to a very small part of the property has had the boundary fence of 4 & 5 Whiteacre Gardens erected on it. It is proposed by the applicant that they reinstate this wall to the boundary with Blazegate to the gated access.
The subject of the proposed future use of the barn was then raised by me. The applicant firstly pointed out to me that there would be no water or soil pipes being run to any of the buildings. The construction was also very basic and only meant for storage. Whilst hearing this and looking at the site and plans I was not able to dispute what the applicant was telling me. The applicant then pointed out to me that his intention was to protect that area from future development and by placing the barn and shed etc there this is what he was doing. He then informed me that he has been approached by some of his neighbours and two developers in the last two years wanting to buy the parcel of land for development or to place static caravans on it as with the recent success of the site in Ropers Gate.
On review and in conclusion, I think it may be quite difficult to be successful in having this application refused. With applications such as this there is always a risk that future plans may be submitted for a change of use to a domestic dwelling, I had and still have the same concern with the retrospective application that was submitted for a large detached double garage at Chailey House, Gedney back in 2011. On speaking with the Chairman of the Planning Committee today, the likelihood at present that this will reach committee is a slim one although based on the controversy it has created it will more likely be recommended by the officers to be looked at by the Chairmans Panel. Members and interested parties will be notified of this once I have received a date from SHDC.