This is a TEMPLATE to use PRIOR to submitting an on-line application to The Hive.

You can edit and save your answers in this document before then copy and pasting into the on-line form. You can also save copies of this document for your records and to send to your chosen support organisation.

About you

First name

Last name

Organisation name

Job role




Address 1

Address 2

Address 3




About your organisation/business idea

Tell us about the support you require and why

Tell us about what support you require and why? What are the specific issues or challenges you are currently facing? Are you looking to test out your business idea or develop your business plan? Are you an existing trading business looking to grow? Are you an existing trading business facing succession issues, due to retirement for example? What would you like to happen next? (maximum 150 words).

Briefly tell us about your business aims

What are your aims, vision and mission statement? What is the purpose of your organisation? What is your service, product? If this is a new business idea, what work have you undertaken to test your business idea e.g. feasibility study, market research, initial member engagement? What have you achieved so far and what do you expect to do next? (maximum 200 words).

What is your organisation's legal status?

Visit the website here if you need to understand more about legal status and incorporation.

Company/society number

20 characters left.

Charity number

7 characters left.

What year was your organisation incorporated?

How are you organised?

If you are not yet incorporated or at the early start stage of setting up your business, tell us more about your group and how you are organised. Is there a core steering group? How many people, what are their roles and relevant experience? Is there a common vision and aim? Is there experience of working together? (maximum 200 words).

How old is your organisation?


If not yet started put '0'


If not yet started put '0'

What sector do you operate in?

Sector (other)

What region?

Current stage of group/organisation

Tick the option which best describes the current stage of your group/organisation.

How far would you be willing to travel to attend a group advice workshop?

What is your organisation's reach?

Tell us about where you intend to trade, your reach in terms of customers

Who are your customers, users, beneficiaries?

Tell us about your intended/existing audience. Who does your business benefit e.g. local community? What are your social or environmental aims? (Maximum 150 words).

How many employees, volunteers or members do you currently have?

Part-time staff

Full-time staff



If you don’t have a formal membership, you can use the number of people subscribed to your community mailing list.

Board directors

Do you have a specific adviser or mentor in mind to deliver the support?

We will do our best to allocate your preferred adviser, however this may not always be possible.

Preferred provider organisation

We will do our best to allocate your preferred adviser, however this may not always be possible.

Which options have you considered for raising finance?

Commercial loansCommunity finance loansCommunity sharesCrowdfundingDonationsGrantsSponsorshipAll the aboveDon't know

Have you thought about Community Engagement?


Tell us about what activities you have undertaken to engage your local community

This may include activities on your website, social media (twitter, facebook), public meetings, door to door leafleting, news & PR etc. (maximum 100 words).

Have you completed the Community Shares diagnostic tool?


Please upload your results

We will do our best to allocate your preferred adviser, however this may not always be possible.

Upload business plan/feasibility study

If you already have a business plan or feasibility study, please submit with your application (this will help with assessing your application and support needs). You can create your own plans by using our online tools and templates

How did you hear about The Hive?


Any information you enter on this website will not be given to anyone else, unless we can't withhold it without breaking the law. The only information we have about you is the information you give us.

If we're going to use your contact details for marketing, we'll give you the chance to "opt out".

We might have to tell other people who you are if you ask us to get them to do something for you. If we do, you can tell them not to send you any marketing.

If you want to know what information we hold on you, contact our data protection officer: there may be a £10 admin charge for this.

We keep our data about you secure, but if anything goes wrong we'll let you know.

If we make any changes to this, we'll let you know.