ECE 521 Mini-Project Evaluation Form (Sept 2017)

ECE 521: Microprocessor System

Mini-Project Report Evaluation Form

Project Title:
Group Members / Role
1. / Leader (L)
Allow second demonstration? (OPTIONAL, to be filled at the discretion of evaluating panel)
□ YES □ NO / 2. / System Designer (SD)
3. / Programmer (P)
4. / Testing Leader (TL)


Item / Good / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory / Poor / Score (0-10) / Weight / Weighted Score
9 - 10 / 6 - 8 / 3 - 5 / 0 - 2
Project Objectives / Clearly states the objectives. / The objectives are reasonably stated. / The objectives are not clearly stated. / Objectives are not given or unacceptable. / 0.25
System Description & System Operation / The overview and operation of the system is clearly described. The details are given and well- organized. / The overview and operation of the system is reasonably described. The level of detail is reasonable and sufficiently organized. / The overview and operation of the system is not properly described, either because they are not described in depth, or lacking in organization. / Information on system description and operation were not given or unacceptable. / 0.5
Project Scope / The project scope is clearly defined. / The project scope is adequately defined. / The project scope is inadequately defined. / The project scope is not provided or unacceptable. / 0.25
Hardware Design / Hardware schematics are provided.
Circuit design considerations and reasoning are provided in detail.
The circuit is correctly designed. / Hardware schematics are provided.
Circuit design considerations and reasoning are given and satisfactorily explained.
The circuit has few design flaws that do not affect its overall functionality. / Hardware schematics are provided.
Circuit design seriously lacks considerations and proper reasoning.
The circuit has serious design flaws that impede the overall functionality of the system. / Hardware schematics are not provided or unacceptable. / 0.75
Software Design / Flowcharts and software listing are provided.
Flowchart is correctly designed and explained.
The program is written correctly.
Program is explained in detail. / Flowcharts and software listing are provided.
Flowchart is designed with minimum errors and explained.
The program has few mistakes.
Program is explained in reasonable detail. / Flowcharts and software listing are provided.
Flowchart has some serious design flaws that impede overall functionality of the program. The flowchart is not explained in the report.
The program has serious mistakes.
Program is not sufficiently explained. / Flowcharts and software listing are not provided or are unacceptable.
Flowchart is unacceptable.
The program is unacceptable.
The program is inadequately explained. / 0.75
Testing / The testing methods are clearly described.
The details are given and well- organized. / The testing methods are reasonably described.
The level of detail is reasonable and sufficiently organized. / The testing methods are not properly described, either because they lack in detail or organization. / Information on testing methods wasnot given or unacceptable. / 0.25
Debugging / Problems faced during design are described in detail.
Solutions presented are logical and detailed. / Problems faced during design are sufficiently described.
Solutions are logical and satisfactorily described. / Problems faced during design are inadequately presented.
The solutions are either illogical or lack important details. / Problems faced during design and the solutions are not described or unacceptable. / 0.25
Results / Test results fully demonstrate system operation.
Explanations of the results are clearly presented. / Test results substantially demonstrate the system operation.
Explanations of results are satisfactorily presented. / Test results provide little demonstration of the system operation.
Explanations of the results are inadequate. / Test results are absent or irrelevant in demonstrating operation of the system. / 0.75
Conclusions & Recommendations / Clearly summarized important design features and test results.
Recommendations are relevant and described in sufficient detail. / Satisfactorily summarized important design features and test results.
Recommendations are relevant but the details are insufficiently described. / Unsatisfactorily summarized important design features and test results.
Recommendations are relevant but unsatisfactorily described. / Does not summarize important design features and test results.
Recommendations are not relevant or significantly lack in detail. / 0.25


Item / Good / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory / Poor / Score (0-10) / Weight / Weighted Score
9-10 / 6-8 / 3-5 / 0-2
Entrepreneurial Opportunity / Entrepreneurial idea is clear and fulfils the customer needs. / Entrepreneurial idea is clear but does not fulfil the realistic customer needs. / Has unclear entrepreneurial idea for value adding/ solving customer needs and is not relevant to customer needs. / No entrepreneurial idea for value adding/solving customer needs. / 0.5
Financial Management / Able to develop a financial plan and costing. / Able to analyze financial and sources. / Able to identify basic financial components and sources / Not able to identify financial components or sources / 0.5

Supervisor’s Approval:

□ Accepted / □ Rejected

If REJECTED, state reasons: ______