Input data for NORMTOX

Standards and ADIs

The table below lists the standards and ADIs/TDIs used to test the coherence of chlorfenvinphos, mercury and nitrate, including their original sources.

Chlorfenvinphos / Mercury / Nitrate / Units / Source(s)
Oral ADI/TDI (ADIoral) / 5,00E-01 / 7,20E-01 / 3,40E+03 / µg/kg body.dag / 1,2,3
Inhalatory ADI/TDI (ADIinhalatory) / not available / 3,00E-01 / not available / µg/m3 / 1,2,3
Soil quality objective (EQOsoil) / 6,00E-05 / 1,00E+01 / not available / mg/kg / 4
Water quality objective (EQOw) / 2,00E-03 / 1,20E+00 / not available / µg/l / 4
Air quality objective (EQOair) / not available / 9,00E-02 / not available / µg/m3 / 4
Drinking water quality objective (EQOdw) / 1,00E-01 / 1,00E+00 / 5,00E+01 / µg/l / 5
Food quality objectives* (EQOfp)
potatoes (EQOpotatoes) / 5,00E-01 / 2,00E-02 / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
vegetables (EQOveg) / 1,99E-01 / 2,79E-02 / 5,11E+02 / mg/kg product / 6,7
fruit (EQOfruit) / 2,60E-01 / 1,00E-02 / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
grain (EQOgrain) / 5,00E-02 / 3,00E-02 / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
meat (EQOmeat) / 2,00E-02 / 5,00E-03 / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
eggs (EQOeggs) / 5,00E-02 / 3,00E-02 / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
milk & milk products (EQOmilk) / 8,00E-03 / 1,00E-02 / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
cheese (EQOcheese) / 5,00E-02 / not available / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
fish (EQOfish) / 5,00E-02 / 6,00E-01 / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
nuts & seeds (EQOnuts) / 5,00E-02 / 3,00E-02 / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
sweets (EQOsweets) / not available / not available / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7
oils & fats (EQOoils) / 5,00E-02 / 3,00E-02 / not available / mg/kg product / 6,7

* EQOs for specific food products (e.g. beans) were converted into concentration data for the corresponding food categories (e.g. vegetables) using the relative amount of the product in the food category derived from the food consumption survey (Hulshof et al. 1998); Sources: 1 = FAO/WHO 1998; 2 = JECFA 1989; 3 = Janssen et al. 1995; 4 = VROM 1997; 5 = Van Dijk-Looijaard 1993; 6 = Staatscourant 1984; 7 = Staatscourant 1993

Food intake

Food intake is variable and uncertain. Interindividual variability is assumed to follow a lognormal distribution. This choice was confirmed by fitting this distribution type to the raw dataand performing a Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test.The parameters of the lognormalvariability distribution are given below. The uncertainty in these parametersis defined by the number of individuals that consumed the product (n), whichis therefore also given below. Data originates from Hulshof et al. (1998).

Food categorySymbolUnitMeanaVariancea,bn1cn2d

Drinking waterIodwl/kgbwday9.800.1845 5889

PotatoesIopotatomg/kgbwday7.900.182629 2325

VegetablesIoveg“7.700.231845 3669


CerealsIocereal“8.040.1789 5845

MeatIomeat“7.460.141059 4664

EggsIoeggs“6.360.402364 508

Milk & MilkproductsIomilk“8.530.61511 5204

CheeseIocheese“6.320.241758 2755

FishIofish“7.360.33810 95

Nuts & SeedsIonuts“6.630.612134 1317

Sweets Iosweets“6.340.57870 4455

Oils & FatsIooil“6.460.294145425

aIn the lognormal domain (natural logarithm)

b The uncertain standard deviation was restricted to values between 0 and 10

cNumber of individuals that consumed the product on one day

dNumber of individuals that consumed the product both days

Food consumption frequencies

Food consumption frequencies are variable and uncertain. They are described by beta distributions. This choice is based on literature (Slob and Bakker 2004, Slob 2006). Parametersfor each food category are given below.

Food categoryp0p2SD of SD of





Milk & Milkproducts0.03810.87681.2380.2230.0040.001



Nuts & Seeds0.42400.21991.1512.7720.0030.008

Sweets 0.10680.74620.8110.3240.0020.001

Oils & Fats0.01740.91362.2240.2840.0100.001

Soil intake

The intake of soil particles (Isoil) in mg/day is variable as well as uncertain.The parameters of the lognormal variability distribution are given below. Theuncertainty distribution depends on the number of individuals (n), which istherefore also given in the table below. Data is obtained from Table 3 in Stanek

et al. (1998).

ParametersAge groups (years)

0 – 11 – 6 6 – 1212 – 75

n64 646464


Standard deviationa,b0.5820.5820.5820.582

a In the lognormal domain (natural logarithm)

b The uncertain standard deviation was restricted to values between 0 and 10

Intake of swimming water

The intake of swimming water is calculated using 2 parameters: (1) the water intake per time unit while swimming and (2)the time spent swimming. Values for bothparameters are given below (US-EPA 1997a; Kim & Weisel 1998).The intake of swimming water per time unit is uncertain as well as variable and follows a lognormal distribution, assumed on the basis of expert judgement. The time spent swimming is relatively easy to measure and an extensive database is available Therefore, it is assumed that this parameter is variable only. On basis of the raw data a lognormal distribution is chosen to describe the variability.

Parameter UnitsAge groups (years)

1 – 5 5 – 12 12 – 18 18 – 65 65 – 75

Intake of wateraml/min

Meanb-0.478 -0.478 -0.478-0.478 -0.478

Varianceb,c0.380 0.380 0.380 0.380 0.380

Time spent swimmingdmin/day

Meanb0.608 0.859 0.817 0.321 0.342

Varianceb0.527 0.335 0.367 0.545 0.446

a The lognormal intake distribution was restricted to values below 200 ml/min.

bIn the lognormal domain (natural logarithm)

c The uncertain standard deviation was restricted to values between 0 and 10

c The lognormal time distribution was restricted to values below 720 min/day


Bodyweight, in kg, is variable only and follows a lognormal distribution. Data originates from CBS (1999).

BodyweightAge groups (years)

0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-99-10 10-11

Mean 7.73 11.65 14.06 16.37 18.76 21.27 24.11 27.12 30.3833.82 37.45

SD 1.45 2.20 2.70 3.28 3.95 4.74 5.73 6.80 8.169.59 11.21

Age groups (years)

11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-1919-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

41.77 46.93 52.31 57.27 61.40 64.47 66.66 68.2769.54 71.93 74.10 75.05 75.75

12.88 14.39 15.34 15.81 16.08 16.13 16.29 16.3216.31 11.16 12.14 15.76 13.69

Age groups (years)

60-70 70-75

75.25 72.22

11.50 9.90

Reclassification of food categories

NORMTOXOriginal food categories (Hulshof et al. 1998)

Drinking water (Nalcdrw/Nalctotal)· Non alcoholic drinks + (Alcdrw/Alctotal)· Alcoholic drinks + Soupsa

PotatoesPotatoes + Potato part of the Mixed meals

Vegetables Vegetables + Legumes + Vegetable and Legume partof the Mixed meals

Fruit(Nalcfruit/Nalctotal)· Non alcoholic drinks + (Alcfruit/Alctotal· Alcoholic drinksa

Cereals Bread + Cakes & Cookies + Cereals & Thickenings + Cereal part of the Mixed meals

Meat Meat, Meat products & Poultry + Meat part of the Mixed meals


Milk & Milk productsMilk & Milk products


FishFish + Fish part of the Mixed meals

Nuts & SeedsNuts, Seeds & Snacks

SweetsSugar, Candy, Sweet sandwich fillings & Sweet sauces

Oils & FatsFats, Oils & Savoury sauces + Oils & Fats part of the Mixed meals

a Nalcdrw = Intake of water based non alcoholic drinks, Nalctotal = Total intake of non

alcoholic drinks, Alcdrw = Intake of water based alcoholic drinks, Alctotal = Total intake of

alcoholic drinks

b Nalcfruit = Intake of fruit based non alcoholic drinks, Alcfruit = Intake of fruit based

alcoholic drinks

The beta distribution

The consumption frequency of food products can, according to Slob & Bakker (2004), be described by a beta distribution. The beta distribution has four input variables: a minimum, maximum and two shape parameters; α and β. Because the distribution describes a fraction, all values have to be between 0 and 1, which are therefore the minimum and maximum value.  and  can be obtained from the consumption frequencies of the surveyed population. In the 2 days VCP-3, there are three possibilities for the consumption frequency:

  • p0, when an individual consumed not at all
  • p1, when an individual consumed one of the days
  • p2, when an individual consumed both days

Given that p is generated by the beta distribution, the probabilities for p0, p1 and p2 are:

The mean and variance of the beta distribution are given by Equations 1 and 2 (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965).



Substitution of p and p2 in the expressions for the consumption frequencies with equations in terms of  and , results (after rewriting) in equations for and  in terms of consumption frequencies (Equation 3 and 4).



The beta distribution is used to calculate the consumption frequency as a life long average. Because the data reflects the consumption frequencies of different age groups weighted values have to be taken into account. The weight of each data point can be obtained by Equation 5.


In which wj is the weight of the data of individual j, ai is the number of years in age group i, where i representsthe age group of individual j, ni is the fraction of individuals in age group i (CBS 1999) and life is the life expectance of the population of interest.

Uncertainty in the parameters of the beta distribution

To estimate the uncertainty in the  and , a covariance structure for hasto be obtained. This covariance structure gives the variances of  and  on thediagonal. The consumption frequency of each individual can be either p0, p1 orp2. In another notation consumption frequencies are given by:

yj=(1,0) if the jth individual gives data (0,0)

yj=(0,0) if the jth individual gives data (1,0) or (0,1)

yj=(0,1) if the jth individual gives data (1,1)

The parameters (p0, p2) can be estimated by Equation6.


The covariance structure of this estimate is given by Equation A.7.


The so called Delta method (Rao, 1965) tells us that the covariance structureof  and can be obtained by Equation 8.


1 and 2 are the equations for  and  which are given by Equations 3 and4 respectively.D stands for the Jacobian matrix which contains the partial differentialequations of 1 and 2 to p1 and p2, according to:

Using this matrix, Equation 8 results in the covariance structure for  and, from which the variance in those parameters can be obtained.


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