Substantial Amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant – R Funding

City of Vienna

A. General Information

Grantee Name / City of Vienna
CDBG-R Contact Person / Tim Walker
Title / Federal Projects Administrator
Address Line 1 / P.O. Box 1627
Address Line 2
City, State, Zip Code / Parkersburg, WV 26101
Telephone / 304.424.8452
Fax / 304.424.8464
Email Address /
Authorized Official
(if different from Contact Person) / David C. Nohe
Title / Mayor
Address Line 1 / 609 29th Street
P.O. Box5097
Address Line 2
City, State, Zip Code / Vienna, WV 26105
Telephone / 304.295.5070
Fax / 304.295.4955
Email Address /
Web Address where this Form is Posted /
CDBG-R Amount / $29,817

B. Public Comment

On May 28, 2009, the Vienna City Council adopted the amendment.

After council adopted the amendment, the city placed the CDBG-R Action Plan on the (city’s) website, and copies were made available at The Vienna Public Library and the Development Department at the City of Parkersburg’s MunicipalBuilding. The plan was placed on the website May29, 2009, and public proposals will be accepted until Wednesday June 5, 2009.

  1. Provide the appropriate response regarding this substantial amendment by checking one of the following options:

Grantee did not receive public comments.

Grantee received and accepted all public comments.

Grantee received public comments and did not accept one or more of the comments.

  1. Provide a summary of the public comments regarding this substantial amendment. Include a summary of any comments or views not accepted and the reasons for non-acceptance.

No comments received to date.

C. CDBG–R Information by Activity

(1)Activity: Fire Hydrant Replacements

  1. Narrative: The City of Vienna is proposing to use $29,817 to install new fire hydrants in low to moderate income census tracks (105.01/1 and 105.02/2). New fire hydrants will be installed to replace old, outdated, and leaking hydrants that currently service the neighborhood.

The environmental review process is in progress, and the city is waiting for approval from SHPO. This project will be done by contract, and once funds are available, the project will be bid and awarded in 120 days. Total construction time for this project will be four to six months.

  1. Jobs Created: This project will be a contract job. It is estimated that the contractor will employ 4 to 6 workers (at prevailing/Davis Bacon wages) for four to six months depending on the weather conditions.
  1. Additional information: Improvements to the City infrastructure by installing fire hydrants will improve environmental quality because the new fire hydrants will be more efficient which will lead to less threatening fire potential for the residents. Reducing the spread of firesalso means the potential for harmful emission that can come from various fires will be reduced. Furthermore, there will be less water wasted because the new hydrants should not leak, as some of the current ones do.
  1. Responsible Organization: The City of Parkersburg will be responsible for the project.

(2)Activity: Administration for CDBG-R

  1. Narrative: Funds will be used for salaries, equipment, supplies, travel, postage, and other relative expenses to operate the CDBG-R program.
  2. Responsible Organization: The City of Parkersburg will be responsible for this activity.