15 DECEMBER 2005
The meeting commenced at 10.00am and concluded at 1.05pm.
Members present:
Councillor Smith (Chairman)
Councillor Mrs Stribley (Vice-Chairman)
Councillors Allen, Belcham, Mrs Deas, (substituting for Councillor Gillard), Eades, Mrs Hillman, Parker, Trent, White and Wilson
Also present: Councillors Brooke and Sorton.
Members of the public in attendance: 36 approximately.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Gillard.
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 November 2005 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Councillor Smith declared a personal interest in Plans List Item 4 as a friend of the applicant and in Plans List item 5 because the applicant supported his charity when Mayor. Also a personal interest in Plans List Items 1, 2 and 3, having received verbal and written representations.
Councillors Allen, Eades, Mrs Hillman, Trent and White declared a personal interest in Plans List items 1 and 4, having received written representations.
Councillor Parker and Mrs Stribley declared a personal interest in Plans List items 1, 2, 3 and 4, having received written and verbal representations.
Councillor Belcham declared a personal interest in Plans List items 1, 3 and 4, as having received written representations.
Councillor Mrs Deas declared a prejudicial interest in Plans List Item 3 because the applicant claimed to be in dispute with her over an outstanding insurance matter.
Councillor Wilson declared a personal interest in Plans List item 1, 2, 4 and 5, having received written and verbal representations.
The Committee considered the Planning Applications as set out in the Schedule 1 of these Minutes and dealt with them as indicated therein.
The Committee noted the following Reports by the Head of Planning Design and Control Services:
(i)Temporary Stop Notice – Units L, M, N, O, P and R, The Fulcrum, Mannings Heath Road, Poole
(ii)Appeal Decisions, including copy of Inspector’s decision in relation to 44 Clifton Road, Poole.
(iii)Appeals Lodged.
Item No:1
Case Officer:Ms C Milton
Site:Adj Branksea Grange (Eastern Side), The Avenue, Branksome Park, Poole, Dorset, BH13 6HA
Application No:05/38486/001/TE
Date Received:5th October 2005
Agent:F P D Savills Wessex House Wimborne Dorset
BH21 1PB
Applicant:Vodaphone Ltd
Development:Install 20m high wooden clad monopole with 3 antennae including equipment cabinet and electrical meter cabinets surrounded by close boarded fencing to a height of 1.35m. (Revised Scheme).
Ward:F 060 Canford Cliffs
Mrs L Ripper and Mr Huybers, residents of Branksome Grange, the block of flats adjacent to the application site, showed a scale model of the wooden clad monopole with antennae to show the relationship it would have to the flats. The objectors considered that this application should be refused because it was similar to the application that was refused in September 2005.
Mr J Barter, applicant’s agent, explained that he considered a revised scheme overcame the objections as stated by the Council in the last application. The site was the best position for the monopole because it would be screened all the year round by the trees. He also explained that they had looked at numerous other sites in the area but this was considered to be the best site.
Councillor Sorton, Ward Councillor, stated that it would have a visual impact to the adjoining flat owners and to motorists as they travel along The Avenue, an important tree lined and important entrance into Poole.
Members supported the objectors’ views and considered that the applicants should endeavour to find a more suitable site within the area.
AGREED REFUSE for the following reason
The proposal is unacceptable in tree terms as it is likely to detrimentally affect the long-term health and amenity of an important and visually significant tree. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy NE27 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).
Item No:2
Case Officer:Mr K Chilvers
Site:Upper Road, (Opposite Branksome Cemetery), Poole, Dorset
Application No:05/38658/000/TE
Date Received:26th October 2005
Agent:Savills Wessex House Priors Walk East Borough Wimborne Dorset BH21 1PB
Development:Prior Approval application to erect a 12m high wooden pole with 3 antennas and an equipment cabinet
Ward:J 100 Newtown
Councillor Wilson declared a personal interest in the application as a Governor of Branksome Heath Middle School.
Mr J Barter, applicant’s agent, explained that the applicant had considered 15 alternative sites which had been discounted for various reasons. This included a site within the Council owned cemetery, which the Council Officers would not allow because it was against Council policy. He also stated that the antennae had been designed to ensure that the beam of greatest intensity would not be directed towards Branksome Heath Middle School. Also that emissions from the proposed mast were well within ICNIRP guidelines.
Councillors Clements and Plummer, Ward Councillors, supported the Petition signed by 591 persons against the application because the mast was close to the school playing field and residential properties. They also referred to evidence of potential health risks from antennae from surveys undertaken around the world.
A Member sought clarification on the statement in the Report that masts were not allowed on Council owned property. He stated that the Council policy was that applications for telecommunication stations had to be considered by Full Council. He also pointed out that the matter was being considered at the Council Meeting on 20 December 2005.
Members considered that the proposed location was in the wrong position and that the applicant should look at alternative sites, including a site within the Cemetery.
AGREED REFUSE for the following reason:
1. The applicants have not demonstrated that they have properly considered all possible alternative locations for the mast, most particularly the opportunities afforded by adjacent Borough of Poole land. The proposals are therefore contrary to the provisions of Policy BE10 (i) of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (2004).
Item No:3
Case Officer:Ms C M Dick
Site:81 Haven Road, Poole, Dorset, BH13 7LW
Application No:05/14538/013/F
Date Received:27th October 2005
Applicant:Seven Developments Ltd
Development:Relief of Condition 5 of Planning Permission 05/14538/012/F granted 21.9.05 with relation to retention of the existing boundary wall.
Ward:F 060 Canford Cliffs
Councillor Mrs Deas left the meeting for consideration of the application.
The Committee had visited the site prior to the meeting.
Mr D Williams, applicant’s agent, stated that Members would have seen from the site visit that the wall enhanced the appearance of the site. He also stated that the applicant would be happy to accept the conditions suggested by the Case Officer in respect of works to the wall.
Councillor Sorton, Ward Councillor, stated that although the site visit had been helpful, he was concerned that the applicant had knocked down the existing wall without telling the Planning Unit, contrary to the permission and that the conditions imposed on the permissin would be ignored. Members noted the concerns of the Ward Councillor and instructed the Officers to ensure that the the conditions imposed in the permissions for the site were complied with.
AGREED GRANT Subject to the following conditions:
Subject to the following condition(s)
1 - GN150 (Detailed Permission - Time Expiry 3 Years (Standard) )
2 - The approved roughcast coloured render (colour 276 Stone Grey by Weber: Monocouche Render) to be used on the wall shall be completed before the building is first occupied. The development thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and the colour shall be retained at all times.
3 - LS040 (Landscaping Scheme to be Implemented )
4 - Notwithstanding the approved plans, within 28 days of the date of this consent, details of the treatment of the union between the random rubble wall and the replacement wall hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These works shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of any flat and thereafter retained at all times.
5 - The replacement boundary wall hereby approved (and as existing on 14 December 2005) shall be maintained and retained at all times. Furthermore, the approved boundary hedge shall within 12 months of the completion of development, be cultivated to a height of not less than 1.5m above the wall along its entire length and shall thereafter at all times be maintained and retained at not less than this height along the entire length of the boundary wall.
Informative Note(s)
1 - IN620 - Summary of Reasons for Decision
Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) Order 2003
The proposed development has been tested against the following policies of the Development Plan and, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, is not in conflict with the following policies:
a) The proposal will not affect the character and amenities of the area - Policy BE1, BE2 and NE23
b) No protected trees will be affected - Policy NE28
2 - This application is to be read in conjunction with 05/14538/012/F.
Item No:4
Case Officer:Mr D Howells
Site:6A Birds Hill Road & 54-56 Churchfield Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2QJ
Application No:05/09614/012/F
Date Received:19th September 2005
Agent:Pegasus Planning Group 2-10 Kings Parade Mews Clifton Bristol BS8 2RE
Applicant:Ravine Investments
Development:Demolish existing and erect 3 x two storey blocks of 12 flats and 1 house with accommodation in roof space and basement parking. Access from Birds Hill Road. (Revised Scheme) as amended plans received 21-11-05 and 05-12-05
Ward:C 030 Poole Town
The Chairman vacated the Chair for consideration of this application.
The Vice-Chairman took the Chair for consideration of this application.
The Case Officer reported that a total of 51 households had objected to the application.
Mr G Chard and Mr I Fisher, spoke on behalf of objectors, stating that the replacement buildings would be out of character and detrimental to the surrounding area. There was inadequate car parking provision to serve residents’ needs and would result in an intensive use of vehicular access which would prejudice highway safety. There was also concern that the application, if approved, would set a precedent for similar development.
Mr R Carr, applicant, stated that he had worked with the Case Officer to achieve a satisfactory design. He had also stated that he had sought Counsel’s opinion on the application and he had confirmed that the application complied with the policies contained within the Poole Local Plan.
The Case Officer reported that the Head of Transportation Services supported the application as visibility splays were secured, and measures were included to ensure traffic movement/highway safety.
Councillor Leverett, Ward Councillor, spoke in support of the objectors, stating that the application should be refused for the same reasons as the previous application.
Members considered that this was an improvement on the previous application and that there were no good planning reasons to refuse it.
AGREED GRANT – subject to a Section 106 Legal Agreement for:
- A financial contribution of £12,952 (plus administration fee) towards the provision of recreational facilities in accordance with Policy L17 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004)
- A financial contribution of £10,000 (plus administration fee) towards the promotion of modes of transport, other than the private car in accordance with Policy T13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004)
- A financial contribution of £1,000 towards the review of on-street car parking restrictions.
Note: If the Section 106 Legal Agreement is not completed speedily then the application may be refused without further reference to Committee.
Subject to the following conditions:
1 - GN150 (Detailed Permission - Time Expiry 3 Years (Standard))
2 - GN020 (Screen Fencing/Walling - Submission of Details Required)
3 - GN030 (Sample of Materials - Submission of Details Required)
4 - Prior to the first occupation of any building hereby approved, provision shall be made within the site for storage of refuse in accordance with the siting as shown on the approved site plan.
5 - Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 and the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or any subsequent re-enactment thereof, no further windows, extensions, porches, dormer windows or fences other than those authorised by this permission shall be erected in connection with or for the benefit of the proposed maisonette (unit 2 on the approved plans) hereby approved without express planning permission first being obtained from the Local Planning Authority.
6 - The communal gardens as shown on the approved site plan shall be retained for communal use by the all residents of the block of flats and maisonette hereby approved and at no time shall any part of the communal garden be severed to create a private amenity area.
7 - The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the access, turning space, vehicle and cycle parking shown on the approved plan have been constructed, and these shall thereafter be retained and kept available for those purposes at all times.
8 - Prior to the commencement of development, the developer shall agree in writing with the Local Planning Authority proposals for accommodatingoperatives and construction vehicles. Provision in accordance with the agreed details shall be made and retained for the whole contract period, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
9 - All other existing accesses to the site shall be permanently stopped up and abandoned within 7 days upon construction or opening up of the new access in which respect details are to be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority prior to the new access being constructed unless otherwise agreed in writing.
10 – HW 200 (Provision of visibility splays)
11 – For the avoidance of doubt, the minimum clearance headroom to the basement car parking entrance shall be 2.5 metres prior to first occupation of any flats or house hereby approved and thereafter shall be retained at the specified minimum height.
Informative Notes
1 - This application and permission is subject to a requirement that a capital contribution is made towards recreational/open space provision in accordance with the policies contained in the Poole Local Plan.
2 - This application and permission is subject to a requirement that a capital contribution is made towards alternative modes of transport other than the car and a review of on-street car parking restriction in accordance with the policies contained in the Poole Local Plan.
3 - IN620 - Summary of Reasons for Decision
The proposed development has been tested against the following policies of the Development Plan and, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, is not in conflict with the following policies:
a)The proposal will not affect the character and amenities of the area - Policies BE1 and BE2
b)Recreation contribution agreed - Policy L17
c)The proposals encourage higher densities in appropriate locations - Policy H9
d)The proposals are compatible in a residential area - Policy H13
e)The proposals provided adequate car parking and alternative modes of transport other than the private motor car - Policies T11 and T13
Item No:5
Case Officer:Ms C M Dick
Site:6, 8 & 10 St Peters Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 0PA
Application No:05/05300/002/F
Date Received:16th September 2005
Agent:Canford Cliffs Architects 28 Haven Road Canford Cliffs Poole Dorset BH13 7LP
Applicant:Mr R Annauth
Development:Demolish existing and erect a three storey building to provide residential care accommodation with associated parking provision. (Revised Scheme).
Ward:D 040 Parkstone
The Chairman vacated the Chair for consideration of this application.
The Vice-Chairman took the Chair for consideration of this application.
The Case Officer recommended that a further condition be added to the recommendation relating to details of secure parking facilities to be submitted prior to commencement of the development. Also, that condition 13 should read 13 trees, not 3.
Members were concerned that the Report did not contain details relating to the felling of trees on site and considered that the application should be deferred to enable the Committee to visit the site.
AGREED to defer consideration of the application to the next meeting to enable the Committee to visit the site.
Item No:6
Case Officer:Ms L Cooper
Site:34 Fairview Drive, Broadstone, Dorset, BH18 9AP
Application No:05/19915/001/F
Date Received:26th August 2005
Applicant:Ms D Watts
Development:Erect a 2 storey side extension to create an additional semi-detached dwelling with associated parking as amended by plans received 21.10.05.
Ward:O 150 Broadstone
Mr J Merrall spoke on behalf of 14 residents who were living in the cul-de-sac of Fairview Drive, stating that the development would result in the destruction of habitat for flora and fauna. Also, the development would increase the on-street parking and give rise to congestion on an already congested road.
Mr G Metcalfe, a friend of the applicant, spoke on her behalf, stating that the dwelling would be in keeping with the other properties in the cul-de-sac. Also, it would have two off-street parking places in front of the dwelling.
Councillor Brooke, Ward Councillor, spoke in support of the objectors because the development would be out of character with the other dwellings in the cul-de-sac and would affect their amenities.
Members considered there were no planning reasons to refuse the application provided the Officers were satisfied that the existing footway at the rear of the property could be retained.
AGREED to delegate to the Head of Planning Design and Control Services authority to approve the application subject to the submission of amended drawings incorporating the retention of the existing footway at the rear of the site and subject to the following conditions:
1 - GN150 (Detailed Permission - Time Expiry 3 Years (Standard))
2 - GN030 (Sample of Materials - Submission of Details Required)
3 - HW080 (Access Crossing - First 4.5 Metres Constructed to Specification)