School District of New Glarus

P. O. Box 7 District (608) 527-2410

1701 Second Street Fax (608) 527-5101

New Glarus, WI 53574

Congratulations! You have been nominated for induction into the New Glarus Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS). Your nomination is based on your academic standing of a GPA of 3.400 or above. To be formally selected into NHS, you will be additionally judged by the qualities of character, leadership, and service based on the national standards. As you complete your application, consider including many specific examples for each area to allow the committee enough information to consider your admissions into the National Honor Society. Please note all applications will be numbered and anonymous, so a complete application is important. You will find the application at student resources under quick links on the New Glarus School District home page. After opening the document, save the document, type your answers into the form (gray boxes), print, and return the form to Mr. Taylor no later than Wednesday, April 20th, 2016 @ 3:30 pm. Emailed applications will not be accepted. No handwritten applications will be accepted. Please be aware this is a firm deadline and any applications turned in after this date will not be considered by the committee.



Year in School:


Please list the courses you have completed at New Glarus High School and are now in the process of completing:


School Activities/Organizations in which you have actively participated:

Place a X by all the following that apply and add any not listed:

Student Council FFA Mock Trial

Capital Art Show FCCLA Band

Musical/Play Student Senate Choir

Forensics Science Fair Solo and Ensemble

Science Club PBIS Committee GAPP Program

Forensics Math Club Lego League

Chess Club Other: Explain:

Sports in which you have actively participated:

Place a X by all the following that apply and add any not listed:

Football Volleyball Track

Basketball Soccer Cross-Country

Softball Wrestling Baseball

Golf Other: Explain:

List any employment experiences you have:


Identify any offices held as part of your class or a school organization:

Identify any position as captain or co-captain held with sports:

Identify any committees or other activities you may have headed or organized:

Identify any special recognitions, awards, or scholarships earned:

Identify any management or supervisory positions held in during employment:

Identify any other leadership opportunities you have taken apart of but not referenced in the above questions.


Please identify any volunteer or service you have performed for the community (outside of school). Describe the service and the number of hours involved.

Please identify any volunteer or service work you have completed for the school. Describe the service and the number of hours involved.

Personal Reflection:

Please write a paragraph explaining why you would like to be inducted into the National Honor Society and what you will do to benefit and improve the National Honor Society of New Glarus.